Syrian Observatory Says 'Hardly Any' ISIL Left in Aleppo as Jihadist HQ Falls to Rebels
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
"Hardly any" jihadists from the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant are left in Aleppo, a Syrian NGO said Wednesday after the fall of ISIL's headquarters there.
"ISIL withdrew from the Inzarat area after clashes with fighters from rebel... brigades, and the post office building was taken over by Islamist rebel fighters" who had been battling ISIL, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
"There are hardly any ISIL members left in the city of Aleppo."
The Observatory said earlier that fighters from several Syrian rebel brigades have seized the headquarters of ISIL in Aleppo.
"Fighters from several Islamist rebel brigades took control of the children's hospital in the Qadi Askar district, which is the headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the city," the Observatory said.
The Observatory said it was unclear what had happened to "hundreds" of ISIL fighters who had been inside the headquarters.
The rebels freed dozens of people who were being held prisoner in the ISIL headquarters, it added, citing initial reports.
ISIL has been fighting a coalition of moderate and Islamist rebels angered by a spate of abuses by the jihadists, who have been accused of kidnapping and killing civilians and rival rebels.
Late Tuesday, an ISIL spokesman said the group would "crush" opposition fighters and warned that it considered members of the opposition National Coalition and the military command of the Free Syrian Army to be "legitimate targets."

yea, lol. just one thing though "the children's hospital in the Qadi Askar district, which is the headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant"
then they cry when the SAA bombs them and say the SAA bombed a children's hospital... classic

and you are claiming there were children left in the headquarters of ISIL? Cheap propagandist

idiot. i'm saying they are using children's hospitals, mosques and schools as headquarters, then they whine when they get bombed and claim those buildings should be sanctuaries.

Should have been mental hospital, it has all necessary facilities to cater to those nutheads. Like straightjackets and antidepressants.

So Abou Mhammad al-Allouchti took over the headquarters of Abou Mhammad al-Gabby14. He is now moving on to capture the headquarters of Abou Mhammad al-primesuspect, Abou Mhammad al-Geha and Abou Mhammad al-FlameCatcher. When will the turn of Abou Mhammad al-Netenyahu come? takbir

We are seeing the "rebranding" of the Islamists so that they may be seen in a better light. Those behind this new improved Salafist front still desire a Sunni Wahhabi government in Syria.
So instead of the ISIS Caliphate model we will be seeing a Sunni fundamentalist model loyal to the KSA to take Syria to a Salafist Islam marginalizing Alawites, Christians, Druze and of course Iranian influence.

ice-man ~ "Yep re-branding and re-packaging for re-marketing."
Very perceptive ... and in the meantime over one hundred thousand killed and millions of refugees most Sunnis ...
Proof that the KSA\USA\NATO care little about the people only about their project to block Iran with a Wahhabi government in Syria.

Yes to the idiots because the SAA and Hizbollah have a big heart for children when they load cars with a time bombs to eliminate m14 politicians. Wait a minute they kept beating the civilians in front of the Iranians embassy until the dude died, their heart is so big and lots of mercy after 30 yrs of moukhabarat beating in Lebanon 3nar and ras beyrouth.
Learn one lesson, if your house is in glass do not try to throw a single stone and shut up.

they never blew up m14 politicians. this is m14 propaganda for political gain.

STL! Ant Elias premature detonation of the bomb! Attempted bombing of Butrous Harb's elevator. you can claim lies and conspiracies and all kinds of ludicrous excuses (such as settling a car dispute by playing hot potato with a bom)you want. Reality is they played a role in the murder of anti Syrian politicians and figures.
now please show us how you have disproved all the evidence of the STL. I would love to see you dispute a single piece of evidence they are presenting. Just one! do you accept the challenge?

Excellent news. Love how all the M8'ers are trying not to panic at the coming resurgence of goodwill for the rebels which will lead to military victories on the ground for the FSA/IF.

Also I love how the ISIL in issuing its threats only mentions the FSA and Council. They don't want to admit to themselves that they also got the Islamic Front fighting against them. This is the extent of their abuses and servitude to Bashar, that even the MB/Salafi's want nothing to do with them.

LOL ... or ?
More of the "ISIS is sponsored by Assad" lies. At this point M14 is so confused, befuddled and desperate that comedy is becoming tragedy.

sure... and for M8 assad is the poor victim that you all cry for... poor kids...

isn't that what the resistance did in 2006: hid in schools and hospitals?

the point of this story is as follows:
the rebels are kicking out ISIL who has been created by the Syrian regime and iran.
that is for those who want to understand.

geha says ~ "the rebels are kicking out ISIL who has been created by the Syrian regime and iran."
It is no wonder that M14 supporters are so confused with propaganda like this lie.
geha asks us to believe Iran and Syria funded Takfiri fighters. I guess Ayman al- Zawahiri is a Shia spokesperson for ISIS.

I think the ISIl are leaving to go fight in Fallouja, Iraq. they pay more there.

You are all idiots... including the moderator of this website who will enjoy reading this (probably) alone. Messed up country of petty minds. Very few on the comments have made positive contributions. Reminds me of the 70s wars and the ongoing curses on walkie talkies between snipers from West and East Beirut... Idiots all of you. Lebanon gone to waste because of how your parents raised you.

Good point iceman. HA terrorist headquarters were below a hospital. Isn't that where the STL has zeroed as the command center for the murderers who killed Harriri?

no ice-boy, that's not true. in fact they were hiding under the refugee camp in Qana, which is why the most moral army in the world had to bomb it.
canadianadam: was that in ariel sharon's memoirs?

mckinl: no no you dont get it. assad had a vermin infestation in his house, so he created the peaceful protesters to divert attention. when this was done, he created the not-peaceful protesters to divert attention from the peaceful ones. after that, he created entire brigades of FSA, again, as a very smart diversion, which he finally countered with the ISIS and nusra.
now, while those kill each other, he can gas the vermin without anyone noticing. genius! isnt he?

The so called "Moderate" rebels whom are all Salafis as we all know. They are mad at ISIL because they are the most powerful militia in Syria, and the most experienced aswell. ISIL is pressured in neighbouring Iraq, so they had to send alot of their force overthere, meanwhile the other rebels or insurgents, used this as an opportunity, to take over the ISIL strongholds and areas. This is nothing else than chaos and destruction, insurgents are so confused, that they are now firing upon each other. Even The AL Nusra Sheikh called for the armed groups to stop the fighting, but with no luck.

ISIL is the most powerful opposition militia in Syria, due to their experience in Iraq against the US Troops.

Go FSA Go... Crush those ISIL like a mosquito. And once you finish, continue onto their ally assad.

would you have said the same if your beloved partners exterminated Da3esh like the FSA is doing now
of course no, it would have been another divine victory

Your post is not very clar. You mean to say that ISIL sees that it is being defeated, and hence is leaving Syria and going to fight in Irak?
Is that a personal analysis? or do you have a source?

leb_roar: What's your take on the Big Bang Theory versus evolution?

roar... come on man... I dont buy into debka. It is a zionist mouthpiece.
Notwithstanding, qaeda will never succeed, it is doomed to failure. It does not scare us long term.
What is scary is that Assad stays in power, playing with lebanon as a pawn, using it and abusing it to advance its evil interests.

"ISIL has been fighting a coalition of moderate and Islamist rebels..."
HAHAHA! Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists are moderate?! LOL!

ayman al Zawahiri is in iran :) and that according to several reports.
same as hizbushaitan are arming sunni extremists in Tripoli, iran has been doing the same in Syria. and that aalso is comprehensively reported.
I do not think anyone needs proof about the Syrian regime training and arming extremists to send them to Iraq?
anyway, I know you are too blind to accept the reality and you will flood your hate comments now :)

M14 funny propaganda #1: ISIL is a creation of the Syrian regime used by them to derail the revolution.
Stay tuned for M14 funny propoganda #2 tomorrow.

The hypocracy of some of the m8 drones never end. The main hospital in Aleppo was transformed into a base by regime troops. Most hospitals in rebel held areas have long ceased to operate and their operations were moved to make shift or temporary facilities because of targetted government shelling. To read more about the monstrocity of the regime (and therefore see the hypocricy of m8 drones), google human rights watch syria.

same technique used by hezbollah when they hid in villages and whined when villages were bombed LOL
all extremists do the same....

sure M8 have a very short term memory... assad trained harbored financed manipulated islamist extremists for decades and suddenly they disappeared from the syrian scene? now they are only introduced by saudis?
but M8ers need simple things for their simple minds to understand otherwise when it becomes a bit complex they bug and start insulting people, enraged they are not to understand that their theories do not work! LOL

"One cannot rationally dissociate the Syrian regime from terrorism. Syria provides safe haven for a myriad of terrorist organizations, directs their operations, and uses occupied Lebanon as their main field of training and operation. Terrorist organizations do not stand on their own in terms
of identity; instead, they are proxies to regimes that provide them with financial means and an operational framework for their terrorist activities. The suggestion heard in some circles that these regimes can be charged with the task of dismantling terrorist organizations is the height of naiveté and folly. Furthermore, let's not forget that the clandestine nature of these regimes and organizations would allow them to quickly
and easily restructure and reemerge under completely new
aliases, ready to resume operations in full capacity."
michel aoun US senate...
but i guess he didn't know what he was talking about?
plus just go and read other reports you can easily find on the net

Guys as possibly the only Syrian here, i tell the may 8 crowd if you love bashar and his family so much you can have them.Its amazing how the tayar watani crowd who for years tasted this regimes jails and torture and brutality, now wants us to endure him forever.
so yes yes everyone who opposes the corruption of rami makhlouf ,the torture of the children of darea,the years arif dellila and michel kilo and other activists spent in jail, is a takfeeree, wahabi, salafi, zionist, ....

Many international Al-Qaeda plots have Syrian links. The head of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain, which claimed responsibility for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in May 2003, trained in Syria.The prosecutor in the trial of the terrorists who attacked Madrid in 2004 suspects Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain member Hassan el-Haski of involvement in the train bombings.In May 2004, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's lieutenants and, perhaps Zarqawi himself, held meetings on Syrian territory to plan terrorism in Iraq aimed at provoking sectarian violence.Syria harbored and refused to extradite Suleiman Khaled Darwish, Zarqawi's second-in-command and, reportedly, a liaison between Al-Qaeda and Syrian military intelligence. (He was finally killed in October 2008 in a U.S. raid on Syrian territory).

"The Assad regime sponsors terrorism because it is a regime based on terrorism. The advantages for the Assad regime to sponsor jihadists are many. They seek to use terrorists to defeat the United States in the region, thwart the development of democracies in Lebanon and Iraq, and to employ terror as a means of waging war against Israel. Outmatched by the weapons the West possesses, Syria repeatedly turns to unconventional means. Terror sponsorship also creates a dependency upon the Assad regime making it counterproductive for the forces of Islamic extremism to wage war against it. So long as Assad retains a tight grip on Syria, he need not fear these forces turning against him."

Peace.... I love it when you totally embarrass fifi.
It warms my heart :)

Right mowaten, it reminds me of when HA uses civilian areas to fight Israel and then whine when they get bombed. Glad you noticed that.

geha says ~ "ayman al Zawahiri is in iran"
Yes we know ... Ayman al Zawahiri is staying at Bandar bin Sultan's Iranian ski lodge ... Ayman loves snowboarding and the snowboarding is great ! ...

helicopter: is that why they razed dahiyeh with massive bombs? how many missiles were fired from there?
psst: it's -zero- in case you're wondering.