Hizbullah Prevents Official Security Apparatuses from Investigating Rouwais Blast

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The blast that took place in the Rouwais area in Beirut’s southern suburbs was targeting former detainee in Israeli jail, Samir al-Qontar, revealed the daily An Nahar on Sunday from official security information.

It noted that the blast, which Hizbullah’s media department said was caused by the explosion of a gas canister, erupted in the neighborhood where the former prisoner lives.

The media department said that only material damage was incurred in the blast.

The pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat meanwhile reported on Sunday that Hizbullah is preventing the official Lebanese security apparatuses from entering its stronghold of Dahieh.

The apparatuses were prohibited from entering the area where they were seeking to conduct the official investigation to determine the causes of the incident, a security source told the daily.

A prominent judicial source told the daily that a military tribunal official managed to reach the scene of the accident, refusing to add information on the matter.

Asked if the blast was caused by a gas canister, the judicial source replied: “No comment.”

Asharq al-Awsat reported that witnesses, who managed to reach the scene before Hizbullah drove them away, stated that the accident “was caused by a blast larger than the explosion of a gas canister.”

They revealed that four cars were nearly completely destroyed by the explosion with broken glass strewn all over the street.

Furthermore, they revealed that civil defense teams that hurried to the area were prevented from accessing the scene.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 31 July 2011, 10:24

What is the Cemtex party attempting to conceal in the Dahie area that is linked to a mere gas canister explosion?? What is it that ' s so secret that the state aparatus is prohibited from approaching ? Is it the underground tunnel network hiding arms stockpiles? Daie i behaving like Tall El Zaatar once was, and deserves ultimately the same treatment. Or else, if the Cemtex party has created a de facto state, then M14 should declare state desobedience (just like Aoun and Franjieh threatened so many time to do) stop paying taxes, electricity, create parallel administrative structures. Isn' t it what Hezbolla3nah has done and possesses!

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 31 July 2011, 12:26

Hezbiran is a at it again!

Default-user-icon grumpy (Guest) 31 July 2011, 13:13

The truth will never be told by these lying thugs.They are the the product of the deceiving Ayatollahs who tailor facts to lies so they can rule the sheep.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 31 July 2011, 14:21

The government does not have any expertise in propane gas tank explosions. Let Hezbollah handle it, they know...

Default-user-icon proGMA (Guest) 31 July 2011, 14:39

It is about time for the Official Lebanese Authorities to start liberating occupied forbidden areas !

Default-user-icon proGMA (Guest) 31 July 2011, 14:41

Occupied land in Lebanon is not only by Israel.....

Default-user-icon Antoine Nasr (Guest) 31 July 2011, 14:46

Where is le phenichien, the cheerleader of shia (and the son of a saudi who impregnated a gma aounist woman and then left them) to defend this?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 31 July 2011, 15:43

for the fourth time:unifil was saved from another explosion.
N.B.samir quntar was present AT THE 11TH FLOOR OF THE SAME BUILDING

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 31 July 2011, 16:12

Its not something new to hear again that Hezbollah does what he wants when he wants in Dahieh, or anywhere in Lebanon. Our president is a coward that is hiding under the pretext of stability and peace, what they themselves are making him believe, but there is no stability without justice for eternal criminals and warlords, as well as the killing of Hariri, Kassir, Tueni, Gemayel, those were good people, bad people are never targeted this way unless they die in combat.

- The only way to remove the status quo that Hezbollah created in Lebanon thanks to the bootlickers Emile Lahoud, and Miche Aoun lately, is to arm again our own people,train them, protect our own areas, no need for civil strife, we will do exactly the same as they are doing to us. no one will enter our regions, and finally we will head towards a federal country where every region is independant from each other and receives as much as the people pay for its services. that it thats all, now March 14th , Nut up or shut up

Missing mark 01 August 2011, 01:07

anyway، قنطار is dead = - 1 rat/بيج

Default-user-icon rolfen (Guest) 01 August 2011, 04:49

A gas canister explosion destroyed four cars? Right...

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 01 August 2011, 07:49

Mirvete111, of course i am entitled to my name thank you for reminding me that because i didnt know, and yes i will keep it and no my ideas are born of self defense from your friends from Hezbollah and specially Michel Aoun which is working for them to destroy Lebanon, they do anything they want where they want, they dont allow security and military people investigate in Dahieh, they attack people in Lassa, and before beirut, and before that provoke a war with Israel which got exactly what it wanted, the destruction of lots of our infrastructure. Tell me what is left exept protect ourselves not wage a war so you have to read well what i proposed, we should have our own people to protect us since the army is subject to politics and wont intervene because it is scared. How should i protect my family? by bowing for ever to foreign powers and specially their agents in Lebanon? maybe you can but i and some people will never do that. thank you