Son of Businessman, 10, Kidnapped in Zahle

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The 10-year-old son of a businessman was abducted at gunpoint on Friday in the eastern city of Zahle, the state-run National News Agency reported.

According to NNA, Michel al-Saqr was heading to school with the family's driver when four masked gunmen in a Grand Cherokee SUV kidnapped him.

The Grand Cherokee intercepted al-Saqr's Kia vehicle, pointed a gun at the driver before driving off with Michel.

Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) reported that the father was informed that he might be the victim of an abduction ordeal.

The reasons behind the abduction remain unclear.

Several residents blocked the Zahle highway to protest the abduction of Michel.

Judge Farid Kallas issued a search warrant for the kidnappers of the boy after inspecting the site of the incident.

The abduction is suspected to be kidnap-for-ransom.

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq tasked security agencies to take all the necessary measures to release Michel.

The minister called for a security meeting to address the kidnapping phenomenon in the country.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi later condemned Michel's kidnapping, demanding that he be released immediately “for the sake of his childhood and parents.”

“Such crimes violate people's dignity that is granted to them by God,” he remarked in a statement.

Moreover, he deemed the kidnapping phenomenon as “alien” to Lebanon and its traditions, because it tarnishes its image and threatens its security and stability.

The patriarch urged President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Tammam Salam, the Army Command, and all security agencies to take the necessary measures to prevent future abductions and lift political cover off the perpetrators.

Later on Friday afternoon, Zahle lawmakers demanded security forces to arrest the "terrorists" behind the kidnapping.

"We call on security forces to work on releasing Michel al-Saqr and arresting the terrorist kidnappers," MP Tony Abou Khater said on behalf of his fellow Zahle MPs at a press conference.

He added: "We have decided to keep our meetings open and we will communicate with all security and military officials, with the cities' figures and parties that are responsible for restoring security in Zahle."

Brital municipality chief Abbas Ismael also held a meeting over the kidnapping and the conferees announced their solidarity with the young abductee and his family.

"We demand the Lebanese state to do its job and free the kidnapped minor and return him to his family,” they said.

On Thursday, Antoine Daher al-Kaadi was kidnapped by masked gunmen on the Ablah road in the Bekaa and was released later during the day in unknown circumstances.

The kidnap-for-ransom phenomenon increased last year and has been strongly criticized by officials from across the political spectrum.

Lebanon had also witnessed a wave of sectarian abductions caused by the war in Syria have also taken place.

Comments 28
Thumb popeye 07 March 2014, 08:41

HA and its supporters behind it.

Thumb popeye 07 March 2014, 11:37

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, ..Flamethrower.. , but alas!

Thumb .mowaten. 07 March 2014, 11:43

oh thanks guys, that was a case quickly solved. can you give me an answer on the kennedy killing? i have a hunch HA is also behind it, but i'm not totally sure. i need a confirmation from a reliable source like you trusted propagandists.

Missing marhaba 07 March 2014, 11:47

The matter of the fact is a 10 year old boy was kidnapped. That is beyond politics. But you're too "enlightened" to see that.

Thumb ex-fpm 07 March 2014, 11:51

In all probability it is HA followers from the Bekaa.

Thumb .mowaten. 07 March 2014, 13:25

lol. "track record". do you even know what that means? track record means proven, sure. not "we've been yelling unfounded accusations repeatedly for a while now, so they must have gained some credibility"

track record means for instance when the Estonian cyclists were kidnapped (near zahle, what a coincidence) and their kidnappers turned out to be FSA scum hiding in arsal. ouch titan, are you keeping a "track record" of all the new holes I've been ripping you?

Thumb .mowaten. 07 March 2014, 15:15

lol yes you bunch of smarties, nobody else buys american 4x4s, their whole industry was built just to supply HA.

you keep proving how mentally limited you are with every comment.

Thumb warrior 07 March 2014, 15:22

HA is a paramilitary organization and it controls its constituency and what happens in its areas of control much like a military rule. Mustaqbal is not an armed party nor does it have any influence over any armed Sunni groups. Your logic is flawed when making such comparison.

Thumb warrior 07 March 2014, 15:25

southern,; why do you refer to anyone who criticizes HA or even accuses HA as being hateful sectarian or paid inciter as you mention in your post. I fail to understand your reasoning. I have seen you criticize Lebanese Forces and every other party in Lebanon. Should I call you hateful sectarian.... I don't.

Missing -karim- 07 March 2014, 08:58

FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists, most likely.

Thumb cedre 07 March 2014, 12:49

must be Fadl Shaker...

Thumb smarty 07 March 2014, 11:29

Ashraf........ Rifi? Noooooooo!
Ashraf........ elnass ? Yessssss!

Thumb -phoenix1 07 March 2014, 12:11

The media is fuzzed about this latest incident, our authorities still have cold feet in telling us who did it, and the people are exposed to the wildest speculations, and here we go again for another round of posts that are nothing less than shouting matches.

Thumb -phoenix1 07 March 2014, 12:43

@speakfreely, fuzzed media and cold security suffering from cold feet broadcast a powerful message, inertia, speculation, confusion and despair. This crime is part of the bigger organized one.

Thumb -phoenix1 07 March 2014, 13:00

**fuzzed media and security suffering from cold feet...***

Thumb -phoenix1 07 March 2014, 20:11

You're right @speakfreely, this matter horrifies everyone, we all have families, this is why I keep maintaining that same position, let the law be very firm with the culprits. I am for jailing them, taking them to court and give them a fair trail, till proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, but therafetr hang them, and in public. I very much hope that our authorities will persist and catch the sods who committed this heynous crime, and bring to justice these filthy criminals, and extend on them the harshest punishment of the law.

Thumb cedre 07 March 2014, 12:49

Sick country, what kind of people kidnap a kid ?

Thumb EagleDawn 07 March 2014, 12:54

the same people who massacre women and children and kill their fellow lebanese.

Thumb cedre 07 March 2014, 13:24

yeah u're right ft it happens everywhere.
Btw mabrouk the new account, banned again ? Why do u keep coming back?
I can see only 2 reasons :
-u're paid to pollute this site
- u got no life and all ur family and relatives turned u down.

So which one ?

Thumb cedre 07 March 2014, 15:01

i never got banned ft, u get banned twice a week and come back running...

Thumb eli-g 07 March 2014, 12:51

these politicians squabbling about a stupid ministerial statement that no one cares about. Fighting and prosecuting kidnaping should be the first item in the ministerial statement and go find this child.

Thumb -phoenix1 07 March 2014, 13:01

Eli, I wish you said balls instead of toes, but yeah, such filthy cowards don't have balls, so they should be hanged as normal, from the neck till pronounced dead. The earlier the state does so, the better, but the state as I said shows that it tends to suffer from cold feet.

Thumb eli-g 07 March 2014, 13:12

No FT this did not happen when I was in Lebanon. We never heard of such things. They are copycats importing this from Latin America and Africa.

Thumb eli-g 07 March 2014, 14:37

I cannot believe that they deleted my post because I cursed the kidnapers. who reported me?

Thumb popeye 07 March 2014, 14:42

who else? The people who support the kidnappers and live in Brital.

Thumb kataebi1965 07 March 2014, 14:40

The ISF should go crazy on all suspected individuals , houses , villages and clans . The chain effect and the repercussions if the kidnappers succeed in collecting kidnap money , will open doors to more and more I these happenings ...... This would definitely be areas in brital that need to be combed through and cleaned

Thumb kanaanljdid 07 March 2014, 15:52

Indeed the situation is as worst as before the civil war. Lots of bad days are ahead us sadly. Maybe worst even.

Default-user-icon Sarcasmatron4000 (Guest) 07 March 2014, 16:08

"Stop bringing painful war that we all suffered from jerk!! unless you are someone was hired to bring hate upon people!" In which latter case, sure, just go ahead and do your job. Seriously???