Report: Hizbullah Demands Apology from Suleiman over Remark to End Impasse

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Ties between President Michel Suleiman and Hizbullah reached a standstill as efforts exerted by officials to end the ongoing dispute didn't make any breakthrough.

A source close to Hizbullah told al-Liwaa newspaper, published on Saturday, that “the resistance will not accept anything less than an apology in order to reconsider rectifying the ties with Suleiman.”

“Endeavors by some sides to ease Suleiman's remarks will not resolve the matter,” the sources said.

According to al-Joumhouria newspaper, Youth and Sports Minister Abdul Motleb al-Hennawi was tasked by Suleiman to end the dispute but the minister failed to avert Hizbullah's stance.

Despite the President's efforts to rectify the ties with Hizbullah, informed sources told al-Liwaa newspaper that the relations reached a “deadlock.”

The tension between Suleiman and Hizbullah reached unprecedented levels recently after the president said during a speech that Lebanese parties should not hold onto inflexible equations that hinder the adoption of the new government's policy statement.

Suleiman had stated that the panel should steer away from “wooden equations” to which Hizbullah responded that the president “does not distinguish between gold and wood.”

His remark drew a sharp retort from Hizbullah, which said the president needed “specialized care.”

Comments 32
Thumb popeye 08 March 2014, 08:58

“the resistance will not accept anything less than an apology in order to reconsider rectifying the ties with Suleiman.”

What audacity.... you should apologize to the president, to the people of Lebanon, to the people of Syria, to the army, to the judges, to the ISF, and to every lebanese that you have offended, murdered, kidnapped and stole from.

Thumb EagleDawn 08 March 2014, 09:40

It is not the first time he insults the president. If the President does not follow their policies, then he is spared nothing.

Missing 08 March 2014, 09:42

How about "I am sorry I appeased you all these years!"

Thumb geha 08 March 2014, 10:40

hizbushaitan are the ones who should apologize from all the Lebanese people for all the harm they are doing to this country.

Thumb kanaanljdid 08 March 2014, 11:40

They insult the people of Lebanon everyday already, and claim it's for their good, so I am not surprised

Missing thatisit 08 March 2014, 15:33

wait a couple of days and they will deny that they have said this. The damage is already done and they made a point.

the arrogance of this organization has no bounds and one day they will pay a price. I am surprised no sane Shiite are out there is realizing this and working to stop this madness. Don's slap the hand that feeds you is at work here.

Thumb geha 08 March 2014, 16:32

Guys. let us avoid having any discussion with traitors like mowaten, ft, roar, and the like: it is useless. what do you say to a traitor and a hypocrite?
they were crying fowl against attacks on the army: where are they now that it is clear that hizbushaitan is attacking the army? they are trying to find excuses only for their masters :))))
enough is enough, this is not a resistance, this is an extremist terrorist Iranian militia, and we should eradicate this cancer from our country.

Thumb Maxx 08 March 2014, 17:01

And the Oscar for biggest balls goes to - The Iranian Occupation Forces, for requiring an apology from Lebanese President Michel Suleiman after he put Lebanon and the Lebanese above Iranian interests.

Thumb Maxx 08 March 2014, 18:33

There is no dignity in being under Iranian occupation. Nor, for that matter, in the mass-murder of Syrian civilians, or in paralysing government and fomenting unrest to serve foreign political goals. I can go on through most of the Iranian Occupation Forces' CV since 2000.

Thumb general_puppet 08 March 2014, 09:58

Nasrallah's Thugs ran amok last week insulting Lebanon and the President for no good reason. The Iranian militia will try to enforce the BS "RESISTANCE" at any cost.

LF was right to stay clear of this trap… I hope that Phalange refuses to go along with any compromise that tries to sneak in the militia's cover.

Thumb general_puppet 08 March 2014, 23:41

Full-of-BS… the country is not in a standstill, it is being destroyed by the terrorist militia. Shove the Zionist and you're Iranian/Assad occupiers they are all the same.

Thumb ex-fpm 08 March 2014, 10:03

If these outlaws were not carrying weapons, would they dare make such a demand. I doubt it...

Missing lebcan 08 March 2014, 10:13

Apology! ahhhh NO!!!! go climb a tree Hizbshitan...
What you going too do? put your gun to the presidents head to get your apology?
Yup you probably will do that ... just wait in the coming days ladies and gentlemen, that is the threat that will be imposed on ALL OUR lebanese president from the Party of the the Devil that represents only SOME parts of Lebanon!
This filthy Zionest project militia is in control!

Missing lebcan 08 March 2014, 10:19

And believe me so... every confrontation that occurs between the Zionist and Hizbshytan is nothing but a show!!!

Missing lebcan 08 March 2014, 10:16

EXACTLY !!! foreign Iranian agents!

Missing greatpierro 08 March 2014, 11:43

An apology for being Lebanese and not a follower of Iran wilayet al Faquih. We need all true lebanese to stand behind the President.

Missing agenor 08 March 2014, 13:23

The problem is that most of M8 people and leaders are precocious toddlers that cry when they don't get what they want. They don't know how to share or how to say please. They just think grab and it's MINE. As long as you play along then we are happy. If not temper tantrum. Sad little people.

Thumb eli-g 08 March 2014, 13:31

Hizballa will keep at it until the people of Lebanon finally say enough is enough, we stand by our country. We stand by our country and we reject the language of war. we stand by our country and we support one force to defend and support the constitution. Until then Lebanon is doomed.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 14:55

This now confirms beyond my worst doubts that Hezbollah has become demented, drunk and cocky with power. They've provoked His Excellency the president of Lebanon, now instead of them buying back some of their honor, they are conditioning the president to apologize? Are they mad or what? No amount of arrogance can exceed this absurd level, imagine, a militia that now embodies all the worst elements and obstacles to national development, peace and unity is now calling of the Lebanese presidency to apologize?! Wleh, min ento ento min?! You kidnap innocents, kill them when you wish, you take us to wars we don't want, you invade our areas, you steal the economy, wou ma3leysh, we must keep our mouths shut! Yesterday you shot at the army in several points, you kidnapped a kid of 9 years, Brital your holy land cannot be touched, now you want to take it this far? Fashartoh, the president is above you all, zo3ran wou bass, tfeh!! tafa7el keyl.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 16:34

(1). @City, me too I thank you, for never did I say I was anti Hezbollah, but I am anti what it is doing right now. You see brother, there is something I call qualitative criticism, even if at times bitter, should not reflect in you the things you wrote of me. City, you are prime witness to how many times I endured the bitterness, for the positions I took in defense of Hezbollah, you should know khaye, walaw? But now truth be told, I am Lebanese before everything, the state comes first and foremost, nothing comes before it. Can you remember when Bachir Gemayel orderd us in the LF to surrender our weapons and hand them over to the state in 1982?

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 16:40

(2). @City. My unit was among the first to receive the order, and we obeyed and started packing up in our depots, mine was in Karantina, remember khaye? You see, I still am LF, right to my bones, and my being so means that the state comes first, always, always, even if the state is far from perfect, it comes first. Today my priorities will shift, in favor of the state, but not necessarily against HA. Please habibi, even yesterday I was urging that Hezbollah retreat from Syria, return its arms in a gradual manner and continue purely as a part like the rest of us, did you read that post yesterday? Did you read that other post of two days ago where I clearly said that I am criticizing HA but will remain united with my Shiite sibling just as I am with the rest of my Lebanese siblings? Is this hatred ya akhi, kirmel Allah, be honest with me. I further know that only the state can secure my future and that of my children in this Lebanon of ours, and certainly not a militia, any militia.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 16:46

(3), @City. You see, I was a militiaman too, does the Saddem mean anything to you? But as the student of Bachir Gemayel, I also know and fully accept Bachir's teachings where he said, no militia can take the place of the state, and this no matter how strong the militia may be or how weak the state may be.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 16:48

(4). So, this is a principle to which I fully adhere to, till now, till I die. Today I am respectfully saying to Sayed Hassan and all the Hezbollah top cadres and to you too my brother, that same noble message of Bachir, Hezbollah cannot replace the state, not now, not ever. Walid Jumblatt said it also some years ago, that when a militia/party tries to control Lebanon, the rest of the parties, even those allied to it, will unite and rally against it. Are these principles wrong my brother? Please,... my friends usually call me the Christian Shiite, they are right, some of the people I love most in my life are Shiite and they know where I stand with my views, frank as I am, I remain accepted. Try dear brother not to feel this way about me, try to read my posts over how much I stood for you guys, but today yes, there is a red line, and it must not be crossed, the President, the state, the LAF, they are my life, my future and that of my kids too. Love you brother.

Thumb cityboy 08 March 2014, 17:11

Thanks phoenix, I will be very short because I know you want to get on with your weekend. Yes, I did read your messages last few days and love for you shia brothers which is most commendable. Being a shia, I too have love for the Christians, sunnis and druze and for Lebanon as a whole. Ironically, it is this love why I support HA. It would be hypocritical of me to support HA but not the state. The things you say HA is currently doing wrong, my views are different. I do see a foreign conspiracy against Lebanon, and the plural society and freedoms we enjoy here. Once the state is ready to handle this with out HA then I am all for HA handing over its weapons. sorry no time to comment on the rest of your points. good weekend.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 20:28

Bani Maarouf, never write when angry, take a deep breath, pray, prayer helps a lot, meditate if you can, but know that hatred is never a good thing. You see Bani, you cannot sit here and imagine things of other people, then calling people by names is not a nice thing for you to do. Pray young man or young girl, prayer helps, leave your cares in the hands of the Almighty, somehow He helps with replacing hatred with calmness, and in calmness comes focus. Next time you write, try Yanni, he does have a way of turning the brain to mellowness. I am serene with you Bani, till you grow up a little, then I can debate you as a grown up adult. Remember, charity begins at home, so does respect.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 March 2014, 20:32

Full-Disclosure, you're right about secularism, I share in it too. Then Cityboy is one of the persons whom I read intently, he among others remains an education and worthy of my time. Right now I am preparing two candles to light for Bani Maarouf, because I know that this young man or young girl has potential, if only he/she emulated people who can remain calm, composed and respectful.

Thumb eli-g 08 March 2014, 15:55

3eshna w'shefna.

Missing peace 08 March 2014, 18:42

hezbollah should apologize for not abiding by the states Policy and deciding in its place to drag Lebanon into war or peace....

they are the real traitors to the state.

Thumb .mowaten. 08 March 2014, 20:33

if 55% of the population vote for its political group, yes, totally.

Missing peace 08 March 2014, 20:59

"Why is he ONLY NOW criticizing HA? "

for the simple reason that hezbis disobey the state of Lebanon and brings terrorists into Lebanon.... no other reason!

Thumb shab 08 March 2014, 21:31

As I said many time, filthy murdering militia

Missing VINCENT 08 March 2014, 23:37

People of Lebanon: "It is time to once again stand on your feet and demand the expulsion of all politicians and foreigners who have benefited from dividing Lebanon and support the backs of neutral purely Lebanese civil servants who put the Wattan first".