Rahi Meets Suleiman, Says Supports President's Efforts in Preserving Unity

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Maronite Patriarch Bashara al-Rahi on Saturday voiced his support to President Michel Suleiman's effort “in preserving unity and stability in the country.”

"We support everything the president is doing to preserve unity and stability in Lebanon and we praise what he achieved in Paris during the international conference on Lebanon,” al-Rahi said after meeting with Suleiman at Baabda Palace.

The patriarch continued: “The presidency is like a cedar tree that the more it is faced with storms, the tighter it holds onto its roots and the stronger it defends Lebanon's freedom and sovereignty.”

The talks between al-Rahi and Suleiman tackled the latest developments in the country, including “the importance of reaching an accord on a ministerial policy statement and the cabinet's role is dealing with upcoming constitutional deadlines and citizens' affairs,” the state-run National News Agency said.

Al-Rahi's support to Suleiman comes after tension between soared lately between the president and Hizbullah when the former said Lebanese parties should not hold onto inflexible equations that hinder the adoption of the new government's policy statement.

His remark drew a sharp retort from Hizbullah, which said the president needed “specialized care.”

Comments 2
Missing helicopter 08 March 2014, 17:47

The patriarch continued: “The presidency is like a cedar tree that the more it is faced with storms, the tighter it holds onto its roots and the stronger it defends Lebanon's freedom and sovereignty.”.......
It is not the Presidency that is like the Cedar tree, rather it is the President himself, this President in particular. Emile Lahoud has no resemblance to a Cedar tree, but rather a Syrian boot.

Thumb chrisrushlau 08 March 2014, 17:59

As long as the Shiite majority does not turn its attention from Hezbullah's defense of the national territory and administration of Lebanon's domestic needs to the legal revolution by which that demographic majority will receive recognition under Lebanese law via one-person, one-vote, we will be all right, al Rahi told Suleiman. In fact, al Rahi added, I happen to know that we have nothing to worry about on this score: I am told, on the highest authority, that God is fast asleep, as we speak.