Last-Ditch Talks as Israel Warns Palestinians of Reprisals

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Israel and the Palestinians held last-ditch talks with a U.S. envoy Sunday on salvaging their teetering peace talks, after the Jewish state threatened to take retaliatory measures.

Warning that the peace process was on the edge of collapse, an Israeli official close to the talks said that even U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, its tireless sponsor, was cooling off.

"The way it's looking now, the talks as they were several weeks ago are no longer relevant," the source told Israeli news website Ynet.

"Israel is preparing to return to routine dealings with the Palestinians as they were before the negotiations started nine months ago," he said.

"We are noticing a real coolness in the way the Americans are treating (the peace process), and it's obvious that today's Kerry is not the same Kerry from a few weeks ago," the official said.

Another official, however, said another chance needed to be given to the efforts of Israel's chief negotiator Tzipi Livni's efforts.

"We have to wait a few more days... A lot of efforts are being done to salvage the situation," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, threatened to retaliate if the Palestinians proceed with applications to adhere to 15 international treaties.

"These will only make a peace agreement more distant," he said of the applications the Palestinians made on Tuesday.

"Any unilateral moves they take will be answered by unilateral moves at our end."

Netanyahu's remarks, made at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, came hours before Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met U.S. envoy Martin Indyk in an attempt to save the peace process.

The three-way meeting began in the afternoon and ended in the evening in Jerusalem, a Palestinian source said, but no news emerged from the encounter.

Kerry, the driving force behind the peace push, warned on Friday that there were "limits" to the time and energy Washington could devote to the talks process, as his appeals to both sides to step back from the brink fell on deaf ears.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected a plea from Kerry to withdraw the treaty applications, and Netanyahu ignored U.S. appeals to refrain from tit-for-tat moves, asking for a range of retaliatory options to be drawn up.

Israel says Abbas' move was a clear breach of the commitments the Palestinians gave when the talks were relaunched in July to pursue no other avenues for recognition of their promised state.

The Palestinians say Israel had already reneged on its own undertakings by failing to release a fourth and final batch of prisoners last weekend, and that the treaty move was their response.

"The Palestinians have much to lose from a unilateral move. They will get a state only through direct negotiations and not through empty declarations or unilateral moves," Netanyahu said on Sunday.

"We are prepared to continue talks, but not at any price."

Netanyahu noted the Palestinian application to the international institutions came "the moment before agreeing on the continuation of the talks" beyond their April 29 deadline.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, general secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee, blamed the latest talks crisis on Israel which "wants to extend the negotiations for ever" as it creates "more facts on the ground."

"Israel always implements unilateral steps," he told Voice of Palestine radio, saying the Palestinians were already being punished by Israel.

Officials from Netanyahu down have been cautious not to specify the exact nature of punitive measures Israel might take.

But media reports mention preventing Wataniya Palestine Telecom from laying down cellphone infrastructure in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, and halting Palestinian construction projects in parts of the West Bank.

Israel's chief negotiator, Justice Minister Livni, suggested that Washington scale down its "intensive" involvement in the process with the Palestinians.

"Part of what took place in the past months was primarily negotiations between us and the U.S., and less with the Palestinians," she told Channel 2 television on Saturday.

"We need bilateral meetings between us, including between the prime minister and Abu Mazen (Abbas)," she added.

Comments 23
Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 12:42

So Netanyahu calls Palestinians breaching the accord....hummm What has he been doing for the last decades? honoring Israel's commitment to the Oslo Accords ?? Yea right!!!!!!

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 12:45

stupid Arabs They are fighting each other instead of facing their common enemy.
just imagine if 1.5 million Arabs march peacefully to Jerusalem and do a sit in. I want see what Israel can do then..
Of course Arabs are busy destroying Syria.....Pffffffffffff

Missing samy.. 06 April 2014, 12:53

Arabs are a disgrace to the human race

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 14:00

Full D
that is what I meant the rich arab leaders are wasting the arab resources by arming arabs takfiris to kill arabs ( so called infidels)

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 14:03

HA is not destroying Syria HA somehow got stuck in the Syrian quagmire. what is destroying Syria are those who are paid and financed by the rich arab gulf states

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 12:56

They are sitting on the world's most precious commodity They have enough money to modernize and buy the world practically. However they lack brain to reach their goals. It is true when they say no one is perfect

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 13:37

Full D
I am not sure I quite understand Your question in Whom I am referring to? pls elaborate so I can answer

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 06 April 2014, 13:02

nelson mandela once said:
apartheid states are doomed to live in fear and to disappear eventually

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 13:36

Full D
I agree with you HA is really preventing Israel from aggressing Lebanon. However HA's involvement in Syria is weakening its position thus encouraging a confrontation with Israel. It is no coincidence that Israel has been lately flexing its muscle on our borders knowing well HA's army is stretched out and diverting its precious resources in Syria

Thumb mckinl 06 April 2014, 13:55

Israel threatens "Unilateral Measures" ???

This is what Israel has been using all along in their Apartheid Plan.

They have stolen land and water, while imprisoning the Palestinian people.

Even during various "peace plans" the Apartheid continued.

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 13:58

please read my above 3 comments

Thumb mckinl 06 April 2014, 14:09

I read them ... What do your comments have to do with Israel's announcement?

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 06 April 2014, 14:05

remember the recording of the Turkish to provoque a war with Syria
this is the way Israel always worked and works

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 14:14

well here is my 1st comment and urs basically supports mine
coolmec 1 hour ago 13
So Netanyahu calls Palestinians breaching the accord....hummm What has he been doing for the last decades? honoring Israel's commitment to the Oslo Accords ?? Yea right!!!!!!


Thumb mckinl 06 April 2014, 14:37

The US and the EU have been giving Israel political cover for their Apartheid ... The most efficient strategy going forward is for Arab nations to get behind the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement. The only way to get Israel to bargain is to threaten their economy.

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 14:40

Again I agree with you and that is why I said in my other comments the arabs are .......... ( my other comments)

Missing peace 06 April 2014, 14:40

lebanon has nothing to do in palestinian business.... but some parties want to appear more palestinians than the palestinians themselves just for the sake of their business and propaganda....

Thumb mckinl 06 April 2014, 14:49

peace says "lebanon has nothing to do in palestinian business...."


And what about all the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon ???

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 14:41

actually Israel is getting away with it and the whole world and arabs included are motionless

Thumb mckinl 06 April 2014, 14:50

Actually the BDS movement is steadily gaining momentum and has Israel very worried indeed ...

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 15:00

mcknil and Full D
Israel 's weakness Is its public relation and its image as the "victim" of arab warmongers ...
that is why I said earlier to have about 1.5 millions arabs marching peacefully towards Jerusalem and I stress on the word peacefully
Israel might kill a few arabs but if the arabs remain peaceful and keep marching to Jerusalem I cannot see Israel killing the, all , thus the arabs winning but of course you need smart arabs to pinpoint Israel's weakness and fully exploit it

Missing coolmec 06 April 2014, 15:02

Full D
pardon my ignorance but what is Hasbara school?

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 06 April 2014, 16:31

terrorists are afraid of freedom of speech and the of human rights charter