Abbas to Visit Beirut as Cabinet Decides to ‘Establish Diplomatic Ties with Palestine’

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to head to Beirut next week to meet with top Lebanese officials, As Safir newspaper reported on Friday.

“Abbas will visit Lebanon on Aug. 16 and 17,” Palestinian sources told the daily.

The sources said that Abbas will hold talks with President Michel Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri on Aug. 16, the same day Suleiman will hold an Iftar banquette on his honor.

The Palestinian president will meet with Prime Minister Najib Miqati and visit the Palestinian embassy in Beirut on Aug. 17.

The sources noted that the main reason behind Abbas’ visit is to discuss the Palestinian bid to approach the Security Council in September to seek membership for a Palestinian state on the lines that existed before the 1967 Six Day War, to include the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

The discussions will also tackle the situation in Palestine amid the Israeli settlement policies, they added.

The sources said Abbas’ meeting with top Lebanese officials will tackle the situation of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

The cabinet has decided to discuss on the eve of Abbas’ visit “measures to implement the government’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with the state of Palestine.”

Comments 6
Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 12 August 2011, 08:26

Palestinians who wish to become Lebanese citizens are more than welcome, but they have to put away their illegal weapon, terrorism and their interest to return. basic rules of conduct and mutual respect to the Lebanese national security. All palestinian criminals and terrorists mus be deported back to Israel, where they came from.

Thumb shab 12 August 2011, 11:21

Stay away, you and your sort. The cause of alle sufferings in Lebanon Remove your people from the camps and take them home and leave us in peace.

Thumb ado.australia 12 August 2011, 12:20

Muhamed... Palestinians who wish to become Lebanese, are NOT welcome. They should be welcome to return to their original homes and villages, that were ethnically cleansed by the zionists. Those who don't wish to return can be taken in and given citizenship by the countries that support Israel, defended and supported the palestinian expulsion, and their continued humilation and occupation, such as the USA, Britain, Germany, Australia and Canada.

Lebanon has paid it dues as a neighbour, and is small enough, given the millions of Lebanese diaspora.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 12 August 2011, 14:25

This wrong, Lebanon does need men power for its growing economey, and the good Palestinian can replace the Syrian intelegence men power and the Egyptian. So this is the best deal to control the Syrian and Egyptian workers and replace them with the local Palestinian. Again the idea here is that Lebanon will never win a war by playing the police man. Lebanon has to be neutral peacefull and give the opportunity for others to benefit from its growth especially the neighbours. The Palestinian can work in jobs that Lebanese don't wont.

Default-user-icon Marwan beiruti (Guest) 12 August 2011, 15:17

Muhamad. Why do you use this name when u have several times insulted islam? Clearly ur not a muhamad as ur stupid comments show. Ur nothing but a racist and an islam hater. They came from palestine and will return to their palestine. Al israel al. if an american would say what you said but to a lebanese such as telling us to forget about lebanon and work with jobs they dont want etc- we would have spat in his face for such a racist statement. Who do u think u r? You and shab have nothing to do with lebanese culture and values.

Default-user-icon Armenian Garo (Guest) 12 August 2011, 15:28

Shab the cause of suffering in lebanon comes from the secterianism!