Hennawi Says Suleiman Should Stay in Office 'until Election of New President'

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Sports and Youth Minister Abdul Muttaleb Hennawi, who is close to President Michel Suleiman, on Monday stressed the need to find a constitutional solution that would allow the president to stay in office “until the election of a new president” should MPs fail to elect a head of state before May 25.

In an interview with the Central News Agency, Hennawi said a “mistake” was committed in 2007 upon the end of then president Emile Lahoud's term, “when the country was left to face a seven-month presidential vacuum.”

The minister called on experts to “find a solution to fill this constitutional gap and forbid the recurrence of the vacuum mistake.”

“Just like there is an exit that prevents vacuum at the helms of the legislative and executive authorities, a formula allowing an incumbent president to stay in office until the election of a new president must be devised,” Hennawi explained.

He noted that such a solution will not be aimed at serving Suleiman's own interest, stressing that it would be beneficial for “Lebanon's future.”

The minister said the cabinet should prepare a draft law in this regard and refer it to parliament where it would be put to a vote.

“Leaving the country without a president will be detrimental,” Hennawi warned, adding that the National Pact – a 1943 unwritten agreement that laid the foundation of Lebanon as a multi-confessional state – must be preserved.

“Lawmakers are no better than the president and the same as they extended their own terms last year, let them act to maintain continuity in the country's top post until the election of a new president, for the sake of the country's interest,” the minister stated.

In remarks published earlier on Monday, al-Akhbar newspaper had reported that Suleiman asked Shadi Karam, one of his advisers, to draft a clause that would allow him to stay in power should MPs fail to elect a successor.

Meanwhile, Maronite Patriarchate sources told LBCI television in the evening that “under all circumstances, President Suleiman will need a constitutional amendment to be able to stay in office after the end of his term.”

The parliament has so far failed to elect a new president despite having held three electoral sessions since April 23. A fourth session is scheduled for May 15.

Suleiman, whose term ends on May 24, has stressed several times that he rejects any extension of his tenure. Hizbullah and its allies have also voiced their opposition to any such move.



Comments 6
Missing peace 12 May 2014, 23:31

better than the vacuum M8ers wish for!

Missing forces 13 May 2014, 05:00

How effective do you think aoun will be implementing his MOU if he is elected president? Do you really believe ha is ready to negotiate and compromise on this? Some would say M14 has obstructed him so far but he has always been aligned with ha since his rebirth oops I mean return:) yet has done little if nothing in addressing these points. In fact he has jumped at every chance to provide political cover for their actions and has given them all but his first born. What has HA given him in return? Swad il woj? Think about it for a second where is he taking us?

Missing coolmec 13 May 2014, 01:54

You are beyond delusional. Sleimane does not want to stay We the people want him there because your favorite corrupt leadersare sabotaging the constitution. I can assure you when he leaves office whatever date he will leave head high with the respect of majority of decent citizens I assure you he will not be booted on the contrary

Missing helicopter 13 May 2014, 03:51

Remove the Basmati (Iranian Rice) off your behind first......

Thumb cedre 13 May 2014, 04:47

do u really think Iran will give u partition ? they wont even give u federalism, not even a christian canton...


Missing forces 13 May 2014, 04:49

You know the sad irony of this dangerous position aoun and M8 has placed us in is that on his return from Paris aoun was offered the opportunity by Geagea and M14 to be a consensual president. Sure there were conditions attached for to be consensual is to have agreement. He declined this as he truely believed in his own mind that he is the rightful monarch to the presidency and dismissed any such consensus. He decided to align himself with the devil he had been criticising behind the safety of his presidential Parisian palace. Now he wishes to be a consensual president under the wing of HA does he truly believe that this is an unconditional love? So much for being a politician with foresight this mess is his doing and no one else. Yet we still read his marketing dept attempt to justify his multiple personalities.