Missing Couple Found Dead: Man Shot Wife, Self

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The bodies of a Lebanese couple were found near their home in the town of al-Kharbeh in Jbeil district a month after their disappearance, state-run National News Agency reported Wednesday.

According to preliminary investigations, Charles Ghaleb murdered his wife Mariam Akl Khadra with two shots from his hunting rifle before killing himself, NNA said.

The killings happened around one month ago – around the same time Ghaleb and his wife were reported missing, according to NNA.

The Internal Security Forces found the bodies of the couple in a valley near their house.

A hunting rifle belonging to Ghaleb, a scissors and a flashlight were found near the bodies, NNA said.

The couple disappeared from their house on July 18 between 9:30 pm and 10:00pm.

Comments 19
Default-user-icon someone (Guest) 17 August 2011, 13:56

It seems that losers like you have nothing to do other than posting messages on Naharnet. What a loser mowaten!

Default-user-icon Truthwar (Guest) 17 August 2011, 14:20

mowaten, I didn't think that Hezbollah had anything to do with this but if you think so, I mean you know them best.

Default-user-icon Layoush (Guest) 17 August 2011, 14:22

The woman is muslim and she married a christian; its certainly a vendetta issue from her family side. R.I.P

Default-user-icon Anonymous (Guest) 17 August 2011, 14:37

Mariam Akl Khadra sounds Christian, nothing Muslim about it

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 14:51

@ Naharnet

Vous avez supprimé un commentaire en réponse à mowaten sans aucune raison valable car il ne comportait aucun mot qui pouvait être jugé déplacé qui n'ait été utilisé par mowaten. Dois-je comprendre que mowaten est un de vos préposés et que vous essayez de le sauver du ridicule ?

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 15:24

@ mowaten
Le vocabulaire que j'ai utilisé est le même que celui qui est sorti de votre bouche. Si vous considérez qu'il est sorti des WC, tirez vous-même les conclusions qui s'imposent.

Thumb Naharnet 17 August 2011, 15:29

@Moallek, nous ne supprimons jamais les commentaires des utilisateurs. Si jamais un commentaire contient un language abusif, nous le dépublions.

Quoi qu'il arrive, nous gardons toujours une copie des commentaires et il semble que le commentaire dont vous parlez n'a jamais été soumis. Il s'agit sans doute d'une erreur ou d'un bug. Nous vous invitons donc à le republier.

Par ailleurs, l'ensemble des commentaires que nous recevons sont traités anonymement afin d'assurer que tout nos lecteurs et utilisateurs soient traités équitablement dans le respect de notre charte déontologique.

Naharnet soutient et défend la liberté d'expression et encourage le dialogue et ne se mettrait jamais en position de favoritisme envers une partie de ses utilisateurs.

Default-user-icon Truthwar (Guest) 17 August 2011, 15:37

mowaten that's right sarcasm is too deep for you maybe it's all the headbanging or the tight turban cutting blood circulation to your alleged brain..

Default-user-icon SINBOY LF (Guest) 17 August 2011, 15:38

Ya mowaten, lamma tjeeb siret el ouwet lbos pampers, li2anno bya3tik amen wika2e mnel nash.
yale fi msalle ta7et bato bten3aro. shaklak bta3rif hizb iran mni7 la 3am tdefi3 3anno be hal shakel. metel haydol el tnen ejo 3a Antelias la y7elo ossa meliye be 2enble malene Gilal w msemeer . ALLA KBEER ya mowaten. khallik mowaten metgharrab, mish na2so lebnen zyedid a3ded iraniyeh ba2a.

Default-user-icon moallek (Guest) 17 August 2011, 15:44

@ mowaten

One thing is sure. You are the first bozo who speculates about blaming the Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon AWS (Guest) 17 August 2011, 16:34

I was really disappointed to see some of the comments on Charle's death. Charle is my relative and we were chocked to find him after 1 month dead, at least give him the chance to rest in peace. I would be grateul if political comments would be posted somewhere else as a sign of respect to his family and friends.

Default-user-icon Truthwar (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:00

mowaten, the Ayatollah called it a rule of thumb, if you can't comfortably get your thumb (please remove it from your arse first) between your head and your turban the turban is too tight.

It's so cute you're still playing kindergarten games, boy I barely did that even when I was in kindergarten, but keep at it you might reap some benefits, some studies have shown that they help in the brain development.. that is if the blood is flowing to it which in your case is still an a BIG if (try the rule of thumb technique).

Default-user-icon SINBOY LF (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:09

ya mowaten, ana le mfatta7 3youne w 100 3a 100 mfatta7oun w fehmen kel shi men yalle 3am yseer be balade, into yale lezim tefhamo ba2a fared amer we2e3 3a sha3eb be kemlo ghalat, w khosousatan hal amer jeye men iran. leik ya mowaten, jyoush el 3alam jarrabit w ma edrit, awbesh el 3alam we2fit ma3 el falastine dod lebnen w ma meshe, eza fekrak hal kam farkou7 msamyin 7aloun hizballa be 3itedoun el kemil bi khawof tofol bel ouwet, hadde hal rebe3 lira shtrilak kam zerrit 3a2el w fakkir 3an jdeed, ne7na mnerka3 bass la rabna, be2e ma taba2a bel nesbe elna 7a2o rebe3 ma2dou7.

Default-user-icon Truthwar (Guest) 17 August 2011, 17:45

I for one will bow to the wishes of the friends of the victims and refrain from commenting any further on this story, I just hope the person who started it all has the common courtesy to do the same.
May they both rest in peace.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17 August 2011, 18:26

This is truely personal dispute. Layoush, racism like what u said is what is holding Lebanon back. Yours is s truly ignorant comment and should be removed.

Missing aounophobia 17 August 2011, 18:50

when people lose common sense, they start saying stupid things. keep it simple and logic:

so here, it is fair to assume it to be a crime / suicide, for reasons still unknown

however, 2 shiites from Dahye with a PREPARED BOMB (not a simple grenade) in a parking in Antelias, are more likely to prepare a terrorists act than to settle financial disputes

a 2003 Merc blowing in Dahye at 2:30 AM is more likely to be on purpose than a simple mechanical problem

keep it logic (unfortunately not everyone has enough brains for this)

Default-user-icon MrBrain1 (Guest) 17 August 2011, 22:53

a Horrible crime that left two victims...I am sure the investigation will reveal the ugly truth ....Reading the posted comments it shows one thing: Lebanese sectarians Monkeys has no respect for human soul. They have diverted this tragedy to a sectarian quarrel. It goes without saying you Lebanese Monkeys you should be put in cages. i wonder if the Freedom of speech in this countries is equal to corruption and Fraud...I have so much respect to the African monkeys because they are honest, uncorrupted, non sectarian, peaceful, uncorrupted, funny, smart and loyal to their community.....

Thumb shab 18 August 2011, 02:42

Ok Lets do it Shiite militia style, blame it on Israel

Default-user-icon MH (Guest) 18 August 2011, 09:23

This story is SAD, but the comments on it are a f-in' TRAGEDY!!!!

What a bunch of racist, sectarian, single-digit-IQ, messed-up lunatics!!!