Grenades Found on Barbara Highway Near Jbeil
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Eight hand grenades were found on Thursday in a box on the Barbara highway near the city of Jbeil, media reports said.
The National News Agency said the grenades were found lying by the side of the highway. A black plastic bag was found next to them.
Only two of the grenades were not set to explode, NNA said.
However, LBC TV network reported that 3 missiles and a P.T.U. bomb were found near the eight grenades.

I find this all very suspicious as to the motive and the culprits behind this.

These have probably been left behind by individuals who have ended up resolving amicably a personal dispute!! Lol.

Dont always blame the filthy non-Islamic militia, lets this time blame Israel

Here goes again Dr. Criminal, the cornered pussycat. People, stock up on bread. Antoine Zahra nezel 3al se7a yle2ikon

law bet2ello la ma3ale wazirak abou sheber ella petit jubghan 3a ases houwe el ossa kella bel batroun w dawa7iya, shou haydol? ya PRO_GEAGEA if we wanted to carry weapons, none of your sorry retards would have been pylons in a retarded government.

Honestly speaking the democracy doesn't fit Lebanon...I will tell you why..The Democracy is suitable for civilized human beings who have values and brain that help them to distinguish the right from wrong..In Lebanon Democracy means chaos, diversion and manipulation
Lebanese sectarian monkeys you are using, abusing and distorting democracy...Again in Lebanon Democracy is a concept we didn't reach yet ...we have the concept of fraud and corruption instead...

It is probably how Their way of tackling the Lassa disagreement
Business as usual for the Hezbos

Those eight were obviously, along with the ones found in Sin El Fil a couple of days ago, part of a discarded batch in a bad cart of hand grenades the Resistance got from Iran. They were intended to be used by the Resistance to terrify the Zionist Sunni Christian areas. But after the mishap of Antelias last week when one of this same batch of grenades exploded prematurely rendering the two resistance heroes who where attempting to "privately" plant it into five smaller resistance saints, needless to say it was another failed Resistance attempt due to a premature burst as it were.