Aoun to Send an Envoy for Talks with Hariri over Presidential Impasse within Weeks

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The Free Patriotic Movement chief, Michel Aoun, will send an aide to hold a meeting with head of al-Mustaqbal movement Saad Hariri to know his final answer regarding his run for the presidency.

Sources close to Aoun said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper on Wednesday that Aoun will task his aide to hold talks with Hariri within a period of three weeks maximum.

The sources stressed that the FPM chief is holding onto his decision not to run for the presidential post unless he was a consensual candidate and if he guaranteed to garner most of the parliamentary votes.

“If Hariri decided not to support Aoun's nomination, then the Christian chief and his allies have the priority in naming the presidential candidate and suggest the name to the March 14 alliance as the Change and Reform bloc has the parliamentary majority,” sources pointed out.

Several meetings were held recently between Hariri and Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, who is loyal to Aoun, to discuss the presidential deadlock.

The alleged rapprochement between al-Mustaqbal and the FPM, however, has failed to end the differences over the presidential race.

Lebanon has been plunged into a leadership vacuum after Michel Suleiman's presidential term ended on May 25 with rival political blocs still divided over a new leader.

Over the past two months the parliament convened five times to try to elect a successor to Suleiman but failed during the last four sessions due to a lack of quorum.



Comments 12
Thumb popeye 04 June 2014, 08:06

What happened to one-way tickets and to the book of "impossible vindication"...:)

Thumb ex-fpm 04 June 2014, 08:12

gone with the wind:-)

Missing helicopter 04 June 2014, 16:04

Aoun forgives Saad and support his being P.M if Saad supports Aoun to be President. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

Thumb general_puppet 04 June 2014, 08:36

Popeye... remember what Flamer told us, the situation & context always change... in Aoun's case it depends on which way the wind blows.

Thumb popeye 04 June 2014, 10:06

hehehe, yeah contexts indeed do change! They did also with crusher and mowaten when they vehemently opposed the syrian occupation of llebanon and were at the front lines receiving the brutality of the security forces. Look at them now, they forgot all and praise the Assad regime.

Thumb EagleDawn 04 June 2014, 10:23

did you see how happy he was yesterday, as if he was being elected president of Syria:-)

Thumb general_puppet 04 June 2014, 08:30

The Lunatic Aoun is going to send another courter for Hariri's blessing :-)

But just in case the phone never rings... “If Hariri decided not to support Aoun's nomination, then the Christian chief and his allies have the priority in naming the presidential candidate and suggest the name to the March 14 alliance as the Change and Reform bloc has the parliamentary majority,”.... me, me, me, that is all the Pajama General knows.

Thumb geha 04 June 2014, 08:41

aoun is betting on the KSA/Iranian discussions that will be held soon.

well he can dream: it is iran who has to show good faith these days, so Lebanon is not fair game for them.

if these talks succeed, then we will have a president (definitely not Aoun and not Geagea), rather a moderate closer to M14.
otherwise, Lebanon will plunge into a very long civil war that might end up with a new taef, but not the way the Iranians expect, as they will be kicked out of Lebanon.

you see, the Iranians are failing to realize that Lebanon can never become Tehran, whatever they try. we have a different culture, even the shia cannot live in an extremist led country :)

Thumb cedre 04 June 2014, 15:29

geha, iranian shias are 1000s more educated than lebanese ones.
They oppose their government national and international policies...

Thumb FlameCatcher 04 June 2014, 14:14

3 weeks ... yalla, why not wait till the end of summer ? Take your time Aoun ... the country is going nowhere anyway. There is no urgency at all !

Thumb beiruti 04 June 2014, 15:40

I suppose he wants to her NO one last, last, last time. Get the old man a hearing aid and save us all a lot of worry.

Missing madhatter 04 June 2014, 16:23

The_Roar this is for you special delivery