Geagea: Libya Must Resolve Mystery of Sadr’s Disappearance

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea urged on Tuesday Libya to resolve the mystery of the disappearance of Imam Moussa al-Sadr and his companions, said the LF media department in a statement.

It added: “An issue of this gravity cannot but be a priority for us and the liberated Libyan people.”

“Sadr has always called for peace and championed the oppressed,” it continued.

“Libya is required from all the Lebanese people to immediately resolve this mystery,” it said.

Geagea also congratulated the Libyan people on the success of their revolt against the rule of Moammar Gadhafi.

Sadr vanished, amid mysterious circumstances and was last seen in Libya where he was invited by Gadhafi.

He headed to Libya to try to negotiate an end to the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990).

Comments 17
Missing th21 23 August 2011, 16:44

hahahaha smalldig your so clever :)

Your indoctrinating masters should give you a gold star.

Default-user-icon M60 (Guest) 23 August 2011, 17:06

Bigdig yourself and the criminals you attempt to cheer for must be feeling very nervous at the moment .I wonder is it a coincidence that the Libyan regime demise and the announcement by NATO that the criminal regime of the ASSAD family is no longer viable?I look forward to the day when the Syrian regime and there criminal cohorts have there day in court, that is if they make it that far.I hope you and your friends that support these criminals sleep well bigdig.I'm guessing BASHAR will be needing a few remedies to help him have SNOOZE.

Thumb mrbrain 23 August 2011, 17:14

Yes Mr Greenthumb doesn't like Mysterious disappearances he prefers horrific assassinations...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 23 August 2011, 17:29

I am with bigdig , Mr Kairouz and mrbrain , we always disagree with everything doctor criminal says . Libya must NOT resolve mystery of Sadr's disappearance . Who cares he and his companions are part of the Misrata landscape by now and who needs him as we have a true Lebanese leader now , born in Lebanon , and his name is his beatitude the magnificent SHN . So who cares about an Iranian who supported the PLO during the war .

Missing roger@10452 23 August 2011, 17:43

Ya bigdig, neither one of those names you mentioned would be a good fit for Geagea. I would say Abu Arz is more appropriate.

You guys can't stand it when someone in this country is talking some common sense. I guess you would rather listen to all the carp that hassouni and aoun are producing.

Thank God for someone like Geagea, or else Lebanon today would be another mouhafaza of Iran or Syria.

Thumb mrbrain 23 August 2011, 18:13

Roger 10452+ Km2

Ya bigdig, neither one of those names you mentioned would be a good fit for Geagea. I would say Abu Arz is more appropriate.
Abu Arz is taken..Mr Etienne Sakr AKA Abu Arz is sentenced to death in absentia….Eventually death will free the title until then I found some free name Abu Sindieneh, Abu Balout, Abu Snawbar, Abu Shajra…Pick and choose
You guys can't stand it when someone in this country is talking some common sense. I guess you would rather listen to all the carp that hassouni and aoun are producing.
Common sense!!! From Dr greenThumb??? FYI all common sense in this zoo Called Lebanon is based on sectarian interest …
Thank God for someone like Geagea, or else Lebanon today would be another mouhafaza of Iran or Syria.
Come again..You were thanking God on what exactly!!!! Again Lebanon is for the Lebanese through history our Lebanese Cities have revolted against t

Thumb thepatriot 23 August 2011, 18:13

Ya Bigbug, I haven't always been a big fan of Geagea, but one thing is for sure, he never deviated an inch from his positions. Mustakbal allied to him, and not the contrary. He was always lawful to his positions against the syrian regime...not like others... Get ur facts right!

Thumb mrbrain 23 August 2011, 18:14

the invaders I don’t know on what historical fact you are building your phony theory …

Thumb shab 23 August 2011, 18:26

No forget hem, he's dead. Get the Lebnaese out of Syrian prisons first before chasing ghosts

Missing th21 23 August 2011, 19:00

Mr no Brain,

People like you worry me a lot. I hope your general state of mind is not as fallacious as your comments here on this website.

Missing roger@10452 23 August 2011, 20:20

Ya mrbrain, I am real impressed that you took the time to cut and paste and reply to my post.

By calling Lebanon a "zoo" leads me to believe that you much prefer to live under the radical and oppressive regimes of Syria and Iran. So long man and may God be with you...

But for me and many others we want to invest our time, and blood when we have to, to transform this "zoo" into heaven on earth while people like you & bigdig are too busy sticking their heads up assad' ass.

So whether you call it a zoo, a farm, sectarian mambo jumbo, I don't really care, because no matter what Lebanon will always prevail in spite of many losers around here.

And YES thank God for people like Geagea.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 23 August 2011, 22:42

Who is going to resolve the mystery of Karam disapearance in Amchite, it wasn't you or your men who knows what happened.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 24 August 2011, 04:06

The mystery of Sadr: only Oussama Bin Laden is able to meet and greet him, for the boneheads worrying about what happened to Karami, first and foremost the latter divided the Lebanese army, what happened to Karami is exactly what happened to Abd Al Haleem Khadam except that the latter escaped and is fighting from exile the terrorist regime that is behind every single assassination in Lebanon and Syria.

Missing roger@10452 24 August 2011, 08:17

mrnobrain, thank you for proving my point and I am so glad people like you are living abroad.

Societies that get handed a country on a silver platter deserve no such thing. You must earn the right to have a nation and that sometimes require the ultimate sacrifice which I am sure that this is a foreign notion to you.

One more thing, you should be thanking some of those you are calling "monkeys", because if it was not for them Lebanon would have been Fatah-Land today and you would have been carrying a brown refugee passport. And thank God for these same people who will make sure that we don't become an Iranian mouhafaza.

I won't waste my time anymore on people who have no pride in their homeland as I do have better things to do. And FYI, I have clocked in more air-miles and have more entry/exit stamps on my passport than you have brain cells.

So long man, and enjoy your fruity drinks on the beaches of Cuba and Italy while some of us are trying to create a real nation back here.

Missing rudy 24 August 2011, 14:08

What is most satisfying is listening to all the orange and yellow clowns claim how geagea is insignificant, and yet act the complete opposite.

No matter what, this man has proved to be the only politician with a principle. He stuck to his ideas even though it caused him to loose a big part of his popular base at first. the reason they see him as a threat is because he is the only political leader with a view, and a strategy. knows when to draw back and when to hit.

when faced with nasrallah's current situation he gave up the weapons, instead of becoming a whiny drama queen bitch like hassan and aoun.

Missing rudy 24 August 2011, 14:11

And fully support slash's last comment. couldnt have said it better. But you are all just sheep..

Instead of acting like morons, prepare to greet your future president :)

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 24 August 2011, 18:52

lebanon has to resolve mystery why are you outside of jail