Mirza Will Submit to STL Three Relevant Files to Hariri Murder

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General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza will submit to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon the relevant files of the attacks against former ministers Marwan Hamadeh and Elias al-Murr and the assassination of ex-Lebanese Communist Party leader Georges Hawi.

Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen as ruled that the three attacks are linked to the 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Sources confirmed to An Nahar newspaper on Wednesday that “the request is taking its course of action.”

Concerning the TIME magazine interview with one of the suspects accused in the murder of Hariri, the newspaper quoted sources as saying: “The issue is being followed-up.”

"The Lebanese authorities know where I live, and if they wanted to arrest me they would have done it a long time ago," the man, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Time magazine. "Simply, they cannot."

The sources noted that there are several people being investigated with.

Meanwhile, STL’s spokesman Marten Youssef denied to the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the tribunal is linked to the interview published in the TIME magazine.

“We are sure that the Lebanese authorities will take all the necessary measures to capture the suspects,” Youssef stressed.

Four members of Hizbullah have been indicted for the massive 2005 car bomb attack that killed Hariri.

Salim Ayyash and Mustafa Badreddine face five charges including that of "committing a terrorist act by means of an explosive device" and homicide, while Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra face charges of conspiring to commit the same acts.

The whereabouts of the four are currently unknown; however, the tribunal said Wednesday it had enough evidence to try them.

Comments 5
Thumb shab 24 August 2011, 12:25

In the end,. the filthy non-Islamic militia will collapse

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 24 August 2011, 16:59

no he paid by the mossad by every post here. the more he poops, more money he gets.

Missing th21 24 August 2011, 21:30

wlek ah ya jabal amel ! sebta !

How didnt we think of that earlier !

wad3ak sayye2

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 25 August 2011, 00:32

Obviously my comments will also fit with the Mossad as HA is an enemy for both of us, can you please direct me shab where I can collect money from Mossad for posting my hate comments about HA ?

Thumb shab 25 August 2011, 02:09

what ahbal means is that Zionist and hezbelleh are one and the same and the Lebanese are it's enemies