PSP Insists Differences with FPM are Technical as Jumblat Doesn’t Back Off

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A solution to the electricity crisis could come through calm dialogue among the bickering parties, sources close to Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said insisting that the differences with the Free Patriotic Movement were not political.

The sources told several Beirut newspapers published Thursday that the timeframe ahead of the Sept. 7 cabinet session could pave way for a deal on the electricity bill to allocate $1.2 billion dollars to Energy Minister Jebran Bassil to generate 700 megawatts of electricity.

They said that President Michel Suleiman, PM Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri agree with PSP chief Walid Jumblat’s insistence for the formation of a technical committee to allocate the funds along with Bassil.

Jumblat will not back off from his demand, the sources said despite insistence by FPM ministers to give Bassil the sole authority to allocate the funds.

The sources stressed that the differences between the FPM and the PSP were only technical. Minister Alaeddine Terro, who is loyal to Jumblat, also said there was no political dispute with Aoun and his ministers.

The consultations held during the cabinet session at Baabda on Wednesday, were aimed at solving the electricity crisis and not stirring a political dispute with any party inside or outside the government, Terro told VDL (100.5).

Comments 4
Thumb thepatriot 25 August 2011, 10:41

"Jumblat will not back off from his demand, the sources said despite insistence by FPM ministers to give Bassil the sole authority to allocate the funds"

Bassil reputation preceeds him, no wonder that even his political allies won't give him a free hand to handle such a huge budget.

Media keep calling it the 1.2B plan, but they don't remind us enough that it is only phase one... the actual estimated total cost of the plan is 5Billion...

So... could Mr. Bassil inform the lamda people that we are how he plans on finding 5Billion for this plan??

We all want electricity 24/7! Fact!

In my humble opinion, as I said it before, many hezbollah strongholds haven't paid a penny to the EDL for decades, and they won't let this plan go along untill they get insurance that the auditors won't put their finger on this dark spot. Proof of this will trigger much empathy towards them, and weaken them...same for Amal...

Thumb will_rogers 25 August 2011, 12:39

Why the Double Standards ? Either let Everybody in Lebanon have a piece of the Pie with FREE Electricity for ALL, or Make HIZBUSTAN pay for the Decades of STOLEN Electricity, and future usage. God knows they get enough SSS Cash from their "Basij" Friends, From their International Drug Deals and from their CONTRACTS for MURDERING True Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Stravogardi (Guest) 25 August 2011, 14:03

We all remember this fart's choice of Marwan Hamade, the embodiment of filth, as Minister of Telecommunications. This is what the idiots (aka Hariri Mafia and his Christian Sunnis) of which he was not only a member but THE LEADER (PEOPLE!!!) call putting the right man in the right position. I don't know why this criminal, and Geagea, too, are still roaming free and have not been hanged yet. No hanging for these two, NO PEACE.

Default-user-icon Rokkabis (Guest) 25 August 2011, 14:26

When this low-life says technical, everybody understands that he means US Dollars. Congratulations to the Lebanese in a low-life butcher, thief and snake.