Obama Voices 'Concern' over Gaza Deaths, Sends Kerry to Cairo

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President Barack Obama expressed concern over the loss of life in Gaza in a call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday, and said Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Cairo to seek an end to the fighting.

Obama, who condemned attacks by Hamas on Israel, "also raised serious concern about the growing number of casualties, including increasing Palestinian civilian deaths in Gaza and the loss of Israeli soldiers," the White House said, adding that Kerry will travel "soon" to the Egyptian capital.

The White House issued its statement on the bloodiest single day in Gaza in the past five years, with at least 100 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers killed.

"President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke again this morning by phone, their second call in three days to discuss the situation in Gaza," the White House said.

It said that the two leaders "discussed Israel's ongoing military operation," including "the loss of Israeli soldiers," as Obama "reaffirmed Israel's right to defend itself."

The White House said Kerry will seek "an immediate cessation of hostilities based on a return to the November 2012 ceasefire agreement" and stressed the need to protect civilian life both "in Gaza and in Israel."

Earlier on Sunday, Kerry blamed Hamas for the continuation of the conflict in Gaza, saying the Islamic militants were refusing all ceasefire efforts.

"They've been offered a ceasefire and they've refused to take the ceasefire," Kerry told ABC television, adding that Hamas has "stubbornly" refused efforts to defuse the conflict "even though Egypt and others have called for that ceasefire."

By its actions Hamas had "invited further actions" by the Israelis to stop the rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, Kerry said.

"It's ugly, obviously, war is ugly. And bad things are going to happen. But they need to recognize their own responsibility," he added, referring to Hamas.

He urged Hamas to "be responsible and accept... a multilateral ceasefire without conditions."

More than 60 Palestinians were killed Sunday as Israeli forces pounded northern Gaza, sending thousands more fleeing in terror in the deadliest assault on the enclave in five years.

Sunday's bloody toll prompted urgent efforts by the International Committee of the Red Cross to broker a temporary ceasefire to allow paramedics to evacuate the dead and wounded in a deal accepted by both sides.

Blitzing the Sunday television talk shows, Kerry said he was planning to meet up with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon who is headed to the Middle East to lend his efforts to seeking a truce.

"We're working on the idea of a ceasefire," Kerry told CNN television, adding that Obama was to speak later Sunday with Netanyahu.

"Israel is under siege by a terrorist organization that has seen fit to dig tunnels and come through those tunnels with handcuffs and tranquilizer drugs, prepared to try to capture Israeli citizens and take them back to hold them hostage," Kerry said.

"No country could sit by and not take steps to try to deal with people who are sending thousands of rockets your way."

Kerry also said he is planning to head "very shortly" to the Middle East.

"I am planning to go and probably very shortly," the top U.S. diplomat said, adding he was due to speak with Obama on Sunday and "it may be that he'll ask me to leave immediately."

Caught in an unguarded comment while talking to an aide during his round of interviews, Kerry seemed to reveal some frustration with Israel at the mounting death toll.

"It's a hell of a pinpoint operation. It's a hell of a pinpoint operation," Kerry was caught saying by Fox News to his aide, who replied: "It's escalating really significantly, and just underscores the need for a ceasefire."

Kerry then replied: "I think, Jon, we ought to go tonight. I think it's crazy to be sitting around."

Comments 3
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20 July 2014, 21:04

Kerry say something in public and another in private. Typical of gutless US politician who are too scared by the Israeli lobby and its agents in the Media. Two prominent US journalists have been re-assigned from covering Gaza because they dared say what is going on. In the US, you are only allowed to parrot the pro-Israel line.

Default-user-icon Mohammed (Guest) 20 July 2014, 23:33

yea and in the middle east you only parrot the islamic lies. It's not in just Israel. Everyone country in the middle east is suffering. Lebanon? Syria? Iraq? you blame these on Israel? Nope, so you see, it is pretty obvious, Islam is the problem, lets unite and get rid of this ideology. Let's make it illegal to believe in Islam. That's the answer to world peace.

Default-user-icon Saad (Guest) 22 July 2014, 02:19

Before the problem with Israel started Lebanon was the Jewel of the Middle East. And guess what it was a Muslim country. Second of all Syria is having a civil war. Civil war has nothing to do with Islam so it is very ignorant to say that is it Islams fault. Try to keep an open mind while reading this. Islam is a peaceful religion. All it preaches is freedom and peace. Getting rid of a religion is not reasonable as it is basic human right to believe in whatever one wants to. What is going on in Philistine is ethnic cleansing. This is the most inhumane thing on this earth. The real terrorists are the Zionist leaders of Israel. Just look at the death toll. "Palestinian figures show 509 Gazans have been killed and more than 3,150 wounded. On the Israeli side, 22 people have died." How could someone ever call the Muslims the wrong doers. I am not saying that there are not a few Muslim extremists but heck none this bad.
Peace be on to you brother, and may Allah guide you to Islam.