Al-Mustaqbal Admonishes Qabbani

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Saad Hariri’s al-Mustaqbal movement is admonishing Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani for meeting with a delegation from Hizbullah and the Syrian ambassador on the day the international tribunal issued the indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case, a source said.

The Mustaqbal source told al-Liwaa daily on Friday that the movement’s lawmakers decided to boycott prayers led by Qabbani at al-Amin mosque on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr “to admonish the Mufti for some of his stances.”

“Hadn’t he been the Mufti we would have treated him differently,” the source said.

However, other reports have suggested a growing rift between Qabbani and al-Mustaqbal.

According to al-Akhbar newspaper, the MPs boycotted Tuesday’s prayers as part of the campaign that that the movement launched against the Mufti when he stressed that Premier Najib Miqati deserves to be given a chance as PM.

The daily said Hariri supporters accuse Qabbani of supporting the Syrian regime crackdown on Hama by meeting with Syria’s Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali and of targeting the Special Tribunal for Lebanon by holding talks with the Hizbullah delegation on the day the STL accused four members of the party of involvement in Hariri’s 2005 murder case.

Furthermore, al-Mustaqbal officials have decided to boycott a rare visit that the Mufti did to the Arqoub area in southern Lebanon on Friday. They have fears that Qabbani’s direct contact with people in the deprived area would limit the movement’s popularity particularly that al-Mustaqbal has no representative there.

The Mufti flew to Marjayoun by army helicopter at 9:15 am to kick start his tour to Hasbaya and Arqoub.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon religons suck! (Guest) 02 September 2011, 14:10

Isn't the mufti a theif anyways? They should try to remove him and try him for fraud! All that march 14 did for him, in protecting his ass, this is how he repays them! Kinda seems like a politican! Everyone should boycot him, and have him removed! what. A. Discrace to all muslims!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 02 September 2011, 14:44

what is the difference between a turban and a politician in lebanon?the tightness and colour of the headgear.
N.B. the tie is an option,and shaving is a brad pitt style.

Default-user-icon Courant du Futur (تيار المستقبل) (Guest) 02 September 2011, 16:16

The Mustaqbal should take it easy.

They have many things going for them:
- Own 75% of the Media.
- The Most Multi-Religious Political Movement in Lebanon with around half non-Sunni.
- The Envy of Arab Governments to have such an intellectual entourage and support.
- Are in Position of constant Criticising as they are in Opposition.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 02 September 2011, 17:32

they also have one thing going for them:

a jail

a that's gonna happen when police finds out how much for the south they have stolen in 2006

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (Guest) 02 September 2011, 21:27


I like how you and your party of thugs can predict the future and know what people think. However, I did hear your Nassrallah say anyone who does not support his Shites party of thugs is a traitor....! Get off your high horse you and your resistance of thugs..... your day is coming..... and SOON.

Default-user-icon Pierre (Guest) 02 September 2011, 21:40

Why is he flying in an army Helicopter. Lebanon should not fund an religious figure. Provide crowd control fine, but who is paying for this helicopter ride.

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 03 September 2011, 13:37

habal, you guys stole and are still stealing even more than them, so please do not comment just listen and read and try to learn

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 03 September 2011, 13:37

habal, you guys stole and are still stealing even more than them, so please do not comment just listen and read and try to learn

Default-user-icon ابن طريق الجديدة (Guest) 11 September 2011, 10:39

يخطئ البعض حين يتصور ان سنة لبنان محصورين في شخص رفيق الحريري او ولده سعد - ان سنة لبنان قبل سعد ورفيق - كان السنة وما زالوا طليعة المدافعين عن الحق في مواجهة الظلم والعدوان ايمان بلا طائفية و التزام بدون تعصب - لكن حين طل علينا ظلال المستقبل حلت معهم رياح الطائفية المبطنة بالعفن من اجل دق اسافين بين الطوائف تحت ظلال سنة لبنان - ونحن من هنا من طريق الجديدة نقول ان لبنان وبالاخص بيوت لن تكون ذات صبغة طائفية ولن تستعدي نفسها ضد احد عدونا واحد هو الكيان الصهيوني الرابض فوق ارض فلسطين و البندقية هي شعارنا من اجل حفظ الكرامة ضد اسرائيل واعوانهم المطلوب من سعد الحريري فك ارتباطه مع الانعزاليه المارونية الجعجعية التي قاومت القوى الوطنية وما زالت و الابتعاد الكامل عن المشاريع الشرق اوسطية المشبوهة المدعومة من حلف الناتو والبنتاغون الامريكي
هكذا نفهم وجودنا كلبنانيين عروبيين سنة - لا كمتصهينين متامركين تحت غطاء وعباءة اهل السنه
لاسعد الحريري ولا حزبه المشبوه يستطيع ان يزور قرار بيروت - بيروت اكبر من القزم سعد الحريري
جبل الشعب - طريق الجديده