Report: Nasrallah Advised Jumblat to Discuss Presidential Crisis with Aoun

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Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has reportedly advised Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat to visit Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun to resolve the presidential deadlock.

“We have a president … He is Aoun and we continue to back him,” As Safir daily quoted Nasrallah as telling Jumblat.

“You shouldn't talk only to me. Go see Aoun and agree with him,” the Hizbullah chief said.

Lebanon has been without a president since May 25 when Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended amid a failure by parliament to elect a successor over differences on a compromise candidate.

The March 14 alliance has backed the candidacy of Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea. But the Hizbullah-led March 8 camp has not officially announced its support for Aoun, who has claimed that he would run for the presidency only if there was consensus on him.

Jumblat visited Nasrallah last month to discuss the presidential crisis.

A statement issued by their parties said the talks focused on the need to elect a president as soon as possible and boost coordination among security agencies.

According to As Safir, Nasrallah's advice to his visitor came after Jumblat told him that the Christians and Druze were getting weaker in the region amid a rise in extremism.

“Lebanon's Christians and Druze are packing and leaving,” he said.

“A president should be elected quickly to prevent the situation from building up,” Jumblat added.



Comments 8
Missing helicopter 05 August 2014, 07:55

“We have a president … He is Aoun and we continue to back him ..........
Great isn't it. Who needs a President elected by the Parliament if every party eleccts its own President. Stomping on the Democratic Process is nothing new to the likes of Nasrallah and Takfiris, they have no respect for Democracy.

Missing helicopter 06 August 2014, 04:18

The problem is that those that back Gaegae show up to cast their votes while those backing Aoun disrupt the election by not attending unless their candidate has the majority to win. And yes they do resort to arms if needed to make sure what they want they get (HA that is)

Thumb ex-fpm 05 August 2014, 08:26

this is what happens when you are a resistance holding everybody hostage. The language of guns overwhelms tender democracy.

Default-user-icon Kazan (Guest) 05 August 2014, 09:15

How innocent or naive some people can be ,believing that once the presidency is solved, than life is back to normal...the question is normal to which standards?
Since the independence of Lebanon not a single generation lived a life without fear ,troubles and misery .

Missing lebalways 05 August 2014, 09:29

It sure sounds like Nasrallah is running a state of his own & advising Joumblat like he's a distant foreigner. Hezb looks strong compared to the Christian and M14 divisions. It is sad.

Missing imperatrice 05 August 2014, 11:18

leave the country to them and leave, let the resistance and their allies rot in their own filth
the only other possible way is to stage another bloody civil war which will come ta the expense of civilians -as stupid as some may be but they don't deserve death-

Default-user-icon boujamra lteif (Guest) 05 August 2014, 12:43

Is this a joke? So assafir wants us to believe that nasrallah told jumblat that aoun is his presidential candidate while neither he nor any of his mps or officials ever uttered the name aoun when discussing their presidential candidate cone to think of it they never mentioned aoun's name when discussing their 2007-8 presidential candidate. Is aoun's name such a dirty word to Nasrallah and co theh refuse to mention it by name like some old people do when discussing cancer or are they just leading him along with hopes so they can make sure no president maronite is elected, probably the later.

Default-user-icon boujamra lteif (Guest) 05 August 2014, 13:53

maronite president