Hizbullah Condemns 'Brutal' Killing of U.S. Journalist

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Hizbullah deplored on Thursday the killing of U.S. journalist James Foley, describing it as a "brutal crime."

"James Foley was brutally murdered by terrorist gangs," a statement issued by Hizbullah's press office said.

The party considered that "supporting the terrorist groups with money and arms, in addition to providing it with the political cover and the suspicious silence regarding their horrible crimes in Syria and Iraq… Is the main reason behind the horrific acts that affect us all without any exception or discrimination.

On Tuesday, the Islamic State released a video in which a militant with a British accent is seen beheading American Foley and threatening a second U.S. hostage.

The murder has stoked fears in Britain and beyond that the territory that IS militants have seized in Syria and northern Iraq could become a launching pad for a new round of global extremist attacks.

U.S. President Barack Obama called on countries in the region to join with the United States to "extract the cancer" of the Islamic State's jihadist ideology, and on Thursday U.S. strikes continued.

Concerning the killing of three top Hamas commanders in southern Gaza by Israel, Hizbullah said that "past experiences confirm that the martyrdom of leaders will not break the will of the resistance or its determination."

The party offered its condolences, pointing out that "the resistance is more determined to continue its jihad and liberation process."

As the six-week war between Israel and Hamas raged on, leaving Egyptian mediated truce talks in tatters, warplanes pounded Gaza killing three members of the Islamist movement's armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades.

The Brigades said they were "senior commanders," identifying them as Mohammed Abu Shamala, Raed al-Atar and Mohammed Barhum and vowing to make Israel pay.

Comments 25
Thumb shab 21 August 2014, 20:26

The filthy militia condemning another filthy militia

Thumb lebanon_first 21 August 2014, 20:28

HA is not a filthy milicia. It is a resistance. Its specialty is resisting stability and prosperity and sovereignty in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon rockwall (Guest) 21 August 2014, 21:00

of course its specialty is resisting stability, prosperity and sovereignty of Lebanon! it does not believe in any of the above!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 21 August 2014, 22:06

Prosperity? HA caused Lebanon untold tens of billions of dollars in investments.

Sovereignty? HA is the major reason why the government is unable to exercise its authority over Lebanon. Indeed, HA invaded the capital and mount Lebanon when it did not agree with government decisions.

Stability? HA spawned several militias under the guise of Resistance Brigades. This caused some of its opponents to try and set-up their own militias.

HA may not be filthy but is definitely a danger to Lebanese stability and prosperity and sovereignty in Lebanon.

Thumb geha 22 August 2014, 06:26


Default-user-icon ghassan (Guest) 21 August 2014, 20:32

ISIS reminds me of the early years of Hizballah ( the 80's).
Betweeen 1982 and 1992, Hizballah kidnapped 96 foreigners in Lebanon.
Some were killed, some were rescued or escaped, and some released for ransom money.
Hizballah, your are no angel!

Thumb ex-fpm 21 August 2014, 20:43

lol, the way things are going we will see HA and USA flags flying side by side:)

Default-user-icon serby (Guest) 21 August 2014, 21:02

in bosnia the HA, US and Al Qaeda were flying together

Thumb Elemental 21 August 2014, 21:17

They really need to stop using Lebanon and Christians,this is getting ridiculous especially when they themselves have committed the same if not worse, hypocrisy at it's finest.

Thumb Elemental 22 August 2014, 05:21

Honestly, how can any normal person trust a group where to them, by right, it's completely ok to lie?

Missing imperatrice 21 August 2014, 21:54

I hope one day you will be condemned fir killi g hashem salman, w brahim kashoush whom u killed in broad day light just because they dare to think differently than u
Evil spawns, you are a different side of isis extremism and u dare to pretend differently

Missing a.christian 21 August 2014, 22:08

Amriika is no longer the "great satan" ????

Thumb liberty 22 August 2014, 07:15

read this قيادي في "الجيش الحر" اتهمه بحشد قوات في المنطقة وسط صمت إسرائيلي
“حزب الله” يخطط لهجوم على المعارضة السورية من شبعا وكفرشوبا

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 21 August 2014, 22:24

But not the killing with Sarin Gas by Bashar animals, hundreds of young children and women! No ya hizb el la3né, such statements won't buy you respectability. You have more blood on your hands than all Daesh and EI have done recently, since you have been around for much longer, for decades with your worldwide terrorist scheme, bought by Iran with hard currencies!

Thumb Tony.Farris 21 August 2014, 22:36

You know a terrorist group is hardcore when another terrorist group describes its actions as "brutal crime"!

Thumb tom1 22 August 2014, 04:42

Lol at haters above

Missing greatpierro 22 August 2014, 06:57

Hizbollah has kidnapped 96 foreign hostages of 21 national origins—mostly American and western European — between 1982 and 1992. At least eight hostages died in captivity; some were murdered, while others died from lack of adequate medical attention to illnesses.

Thumb Tony.Farris 22 August 2014, 07:45

How come no one remember that James Foley was arrested by the ASSad regime in 2012?
ASSad handed him to ISIS... I call on Obama to bomb the presidential palace in Syria, that's where the ISIS terrorist is headquartered.

Thumb Elemental 22 August 2014, 08:17

Taqiyya, of course they'd want you to forget that little piece of info.

Thumb Elemental 22 August 2014, 08:18

They brought this on Lebanon, you'd have to be oblivious to oxygen not to get that.

Thumb Elemental 22 August 2014, 08:19

Soon as the president devotes to Iran while his family is kept at gunpoint by the Hezz just in case he says something out of line.

Missing greatpierro 22 August 2014, 09:35

1 Nicolas Kluiters: Dutch Jesuit, parish priest, kidnapped and murdered in Nabha (14 March 1985).
2 Dennis Hill, a British academic, killed May 29, 1985.
3 Arkady Katkov, Soviet diplomat killed Oct. 2, 1985.
4 William Buckley: Third Secretary of the Embassy of the United States Beirut, announced death by his captors October 4, 1985.
5 Leigh Douglas and Philip Patfeld: British teacher found murdered April 17, 1986.
6 Peter Kilburn: American scholar, found murdered April 17, 1986.
7 Alec Collett: British journalist and official The United Nations Relief and Works UN Palestine Refugees in the Near East, announced death by his captors April 17, 1986.
8 Michel Seurat: French CNRS researcher, announced death by his captors, who would have killed him in early March 1986.
9 Alberto Moliani: Italian trade framework.
10 Lt. Col. William Higgins.

Missing imperatrice 22 August 2014, 09:38

We will only thank people who defended the sovereignity of lebanon the liberal state and appload those who will take u over in lebanon, syria and hopefully iran

Missing greatpierro 22 August 2014, 09:42

hizbollah is not only a terrorist organization by US and European standards, it is a terrorist organization by Lebanese standards as it kidnapped and killed innocent foreign civilians in Lebanon.

One should not forget the bombing in Beirut of the US embassy, the Marines, French soldiers, entrance of the French embassy.

One should not forget the killing of the leader of M14, journalist and army and police officers.

Thank you Hizbollah, and special thanks for FPM who cover up for Hizbollah crimes.

Missing imperatrice 22 August 2014, 11:50

add to that, syrian singers behind revolutionary songs
in all cases, songs are forbidden only hymns are allowed "anashid"
how's that different from radicalist