Williams Meets Charbel: Consensus Needed to Ensure Developments in Syria Won’t Affect Lebanon


United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams underscored on Wednesday the importance of maintaining stability in Lebanon and protecting the country from events in neighboring Syria.

He said after holding talks with Interior Minister Marwan Charbel: “There needs to be political consensus that what happens in Syria is not allowed to affect Lebanon.”

“Prime Minister Najib Miqati told me yesterday that he too is determined to keep stability and calm in Lebanon. It will not be easy but great effort is needed,” he said.

“The Minister assured me that the security situation in Lebanon is good,” added Williams.

The talks with Charbel focused on the general situation in Lebanon, particularly the security situation, and the situation in the broader Arab region.

The U.N. Special Coordinator also expressed concern over the bomb attacks on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon in May and July.

“We want to ensure that this kind of terrorist outrage is not repeated,” he said.

An Italian unit in UNIFIL was the victim of a roadside bomb attack in May as it was patrolling an area near the southern town of Sidon.

In July, a similar attack targeted a French patrol also near the town of Sidon.

No soldiers were killed in either of the assaults.

UNIFIL has 12,081 peacekeeping troops based south of the Litani River in south Lebanon from 36 different troop contributing countries.

Williams’ meeting with Charbel falls in line with a round of farewell meetings he is undertaking prior to the end of his mission in Lebanon at the end of September.

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