Activists Unite in Lebanon against Killer Cluster Bombs

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hundreds of activists and officials from across the globe gather in Beirut Monday with one aim in mind -- to rid the planet of cluster munitions which have killed or maimed tens of thousands of people worldwide.

The conference, which runs through Friday, joins representatives of 80 of the 100 or so countries that have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, an international treaty which calls for the eradication of the deadly weapons.

"This meeting will serve to put the focus on the importance of states urgently implementing all aspects of this treaty," said Steve Goose, chairman of the Cluster Munition Coalition which plays a major role in demining around the world.

"This includes stockpile destruction, victim assistance and the clearance of contaminated land around the world," Goose told AFP.

"We already have eight (member) states who completely destroyed their stockpiles and we have many others that are already far along, even though the treaty is less than two years old."

The Cluster Munition Coalition, which groups more than 350 non-governmental organizations, estimates that 28 countries are still affected by cluster munitions -- bombs that split open before impact and scatter multiple sub-munitions, often hundreds, the size of tennis balls.

Many cluster bombs fail to explode immediately, lie hidden for years and kill and maim civilians, often unsuspecting children who mistake the weapons for toys, for years after the original conflict is over -- such as in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

More than 100 countries, including Lebanon, have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which entered into force on August 1, 2010. The first meeting of states parties to the convention was held in November 2010 in Laos.

The convention requires signatories to stop the use, production and transfer of the weapons.

China, Israel, Russia and the United States have not signed the treaty.

They are thought to hoard and manufacture the bulk of the munitions, although the data is secret.

The United Nations estimates Israel dropped four million bomblets over southern Lebanon in the final days of its 2006 war with Hizbullah.

More than 50 people have been killed and 350 injured by cluster bomb explosions in southern Lebanon since then.

The Lebanese army says 67 percent of the affected lands have been cleared but 75 million dollars are still needed to render the country free of cluster bombs.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Murad (Guest) 12 September 2011, 16:04

Stop funding the STL farce and use that money to expand funding for clearing the cluster munitions instead. Get your priorities straight.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 12 September 2011, 16:29

who has thrown these cluster bombs? why is zionist information war department silent now?

Default-user-icon Franco Dgionardi (Guest) 12 September 2011, 17:24

Good luck with the most criminal of all nations that gives a damn to the UN and its resolutions, and I am not talking about the US but about its pimp.

Default-user-icon (Guest) 12 September 2011, 19:20

No comments from the Israeli appologists as expected...

Where's the justice for the 50 killed and the 350 mutilated, plus those who perished during the 2006 war? or are we supposed to believe that Hezbollah is to blame for this too...

Israel has deliberately used "expired" cluster bombs during the last few days of the war and blanketed whole areas. Since there is no justifiable military rationale for this, it's clearly one more to add to the list of it's war crimes.

Why isn't Israel being sanctioned for this? Why is this not considered terrorism? Why is western maintream media so hauntingly silent on this?

It's time for the Lebanese Government to take this issue up seriously with UN and ICJ. Follow Turkey's example and let Israel understand that it's crimes in Lebanon can no longer be tolerated...

Default-user-icon nicolas (Guest) 13 September 2011, 10:03

Well..Israel is Farfoor as long as Its crimes enjoy a blanket cover from its transatlantic mentor.
This being said, is it allowable to ask why only Lebanon's civilians lives and the economy should seek to bear the brunt of the Israeli crimes and why Israel hates to touch a hair or a stone over its borders with other "peace loving" neighbours?
Is there anybody using you Lebanese while putting themselves away the harm's way?