Geagea to Attend Bkirki Meeting After Controversy of Passing Cloud

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea will attend a meeting of Maronite political leaders scheduled to be held in Bkirki later this month after the storm sparked by the controversial statements of Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi subsided, high-ranking LF sources said.

“There will be no problem in our participation at the Bkirki meeting on Sept. 23 after the ‘summer cloud’ that al-Rahi’s remarks created have passed,” the sources told An Nahar newspaper published Friday.

“The patriarch returned to Bkirki’s principles” after stressing that his statements on Hizbullah’s arms and the situation in Syria were taken out of context, they said.

Earlier in the week, Geagea called the controversy “a passing cloud of ambiguity.”

The Phalange party has also denied that it was mulling to boycott the Bkirki meeting that will bring together in addition to Geagea, Phalange party chief Amin Gemayel, Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun and Marada movement chief Suleiman Franjieh.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Santonio (Guest) 16 September 2011, 15:26

This criminal is still lucky that the head of the Maronite church still has some consideration for him. What else can he do with a soul made of fart? OFFICIALLY become a Sunni?

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 16 September 2011, 16:33

Sanantonio, even assuming Geagea has blood on his hands, one could could argue it was war days, days of total lawlesness, and that he wasn't any more criminal in those days than Berri was, than Joumblatt, than the marada, etc...however, in times of piece, using blunt murder to decapitate your poilitical opponents is an invite to civil war, when there is no way to avenge them through justice and deter some further killing, which Hezbollah holds a monopoly to! For not only have they relentlessly been eliminating their opponents through blunt murder, but that they are probably responsible with their partners in murder, the Syrians and the Iranians, of more murders, and terror than all others lebanese parties united!

Thumb mrbrain 16 September 2011, 19:26

Mr Flash,

Dr Greenthumb has a criminal record...Period....
Forget for a second his religion and think about his past...
So stubborn...

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 16 September 2011, 20:34

Samir Geagea is no more criminel than Nabih Berri ,Walid Joumblatt, or Michel Aoun. It was then a period of lawlesness and civil war.Then civil war came supposedly to an end. And a party which had also his fair share of the murders, under different coverup names, kept his arms, fooled everyone, and under the pretense it was fighting Israel, and freeing up Shebaa that no one had ever claimed neither peacefully nor through power of arms before, started eliminating in the most stealthy way its political opponents, in order to impose a syrian/iranian agenda on everyone. This criminal party has probably scored on its own, more political murders than all other parties taken together, and that is not accounting for those murders that have been directly perpetrated by its sponsors, and funders, as one single criminal gang, after the end of the 15 years civil war!

Default-user-icon Truth/Truth (Guest) 17 September 2011, 08:51

1-No legal judicial process had any credibility under syrian occupations for me the conviction of Geagea is far from proven.

2- Even assuming he did it comparing two dead assassinated prime ministers is non sensical, although I can argue forcefully, that no prime minister was as important as RH except Riad Solh

3- What about all other assassinations, Gemayel, Tueni, Cassir, etc.....Wissam Eid,....killed in straight peace time, by partners in power, which , if justice is not done, will not be deterred to do more of the same,and will (are) rule by TERROR.If they are innocent which I don' t believe a single second, (no politicians whatsoever, even their lllies believe it either -in private-), let them be part of neural objective scientific truth revealing process. True the results may be used politically, if provin guilty. The process itself is not.But then it has unraveled before our eyes a monstruous killiing machine, which not only may, most most probable have killed all those but

Default-user-icon Truth/Truth (Guest) 17 September 2011, 09:10

which criminal hand may stretch back (Rene Moawad?, Sheikh Hassan khaled?,etc.), all the way to 1982 with the first spectacular suicide trucks blowing against the marines and the french marsouins in Beirut..Some day we' ll know more about all this. So let' s keep it simple sticking to the peace years after 1990.

3- As to the local justice, any local inquiry has never led to any results whatsoever, in any of the major politically-motivated assassinations,always under some idiotic pretenses which no one is prepared to believe, except when the process was politically- driven as in the case of Rashid Karame.

4- We see all around us in Syria and Iran in particular, how legal processes are run. M8 are trying, (and the syrians have! ) to clone it in Lebanon,but only when applied to their political opponents! If it were to be applied to the Hezb, free from pressures and threaths against the judges, it would have sent them before a firing squad in a matter of hours!

Default-user-icon GB (Guest) 17 September 2011, 11:19

To all the commentators: this is a useless debate, and history will, one day, throw light on the unfortunate lebanese civil war. My main frustration is that all those who have been involved in the 1975 civil war are the ones who are deciding Lebanon's fate today! This is really disgusting, and we will never learn from our mistakes, and try to bring to parliament and to the govenment new and "clean" politicians who will work on building a real nation, far from individual, religious and sectarian interests!!! This is my dream...hope it'll come true one day