Electricity Plan Talks Postponed to Wednesday after Heated Debate

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The joint parliamentary committees on Monday postponed discussions on the electricity plan to Wednesday, following verbal clashes between the rival March 8 and March 14 MPs.

The draft law will likely be put to a vote during Wednesday’s session, MTV reported.

The meeting of the joint committees was aimed at approving the electricity draft law to refer it to a legislative session for final endorsement.

Talks witnessed a heated debate between the two sides following an intense session last week over the technical and financial aspects of the $1.2 billion plan.

March 14 has criticized the bill for excluding the details of the original draft law that was approved by the cabinet on September 7. But sources close to Premier Najib Miqati rejected accusations of “duality” in the government’s stance.

The cabinet will strongly defend the electricity project in parliament, the sources told An Nahar daily, although they stressed that it is up to parliament to introduce changes to the draft law or adopt it as it was referred to it by the government.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon sha3eb yourid kahraba (Guest) 19 September 2011, 14:47

after 20 years in power and 60 billions in debts no electicity , no infrastucture , no highways , ....no ,..everything
give this goverment 1 year if they do not increase the output of kahraba we the people will sanction them
but i think m14 r afraid that the current gov will succeed where they failed

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 19 September 2011, 17:48

Make the Shia and we don't need to bowwor monay. The Shia are putting us in debt to zionist bankers.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 19 September 2011, 19:47

Still there is lack of understanding of the procedure due to inexperience ....
or too many heads trying to do it ...fast way
Or due to lack of transparency
Government can not change the bill draft, although they approved it
Let the Parliament change the draft and pass it.

It can not be approved with the changes already confirmed by the government.

Thumb thepatriot 19 September 2011, 21:54


Here is a list of the last Ministers responsible for the Electricity. Meditate on it dude!

1990-1992: Mohammad Youssef Beydoun ( Hoss)
1992: Mohammad Abdel-Hamid Beydoun ( Amal)
1992-1993: Georges Frem (indépendant)
1993-1998: Elie Hobeika (Wa3d, pro-syria)
1998-2000: Sleiman Traboulsi (Hoss)
2000-2003: Mohammad Abdel-Hamid Beydoun (Amal)
2003-2004: Ayoub Hmayed (Amal)
2004-2005: Maurice Sehnaoui (Nicolas Sehnaoui's dear papa)
2005: Bassam Yammine (Frangié)
2005-2008: Mohammad Fneich (Hezbollah)
2008-2009: Alain Tabourian (Aoun)
2009: Gibran Bassil (Aoun)

Thumb thepatriot 19 September 2011, 21:58


Aoun 4 years
Hezbollah 3 years
Amal 5 years
Hoss 4 years

March 14: 0 years

Conclusion: shut up sha3eb!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 19 September 2011, 23:29

Patriot, the electricidy is the Ali Baba cavern with the 40 thieves:
On the spending side, rigged tenders, to overpriced tenders, controlled by Berri and his sponsors, overpriced supplies and fuel, etc..
On the revenue side: unpaid bills, beaten collectors, electricity theft through illegal connections to the network, control and nomination of EDL key staff, (firing of the old DG who dared publish some of the names of subscribers who were not paying their bills in the mid 90's, etc.....)
Many reports have been written on the subject (the late Pierre Helou had presented a very savoury one on TV!), and would have triggered anywhere else a proper public inquiry on the matter, heavy fines , condemnation, and emprisonment......but not in Lebanon I' m afraid!

Default-user-icon ex-proGMA (Guest) 20 September 2011, 01:08

Why not let him get his 20% and for "uncle" a little more? Why not being kind with them and let them also take for friends and members ??? Cash will be useful when the butcher is down !!!

Thumb thepatriot 20 September 2011, 10:48


Correct. I have exposed many links on this site to reports showing the proportion of uncollected & unbilled EDL invoices in this country, as well as the areas where the phenomenon is the more devastating...

Thumb thepatriot 20 September 2011, 10:56


I'm an ex too! ;-)