Hariri Donates $20 Million for Reconstruction Efforts in North

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader MP Saad Hariri on Thursday announced that he has donated 20 million dollars for reconstruction efforts in northern Lebanon, which has witnessed fierce battles between the army and Islamist gunmen.

“Twenty million dollars have been allocated for the areas affected by the latest clashes in the city of Tripoli -- especially Bab al-Tabbaneh -- the Bhannine region in Minieh and the rest of northern areas that witnessed military confrontations,” Hariri said in a statement.

“Nothing can compensate the good people in Tripoli and the North for the death and injury of innocent youths, children and women,” added Hariri.

He hailed “the great patience demonstrated by them and their firm belief that all sacrifices become easier when they are for the dignity of Tripoli, Akkar, Dinniyeh, Minieh and all parts of the beloved North.”

Earlier on Thursday, the government allocated 30 billion Lebanese pounds to pay compensations to residents in Tripoli and the North.

The fighting in Tripoli and the nearby regions of Minieh and al-Mhammara was the deadliest bout of Syria-related violence in the North since the 2011 outbreak of the civil war in Syria, leaving 11 soldiers and five civilians dead between Friday and Sunday.

It was also the first to pit Islamists against the army in Tripoli.

The fighting caused major damage to the impoverished district of Bab al-Tabbaneh and the city's old souks.

Hariri added that he was “proud that the citizens of these areas, especially the inhabitants of Bab al-Tabbaneh and the old souks of Tripoli …, refused to be a base for the tools of extremism in the face of the Lebanese army.”

He also said “the responsible national stance of the people of Tripoli and the North” represented “the required response to those trying to incite strife and find means to justify their participation in the Syrian war and their support for the criminal regime of Bashar Assad.”

Hariri pointed out that he decided to appoint a team of engineers and specialists from al-Mustaqbal movement to “prepare studies and put the donation on the track of quick implementation.”

“The state will always be the safe haven for everyone, and what is being done is our duty towards citizens who are very dear to us,” Hariri said.

“Together we will defend moderation against extremism and the state against chaos,” the former premier vowed.


Comments 15
Default-user-icon josephani@ashrafieh (Guest) 31 October 2014, 04:58

well said josephani

Default-user-icon Mahdi Rostam Firdaus (Guest) 31 October 2014, 08:30

hahahaha! I just got into my office and my boss immediately asked me to log on and read your comments. He is addicted now to your stories and promised we will all get a bonus and one extra day of holidays. It will be Saint Flamethrowers day, something another!

Missing coolmec 31 October 2014, 08:35

so FT
are you trying to convince us that the General and his son in law bassile never stole a penny? they are living off their salary right?
get real dude

Default-user-icon ashrafieh from dahieh (Guest) 31 October 2014, 08:41

you still live in dahieh, josephani?

Default-user-icon defuckto (Guest) 31 October 2014, 08:49

lol@dehablo, you are funny

Thumb geha 31 October 2014, 08:50

has anyone seen aoun donatind anything? or anyone else for that matter?
so stop criticizing those who are actually giving back to the people.

Default-user-icon Abu Quahafah (Guest) 31 October 2014, 09:18

aoun and nasarallah donate only chaos, sedition, and sectarianism

Default-user-icon flamethrowerbemoss (Guest) 31 October 2014, 08:51

yes yes we know that hariri destroyed then rebuilt then destroyed to rebuild because YOU said so.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (Guest) 31 October 2014, 09:16

flamethrower, you sound like an immature kid completely disconnected from reality, just trying to build some silly rationale based on bits & pieces of propaganda and lies.

Thumb EagleDawn 31 October 2014, 09:48

and WE ALL KNOW hizbullah is a resistance defending Lebanon (:
cos YOU said so!

Thumb EagleDawn 31 October 2014, 09:51

I read it was exactly 0.00000012%. Are you sure of your figure, it seems a bit low to me?

Thumb _mowaten_ 31 October 2014, 10:34

"Miqati (M8)" ?? lol. day after day proving us how ignorant you are.

Thumb _mowaten_ 31 October 2014, 10:35

and welcome back FT! it was about time, the trolls here were going hysterical over your absence. i think deep down they really like you ;)

Default-user-icon flamethrower..__&^^^### (Guest) 31 October 2014, 12:52

@mowaten, do you know why I was banned?>>>>

Missing peace 31 October 2014, 17:13

no one is denying that lebanese politicians are all corrupted, but the M8 propaganda of saying that ONE man stole a whole country is simply not credible and naive....
you just point fingers at those belonging to M14 now but always forgetting all the M8 leaders who also got RICH during that period... funny this amnesia...

it is then purepropaganda when one points the finger in only one direction and deliberately silences the wrong doings of his own camp!

who set up this system of corruption? the SYRIANS not hariri.... (dixit AOUN) if a politician refused then he had to flee the country or got killed... (again dixit aoun!)
your syrian friends set up this large scale corruption to better control the lebanese.... so blame the syrians and the regime of assad first and foremost, not ONE man! LOL