Al-Rahi Demands New Electoral Law to Preserve Equality, Better Represents All Sides

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The Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi is reportedly demanding a new electoral law that respects equality, parity and a better representation of all sides, the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Anbaa reported on Sunday.

According to the daily, al-Rahi discussed his three red lines with Kataeb MP Sami Gemayel, who recently visited Bkirki.

Sources told the newspaper that Bkirki is keen to push forward the adoption of an electoral law that respects these principles, but will not interfere in any technical details.

An 11-member parliamentary subcommittee tasked with discussing several electoral law proposal kicked off meetings recently, in light of the extension of the parliament’s tenure, in an attempt to reach consensus over a hybrid electoral draft law.

The March 8 and 14 alliances are represented in the committee, which was granted a one-month ultimatum by Speaker Nabih Berri to reach consensus.

In May 2013, the parliament voted to extend its own mandate for 17 months after the rival political parties failed to reach a deal on a new electoral law other than the one based on 50 small-sized districts in a winner-takes-all system.

Lawmakers also deepened the political deadlock in the country after they voted once again to delay elections and announced they would extend their mandate until 2017, which was met by a huge popular dismay.

Most blocs have announced their rejection to the 1960 electoral law that is based on a winner-takes-all system. It was used in the 2009 elections.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon name withheld (Guest) 30 November 2014, 10:58

Single seat districts or small two or three seats districts with one man on vote insures best representation, parity and equality. It is rejected off hand by all major parties because it makes their resources less effective and completely destroys the so called "electoral bulldozers". This system will open the door wide open for smaller groups and non affiliated individuals to win seats.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 30 November 2014, 11:30

a new electoral law based on proportionality and popular vote for presidency is the only way to curb outside interventions( bullet , dollar) and sterile political debates
god bless democracy

Missing humble 30 November 2014, 11:39

Dear Batrak
Please take a stand against the caporal who is destroying the Christians.

Thumb the_roar 30 November 2014, 14:31

lol if only you knew..if only you knew!

Thumb Elemental 30 November 2014, 19:58

Until the day a Christian can speak freely in Lebanon without consequences such as untimely death, then I'll be happy. All of this now is just political jargon and "calls to people" which has resulted in nothing. I know the Patriarch means all and well, but he can't say anything beyond that without putting himself or his family in danger by saying the "wrong" thing.

Thumb the_roar 30 November 2014, 20:12

I wish he could say whats on his mind, elemental...I really wish he could.

Thumb lebnanfirst 30 November 2014, 22:45

One mus be careful what one wishes for as it might not be to one's liking when it materializes. Besides, the Patriarch made plenty clear what his opinions are when he last visited down under and it sure wasn't to the liking of those who support Aoun...

Thumb chrisrushlau 30 November 2014, 20:21

So 200,000 Christians are "equal" to four million non-Christians as far as Parliamentary representation is concerned? See, faith works miracles.

Default-user-icon 17th (Guest) 30 November 2014, 21:48

200,000 Christians? Don't be ridiculous chrisrushlau, there are more like 15 Christians total, they can all fit in a minibus. They say ignorance is bliss. Some kind of bliss you must be living in chris, chemically induced I gather..

Default-user-icon thx (Guest) 01 December 2014, 12:10

The Christian small minority got much too much in Taef, the hegemony of the Maronite political order was almost kept intact. Only the presidential powers that were never used pre Taef were taken away and given to the full cabinet. That's why Taef should be scrapped and a new deal struck to reflect the overwhelming shi3a majority's right to rule as they choose.