Hariri Calls for Ending Blockade on Arsal, Army to Restore State Authority

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal Movement chief Saad Hariri held the government responsible for ending the “siege” imposed on the northeastern border town of Arsal, calling on the army to restore the state's authority.

“The ties between villages and towns shouldn't be taken hostage by gunmen,” Hariri said via his account on Twitter.

He considered the execution of policeman Ali al-Bazzal by jihadists and the ongoing abduction ordeal a crime that all the Lebanese condemn.

However, he pointed out that the “siege imposed on Arsal and avenging its residents is a service offered to the kidnappers.”

“It is unacceptable to push towards a new phase of tension that oppose the exerted efforts to contain it,” he said in a tweet.

Hariri called on the government to take swift actions regarding this matter and to resolve the case of the abducted soldiers and secure their safe return.

The security force members were captured when jihadists from the Islamic State and al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front briefly overran Arsal in August, sparking fierce battles with Lebanese troops.

Four have been executed so far, including al-Bazzal over the weekend, and the jihadists have threatened to kill the remaining hostages unless there is a deal to free Islamist prisoners in Lebanon.

Tensions were high over the weekend following the execution of al-Bazzal. Angry protesters in his hometown of al-Bazzalieh blocked roads in the area in order to cut off aid to the outskirts of Arsal, where the servicemen are reportedly being held.

Arsal has become a key conduit for refugees, rebels and wounded people fleeing strife-torn Syria.

The Lebanese Army is also carrying out precautionary military operations against posts controlled by gunmen on the outskirts of Arsal and the Lebanese al-Qalamoun region.



Comments 21
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 10 December 2014, 12:33

the army will to restore authority to arsal as quickly as the arms grant coming from ksa reach our soldiers who have been waiting to rearm since 2005

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2014, 15:21

saad is not happy that his nusra boys can't move freely in and out of arsal :)

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 15:38

we know you find it normal that any citizens now can arm and set up checkpoints when it suits them... we know the high respect you have in the lebanese armed forces...
why do we need an army and police forces when anyone can replace them, ma hek?
why do we need a gvt as we have hezbollah to replace it...

poor mooowaten.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2014, 15:43

why do you need to write when you have nothing relevant to say? buzz off peace, stop trying to get my attention with your silliness.

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 15:45

just what i say : you find it normal that any Citizen can set up and arm as they please, no wonder you find my post irrelevant....

you are pityful

Default-user-icon cityboy (Guest) 10 December 2014, 16:08

You beat me to it _mowaten_! I was thinking the same thing exactly.... scary how we always think alike and how similar we are. After all we both are shia extremists; we both pretend to be secular and moderate; we both are hypocrites and sectarian; we both never offer anything of value on any article; we both lie as a way of living. I just hope people don't think we are the same poster.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 December 2014, 18:47

it's the army deployed around you bozo, it's not 'any citizen'. enough with m14 criticizing everything the army does, without those traitors the army would have taken care of terrorists in arsal long ago, and we wouldnt have the hostage situation we have now.

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 20:33

"calling on the army to restore the state's authority."

". Angry protesters in his hometown of al-Bazzalieh blocked roads in the area in order to cut off aid to the outskirts of Arsal"

read the article iletterate moooowaten

Thumb galaxy 10 December 2014, 12:57

why is a paid iranian posting propaganda on a Lebanese forum?

Default-user-icon puppeteer (Guest) 10 December 2014, 13:08

I respect Mr. Flamethrower, Mr. Nassrallah, and Mr. Sharkas equally

Thumb freedomarch 10 December 2014, 14:05

Why Nahar net is nedling with my posts, I will call you Night net from now on ... is mr maktabi incharge now or still a twaini newspaper so we jnow?

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 14:59

"calling on the army to restore the state's authority." hariri

"Following a Syrian withdrawal, it is quite conceivable that
the Syrian regime will leave behind many of its instruments of
terror and destruction as well as its paramilitary/intelligence
apparatus. Therefore, it is imperative that Syrian withdrawal be
accompanied by a complete disarmament of all armed elements.
Only the legitimate armed forces of Lebanon can be entrusted
with providing security to the Lebanese people." aoun

both want the same thing but for M8ers hariri is a paid saudi but aoun a "patriot"... but have we heard aoun demanding the disarmement of all armed elements since he allied hezbollah? never....

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 15:44

snif snif snif... yes sure poor little worm... always twisting and distorting facts to suit your BS ....
hey? why don't you study the contexts, timelines, political situations it ll teach you a lot instead of your hateful binary view that M8 are good and M14 are the bad ones... typical fanatic reasoning you have beyond cure...

now go and play with your inflatable doll, will you?

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 16:28

sure you are always in context: easy for you when you distort everything to suit your idiocy....
i told you: educate yourself on timelines and history but not through your fanatic lenses but objectively something you are far from and need to work out, little worm....

Missing hajjradwan 10 December 2014, 17:53

The filthy sectarian idiots are blockading it, not the Lebanese army. They are even forbidding the wife of the martyr Ali Bazzal, who hails from Arsal, from morning his death with his family in his village.
The usual tactics and holier than thou attitudes, egged on by sanctimonious clerics and the sectarian militia's arms, were made famous by the Meqdads, the Jaafars, the Z3aiters, in Dahieh, in Btedaai, in Rweiset Jdeideh, in Lassa, in Nabatieh...

here they are threatening the residents of Keserwan with sectarian strife over a simple tragic individual incident

Thumb -phoenix1 10 December 2014, 18:02

No way ya Mr. Hariri, no way, even if I feel sympathy towards you, no way man. The blockade must continue and even tightened further. Under no circumstances should the army stop, Arsal must be completely cleaned up, from bottom to top. Mr. Hariri, the army now cannot back down, neither should it listen to you or any other politician for that matter, the army must follow up and I hope it will soon declare military rule and put all of you guys into retirement, I mean all of you, M14, M8 and all the rest. Then any Sheikh or any other cleric, Christian, Shiite, Sunni, or Druze that wishes to middle with the army chain of command, he too must be sent to the freezer. Let the army hit as hard as it should, enough of terrorism. Today Arsal, tomorrow Britel, then Dahieh, end of story.

Missing peace 10 December 2014, 18:14

"Angry protesters in his hometown of al-Bazzalieh blocked roads in the area in order to cut off aid to the outskirts of Arsal, where the servicemen are reportedly being held."

i guess he is complaining not against the army but against citizens who block the roads which in my opinion is unacceptable.. it would mean anyone can arm and set up checkpoints as he pleases... back to the civil war times.... so he is right here

Thumb EagleDawn 10 December 2014, 18:50

they understand what they want to understand. Arsal is surrounded by the terrorists of HA. Not one single citizen minds the presence of the army anywhere on Lebanese soil except the terrorist party and its supporters.

Thumb chrisrushlau 10 December 2014, 19:18

King Hariri is the closest Lebanon can come to an acceptable Muslim to appear in its so-called Government, according to Paris.

Default-user-icon gwb (Guest) 10 December 2014, 21:54

ptsd much?

Default-user-icon holly molly.. mullah (Guest) 11 December 2014, 00:00

Hariri Calls for Army to Restore State Authority, words that scare the Iranian ISlamic mercenary jihadis to death.. sorry I mean to martyrdom LOL as you can see by the over the top reaction of the full time card punchers.