U.N. Asks Israel to Pay Lebanon $850 M for Oil Spill

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The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution Friday asking Israel to pay Lebanon over $850 million in damages for an oil spill caused by an Israeli air force attack on oil storage tanks during its war with Hizbullah in July 2006.

The assembly voted 170-6 in favor of the resolution, with three abstentions. Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, Micronesia and Marshall Islands voted "no."

General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding but they do reflect world opinion.

The resolution says "the environmental disaster" caused by the destruction of the tanks resulted in an oil slick that covered the entire Lebanese coastline and extended to the Syrian coastline, causing extensive pollution.

Israel's U.N. Mission said in a statement late Friday that the resolution is biased against Israel.

"Israel Immediately responded to the oil slick incident by cooperating closely with the United Nations Environment Program, as well as other U.N. agencies and NGOs, addressing the environmental situation along the coast of Lebanon," the statement reads. "This resolution has long outlived the effects of the oil slick, and serves no purpose other than to contribute to institutionalizing an anti-Israel agenda at the U.N.."

The assembly acknowledged the conclusions in an August report by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that studies show the value of damage to Lebanon amounted to $856.4 million in 2014. It asked Israel to provide "prompt and adequate compensation."

The assembly also asked Ban to urge U.N. bodies and other organizations involved in the initial assessment to conduct a further study, building on the work conducted by the World Bank, to measure and quantify the environmental damage sustained by neighboring countries.

The resolution notes that "the secretary-general expressed grave concern at the lack of any acknowledgment on the part of the government of Israel of its responsibilities vis-a-vis reparations and compensation" to Lebanon and Syria for the oil spill.

It notes that Ban concluded that the spill is not covered by any international oil spill compensation funds and therefore recognizes "that further consideration needs to be given to the option of security the relevant compensation from the government of Israel."

Lebanon's U.N. Ambassador Nawaf Salam said his country considers the resolution to be "major progress" because it puts forward a figure for compensation, acknowledges the conclusions of the secretary-general's report, and reaffirms the General Assembly's commitment to justice.

"We affirm that Lebanon will continue to mobilize all resources and resort to all legal means to see that this resolution is fully implemented, and that the specified compensation is paid promptly."

Comments 21
Missing phillipo 20 December 2014, 08:12

Israel will pay Lebanon the same day that Lebanon pays Israel for the damage to its property caused by Hizballah in the 2006 war.
Sorry Lebanon, but these things work in both directions.

Thumb lebanon_first 20 December 2014, 08:29

Criminal israelis will one day pay the price.

The jewish religion, religion of revenge, of eye for an eye, has epitomized its inherent evil in the attitude of the state of israel.

And by the laws of karma, once again the jews will one day pay the price for their exactions.

Missing humble 20 December 2014, 11:06

I do not approve someone who criticizes a religion, any religion. You are an intolerant and a fascist.

Thumb kanaanljdid 20 December 2014, 13:20

All religions are shit, not only Judaism.

Sadly Lebanon is not better than Israel, I would even say it is worst because in Lebanon everything is labelled on religion (president, prime minister, etc.).

Thumb lebanon_first 20 December 2014, 17:09


So in your opinion, all religions are uncritizable? What about paganism? Let me explain to you boy. While it is not right to kill someone because of his religion, it is anybody's right to critisize a religion if he does not agree with some tenets. And philosophically, I am critisizing the jewish religion which is a religion of revenge.

You are mistaking discriminating on people in the name of their religious beleifs with a critisizm of a religion. You are a self righteous pseudo intellectual who has a lot to learn.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2014, 17:26

lol humble, what he said is true, it's not even a criticism it's a fact.

but tell me, since you're such a big defender of tolerance, when was the last time you said anything about your friends who relentlessly post anti-shia propaganda?

Missing phillipo 20 December 2014, 14:46

There is definitely an anomoly here.
Although the State of Israel recognises the Republic of Lebanon, the Lebanese claim that they do not recognise Israel, call the area Occupied Palestine.
Therefore how exactly can Lebanon now state that it has to receive money from Israel. To take money from Israel would mean de jure recognition of the State of Israel. (By the way if the Israelis did pay, which bank in Lebanon would accept a cheque from the Bank of Israel)
However as Lebanon claims that it is Occupied Palestine then the money should come from the authority that rules Palestine, the PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.

Missing sanctify 20 December 2014, 15:06

I agree, let us both pay for the damages caused by both and go back to the destruction of MEA and Lebanese Airways fleets in Beirut airport, the 1978 ans 1982 invasion and everything in between from those years to the present day of stealing our resources. If they are stealing our gas, let's count that as well and we will pay damages caused from the Lebanese side of the border.

Default-user-icon lebnani wbass (Guest) 20 December 2014, 16:17

"(...)caused by hisballah(...)"

your demand should be then addressed to the khomeinist regime and their satellite...

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2014, 17:27

lol philipo, are you still claiming you're not an israeli?

Default-user-icon Disgusted (Guest) 20 December 2014, 08:26

Yeah... when there is snow flakes in hell...

Thumb kanaanljdid 20 December 2014, 13:18

Not sure if it is what the Lebanese really want.

For Lebanon, Israel doesn't exist even on the map. So you can't demand money from a non-existing entity.

If you get money from Israel, so you recognize Israel in fact... If you call it Occupied Palestine, so ask money from Mahmoud Abbas.

Default-user-icon qwerzik (Guest) 20 December 2014, 13:27

kanaanjdid, that's ridiculous. Yes we dont recognize the right of israel to exist in the middle east, this doesnt mean we wont take compensation for the damage. According to your logic, there was never any war because we dont recognize israel!!!! Silly.

Thumb kanaanljdid 21 December 2014, 11:38

No actually: when you settle a matter by paying it already means you are on equal recognition and mutual responsability -normalization, in other words.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2014, 17:30

looool kanaanljdid are you too still claiming you're not israeli? it's really funny to see you blow your covers to defend your sorry excuse of a country.

Thumb Elemental 20 December 2014, 21:51

I say both Israel AND Hizballah should pay Lebanon, and I'd say 100x more than what is "asked" they're both foreign groups occupying land that's not theirs.

Thumb Elemental 20 December 2014, 22:05


Thumb Elemental 20 December 2014, 22:05

No, not really, just facts.

Thumb Elemental 20 December 2014, 22:08

Look in the mirror my good sir, classy reply and very typical of you.

Thumb nickjames 21 December 2014, 04:32

Philipo is actually right. Lebanon can't accept a payment from a state it does not recognise. The government bans its citizens from travelling to Israel or else be arrested for spying, yet this same government wants to accept a paycheck from the same country it refuses to recognise??? That's hypocrisy.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21 December 2014, 17:30

hahahah one more. your line of defense is quite pathetic here, i wonder why your lawyers didnt try it in court.
bottom line is you lost, you pay.