Analysis: Hizbullah Faces Hard Choices Between Fighting Israel, Sunnis


Hizbullah's ambitions are spreading far beyond its Lebanon home as the Shiite movement appears increasingly bent on taking on Sunni foes across the Middle East. It has sent thousands of its fighters into Syria and senior military advisers to Iraq, helped Shiite rebels rise to power in Yemen and threatened Bahrain over its abuse of the Shiite majority.

But the regional aspirations also are taking a heavy toll and threatening to undermine Hizbullah's support at home. The group has suffered significant casualties, there is talk of becoming overstretched, and judging by the events of recent days, even a vague sense that the appetite for fighting the Israelis is waning.

In the recent confrontation, Israel struck first, purportedly destroying a Hizbullah unit near the front line of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Among the seven dead on Jan. 18 were an Iranian general, a top Hizbullah commander and the son of another former commander in chief. A heavy Hizbullah retaliation appeared inevitable.

Yet when it came last Wednesday, Hizbullah's revenge was relatively modest: two Israeli soldiers dead, seven wounded. The choice of location — a disputed piece of land excluded from a U.N. resolution that ended the 2006 war between Hizbullah and Israel — suggested to some that Hizbullah's mind remains focused on more distant fronts.

The Hizbullah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, seemed to allude to criticism that Hizbullah's taste for foreign adventurism is weakening its appetite for fighting Israel. In his speech Friday, Nasrallah said Israel had incorrectly thought that "Hizbullah is busy, confused, weak and drained. ... The resistance is in full health, readiness, awareness, professionalism and courage."

It is part of a complex equation for Hizbullah: On the one hand, many Lebanese resent the group for embroiling their vulnerable country in ruinous wars with Israel. But on the other, all shades of Muslim opinion see the Jewish state as a common enemy that Hizbullah forced, in 2000, to end an 18-year occupation in south Lebanon. In that sense even Sunnis, who along with Christians and Shiites make a third of the country's population each, could see Hizbullah as a protector.

But that was then. Today, many increasingly look to Sunni-majority powers as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt as their true backers.

"Increasingly, Hizbullah's leadership perceives itself as a Shiite Arab regional actor, placing its commitment to the Palestinian cause on par with its mission as a defender of Shiite political and religious rights in the Arab region," said Randa Slim, a director at the Washington-based Middle East Institute. "The consequence for Lebanon is that at some point the Shiite underpinnings of Hizbullah's regional role will clash with the interests and demands of its non-Shiite, mainly Sunni compatriots."

Hizbullah has room to grow as a leading defender of Shiites. But when Nasrallah has tried to make aggressive political proclamations, the results sometimes have backfired.

On Jan. 9, Nasrallah harshly criticized Bahrain over its crackdown on a Shiite-led uprising and its arrest of a leading Shiite cleric, Ali Salman. He compared Bahrain to his archenemy Israel, saying it was naturalizing foreigners to make the Persian Gulf island increasingly less Shiite.

Nasrallah then issued a veiled threat to Bahrain, although he said protests should remain peaceful. "Weapons can be sent to the most secure countries. Fighters and gunmen can enter and small groups can sabotage a country," he said.

Hostile reaction swept the Arab world and Lebanon, where even some Shiites complained that threatening Bahrain could spur oil-rich Gulf nations to expel Lebanese Shiites from their soil. The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council called Nasrallah's comments "hostile and irresponsible." The 22-nation Arab League accused him of meddling in Bahrain.

Hizbullah's largest and most visible commitment is in Syria, where thousands of Hizbullah members are fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's forces against predominantly Sunni rebels.

When Hizbullah first sent fighters to Syria in late 2012, Nasrallah said their role was to defend Shiite holy shrines near the capital, Damascus. Their role expanded to the defense of predominantly Shiite Lebanese residents of Syrian villages. The group now says its main reason to be in Syria is to prevent Sunni extremists from moving into Lebanon.

Hardly a week passes without Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV airing funerals for fighters slain in Syria. Last year, a Hizbullah commander, Ibrahim Mohammed al-Haj, was killed while on a "jihadi mission" in Iraq.

Hizbullah positions in Lebanon also face repeated attacks mostly by an al-Qaida-linked group, the Nusra Front, based on the Syrian side of the border. Their wave of bombings since late 2013 have killed and wounded scores of people, and obliged Hizbullah to employ stiff security countermeasures, including the deployment of plainclothes Hizbullah members around the clock in Shiite business districts south of Beirut.

In Yemen, security officials say Hizbullah, which has long had a presence, has dispatched increasing number of cadres to the impoverished country since Shiite Houthis took over the capital, Sanaa, in September and later the airport.

The officials said before the takeover of the capital, Hizbullah had military and security advisers based in the Houthi's stronghold of Saada province near the Saudi border, where the group's leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, is based.

Analyst Rami Khouri recently wrote in Lebanon's Daily Star newspaper that all the adventurism has come at a political price.

"Hizbullah was widely acclaimed in much of Lebanon and the region for leading the battle to liberate south Lebanon from Israeli occupation," he wrote. "Today, the very polarized Lebanese see the party either as the nation's savior and protector — or as a dangerous Iranian Trojan horse."

Comments 57
Default-user-icon hassan al nass nass (Guest) 03 February 2015, 09:21

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.

free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free West Beirut

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 09:26

The Iranian Trojan horse lmaooooo I am using that term, thanks Khouri.

Thumb EagleDawn 03 February 2015, 11:40

naharnet why do you keep calling these animals "resistance". they are terrorists, and calling them anything less than this is already beginning to whitewash them.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 09:31

Such nonsense ya Naharnet, the Resistance has not been weakened, and they are battling takfiris, Jabhat Al Nusra & ISIS that you are so fond of and even providing them a sect. They have no sect, and they have no fear in God. You've put dozens of analysts to assure you, that the resistance are in their finale days etc. Wrong the Resistance are stronger than ever and they've proven so, even now you claim that they are defeated, well you can dream all you ant. The War on ISIS is the same as the battle against Israel, the zionists that provides medical treatment, and weapons aid to the takfiri Isis nusra militants, specifically around Golan Heights.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 09:35

Also the zionists, are ISIS Nusras unoffical airforce, shooting down Syria planes, and pounding resistance targets around Syria.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 09:56

Why do you stay on this site of you hate Naharnet? If you don't agree with their assessments, there's al-Akhbar and As Safir. Go post your terrorist propaganda on those sites, the thumb robots will favour you there...

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:31

Mystic, on the contrary your comments have been proving us right as each day passes. You don't even know how to argue without using the words Zionist and takfiri. Those are the only words you use, and you use them more than I use toilet paper to wipe my butt clean of your filthy despicable terrorist propaganda.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 10:50

Not ashamed of going through rubble to find dead civilians to bury. If it stood to M14 the victims of 2006 war would still be buried under the rubble rotting. Now that is one of the main reason I hate the M14, I support Gen. Aoun for President because he stood by the Resistance when in 2006 when nobody else did, that will not be forgotten, the ones that stabbed us in the back neither.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:56

Loool Mystic. Michel Aoun called Hezbollah terrorists while he was in France, and he blamed Assad for killing Hariri.

Fast forward to 2006 and Hezbollah got him on their payroll. He calls them the resistance, and even has the nerve to suddenly accuse "a shadowy group like Fatah al-Islam."

Michel Aoun is a traitor to Christians, he is a traitor to Lebanese, and more importantly he is a traitor to his soldiers and family whom he left to get raped and slaughtered by Assad's army.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:57

A shadowy group like Fatah al-Islam killed Hariri***

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 11:16

Gen. Aoun was betrayed by all in 1989, just like the Resistance was in 2006. The Resistance will continue to support him as presidential candidate, they do not forget whom stood by them during the hard times, and an anti Resistance President is unacceptable, so you guys better get used to not having one, if you keep this agenda against Hezbollah.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 11:25

Aoun was betrayed by all? Right. That's why LFers rallied in NY to support General Aoun. Aoun betrayed the LF. Aoun went after the LF because he wanted to strengthen his Lebanese Aouniyeh Forces.

And that's all beside the point Mystic, you're trying to change the subject. Aoun called Hezbollah terrorists before he miraculously had a change of heart. Aoun claimed to fight Syria while he used Hobeiqa the Syrian dog to smuggle artillery and fuel through Syrian-controlled areas to fight his personal war with Geagea. He is a traitor.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 11:35

Flamey stfu you freak, trying to portray yourself as the saviour from Naharnet's Israeli propaganda. If you don't like it, go to another site. Stop trying to impose your unpopular views. No one likes you. You are the most hated person on this forum. I had to read your hogwash for a year before I decided to start posting. Notice how everyone thumbs down you and Mystic (we all have multiple accounts, right?). No, they thumb you dumb because your words are filled with nothing but propaganda and hypocrisy.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 11:52

Of course Flamey always trying to end an argument the cheap way by doing what you do best: live in denial. The LF and FMP have all the support? For the sake of mutual understanding, you must be referring to their solidarity with the truck drivers at the port... You never cease to write the stupidest things man can possibly write. I hope you get arrested one day so you can find God, logic and reasoning while you're in prison.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 11:57

Gen. Aoun could've taken dozen heavy funds from the saudis and M14, everybody tried to lure him away from the resistance in 2006, but he was steadfast and rejected all offers. That was indeed a notion of honor, and M14 wonders why Hezb backs him 100%

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 12:00

Aoun was interested in power because he's greedy. He joined Hezbollah because he wanted more seats, with power comes the money.

And one last reminder, Aoun called them terrorists. I wouldn't trust him if I were you...

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 12:00

To stand by the Lebanese people, against Israel and takfiris should be obligatory for all Lebanese. Which is why Gen. Aoun is M8's predidential candidate.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 12:05

You now just realised I'm a cynic??????? Lmaoooooooo oh God... Flamey I'm getting off, I banged my head on the wall from laughing so hard.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 17:21

It's better to be a hateful cynic than a naive idiot who believes these politicians are doing anything good for our country

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 13:55

(1). My dear Mystic, you said, "Such nonsense ya Naharnet", unquote. During WW2, Hitler said the same thing to his top advisers who told him that the allies were planning D Day then. When it came, it came rapidly and the rest we all know. Speaking for myself at least, I wish NO harm to Hezbollah, no harm either to you my Shiite siblings, or in fact to anyone Lebanese person. To extrapolate this further, it would be quite fair for me to say that many Lebanese share my sentiments over both HA and our Lebanese Shiite siblings. I believe that over the years this has been repeated and reiterated many many times, most sensible Lebanese only want a peace in Lebanon that would engulf and include all parties and all sects, HA and the Shiites included. Sadly, our calls and pleas have fallen on deaf ears, Hezbollah does not heed wisdom when it manifests itself, and why?

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 14:13

(2) Mystic. Because HA feels that it yields a lot of power and wants more influence and more power, even if at the expense of creating a profound wedge between it and the majority of the Lebanese. HA's intransigence coupled with its iron fisted hand over those that oppose its views and stances, is causing the radicalization of many in Lebanon, namely the Sunnis. The Sunnis of Lebanon have by and large remained moderate and this moderation has been the very backbone of Lebanese society. However things are changing, there's a growing number of Sunni youths, now joined bu Christian youths tht are taking the radical route, an this translates into many fields, all of which do not bode well for you at HA or for Lebanon as a whole.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 14:18

(3). Mystic. In brief, Hezbollah's refusal to listen, to even talk with the moderates of Lebanon is indeed the very cradle from which radicalization is being fomented. M14 leaders have been killed one after the other, yet nothing seems to move whereas it comes to them, in sharp contrast, when it's an M8 one, namely a Hezbollah one, things move a lot faster and HA will even take the whole of Lebanon to war with a ruthless and cruel neighbor, why is the question? Hezbollah went to war in Syria, very much against the will and advise of most Lebanese, here again, the moderates, why? HA went to war in 2006 and conducts military operations as if only Hezbollah exists in this country, again, why?

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 14:44

(4). Mystic. You've been told that your meddling in Syria is actually attracting the Jihadist evils into Lebanon, yet you will always create a plethora of reasons to cover your role in Syria and God knows where else ya Mystic, typical HA line. If we object, we become branded as Zionists and traitors, OK, fine. Now even though people like you will refuse the fact most vehemently, that the war in Syria is bleeding Hezbollah and Iran more and more profusely, forget about the Assad regime, it is barely tethering on its two feet these days and despite all the help it is getting from several quarters. Even a child knows that Hezbollah is now facing growing concerns with every passing year. Here in Lebanon, it is facing a growing foe, as it does in Syria, now Israel is shaping up for its next encounter with HA, by default all of Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 14:49

(5). Mystic. If by reasonable calculation bringing in Iran's depleted income, as does Russia's, Hezbollah's growing woes abroad, everyone would have reason for concern over Hezbollah's predicament, both short and long run. What this article speaks of my dear dear brother, is not antagonism of any kind towards Hezbollah, or you our Shiite siblings, it is in my well-weighed view a warning of the eleventh hour, a ringing of the alarm bells both for HA and for the entire population of Lebanon. Lebanon remains till now without a president, have you by any chance checked the risks? We could be at war with Israel any moment now, have you checked the risks, forget the bombast, just ground touching reality, how well are we, or rather, how unwell are we?

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 19:16

Phoenix, let's be honest here. You know aswell as I do, that the Resistance can't be removed by force, M14 tried it they failed ok. Second, I will tell you as I did many times, if you want the Resistance dissolved, then first of all get an Anti Israeli/Takfiri President, after that the arms embargo from Iran to the LAF should be lifted, and then I am absolutely sure the Resistance would turn in their weapons and join the LAF brigades ASAP.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 15:29

(6). Mystic. Finally for now,there comes a time in our history, a time when our misfortunes should rally us Lebanese in unity, in closing the ranks, in rounding the wagons, in looking ahead as one people, looking towards the same direction, your option as Hezbollah remains with your Lebanese siblings, and as has been repeated, rejoin the fold, dispose of your weapons to the army, and continue as a party, and let's stand as one people again.

Thumb -phoenix1 03 February 2015, 19:57

Mystic, you're right, no one can take Hezbollah away by force, and no one even remotely suggested the idea either. At the same time, Hezbollah can't either remove anyone by force in Lebanon, this is why people like me keep saying, dialog, dialog till we find a solution, and a solution can be found if Hezbollah is willing. You said that we need a president that is anti Takfiri and anti Israeli, well, all of our presidents fit the bill, but the one that fitted it best was Emile Lahoud, he sat for 2 terms and nothing has changed a bit. I do not wish to pour vinegar on an already sour issue, still, I am duty bound to float the fact that Hezbollah remains reticent and this despite all the efforts your political opponents have tabled to help bring about a solution.

Thumb justin 03 February 2015, 09:32

Hizbollah is a pure sectarian terrorist militia and considers its fight against fellow muslims more important than its fight with the "zionist" enemy.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 09:48

Mystic, Hezbollah is "battling" Israel, Hezbollah is "battling" the takfiri, we know that. But who they're really battling is the Lebanese state and its institutions. You call 7 Ayyar a Zionist Saudi plot, you call Sleiman (who truly fought the takfiri in Nahr al-Bared) a person in need of special care, and even more insulting you call Aoun a "competent" person.

Thumb joebustani 03 February 2015, 09:49

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts extreme pain, suffering, death or destruction upon the terrorist sectarian iranian militia and its supporters wherever they maybe

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 09:53

Bustani, will you bless me for inflicting a psychological beatdown on Mystic?

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:24

Oh I don't need to try, I already did that the other day. But that's right, you ignored me because I brought up a legendary movie. Have you not seen Heat? One of the greatest movies, Pacino and De Niro. Or are we Zionists for watching Hollywood films?? Is Mafi Metlo a Zionist show as well?? Dickjames, wow that's so insulting. I'd rather be a d*ck than a terrorist. I'd rather be watching Heat in peace then picking up the rubble from Israeli airstrikes. Get off this site, go liberate Shebaa. If you can't do that then go post on another site. You have become a disgrace to this forum and you ought to feel ashamed to call yourself Lebanese.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 10:46

Actually, I did watch that movie back in the 90's when it came out in the cinemas. Good movie too, I will not deny that, it is probaly the only thing we agree upon. Oh dickjames I feel so ashamed of myself now, a M14 supporter calling me terroist and non-lebanese, what am I supposed to cry now? It is pretty hard missing out on western culture movies etc. when Lebanon is heavily infected by it.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:52

So if you saw Heat, why did you ignore my argument the other day (just because holds a gun and raids a place doesn't make him a fighter - that argument)? SSNP does not have "fighters." They were thugs armed by Hezbollah.

How is Lebanon "infected" with Hollywood movies? You'd rather watch Turkish soap opera all day? I hope you're not one of those people who condemned Haifa for playing a promiscuous girl in that one movie.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 11:27

Looool it's like you're trying to say armed robberies are fake. That's such a lame comeback Mystic, but fine I'll go along. So what about John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, the most notorious robbers of the Public Enemy era? Are they fighters?

Missing humble 03 February 2015, 09:59

Warmongers have a black soul possessed by evil and filled with hatred.

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:03

Jack, it should be the Lebanese eliminating these terrorists, not Israel

Missing humble 03 February 2015, 10:05

Ebola is an Iranian army with an Iranian agenda. Both Iran and Israel want to fight on Lebanese soil.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 10:09

The Resistance has proven they can fight on two front, at any given time. You can dream forever for their demise, Naharnet and M14

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 10:28

Just like how the Nazis proved they can fight a two-front war...

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 11:56

Haha I can't be taken seriously, that's why an Aouneh friend of mine told me Hezbollah are the biggest Zionist agents in Lebanon. He's an Aouneh and I respect him because he doesn't live in denial like you, who believes Hezbollah wants to liberate Shebaa Farms and hand over their weapons. Israel is Hezbollah's best friend because they get to keep their weapons and intimidate the rest of Lebanon. But that's right, they're the resistance looooooool you're so stupid and naive Flamey

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 11:21

You are admitting de facto, that the takfiris and zionists works together against the Resistance, good boy.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 10:13

Yes the two of you should go ahead, and try it out. Try what your M14 masters couldn't in May 7th 2008.

Thumb Mystic 03 February 2015, 10:36

What unarmed civilians are those? The same salafi mercenaries on Mostaqbal payroll that is, the same people they later send into Syria, before the Resistance even intervened.

Missing humble 03 February 2015, 10:39

Primitive, uneducated people.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 03 February 2015, 11:28

the western coalition are fighting from the air in Syria and Iraq (isis , nousra ,...)

in yemen Usa drones are attacking al Qaeda
amazingly hizb is fighting the same enemy ie isis nousra Qaeda on the ground
god bless the west and USA for fighting terrorists and god bless whoever is helping them to do the job
god bless democracy

Missing greatpierro 03 February 2015, 11:50

This article says it all. Iran through Hizbollah needs to fight it with the jews and the sunnis in order to keep on its imperialism policy in the region. Without this continuous aggression the islamic shiite iranian revolution will disintegrate. And guess who is paying the price?

Missing peace 03 February 2015, 13:06

os stupidity innate or do you cultivate it?

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 17:19

Flamey stfu. Just last week you were making fun of someone for differentiating between Shia Islamism and Shia political Islamism. And here you are now differentiating between terrorism and "militantism" lmao that's not even a word.

To further point out your idiocy, Hamas is a branch of the Ikhwen, yet you listed the former as "militants" and the latter "terrorists."

Thumb nickjames 03 February 2015, 19:38

Flamey, "militantism" is not a word, militarism is. "Militantism is underlined red as I type it. And "Khorasan" is some clandestine group in the Nusra Front, it is not its own entity.

Thumb megahabib 03 February 2015, 13:55

Hezbollah has lost little more than 300 men in Syria, you can be pretty sure they'll overcome...

Missing idris_gray 03 February 2015, 17:03

Yeah we all know hezbollat prefers killing muslims over israelis. They and their like have a long history of killing muslims and stabbing them in the back, all in the name of their god hussein. The fact is they hate sunnis and still want revenge for something that happened over a thousand years ago...

Thumb megahabib 03 February 2015, 18:29

Right, so how many Israeli soldiers have non-Palestinian Sunnis killed compared to Hezbollah? None you say?

Thumb megahabib 04 February 2015, 02:25

How about in modern times rather than ancient history?

Missing idris_gray 03 February 2015, 21:49

Yeah all arab sunnis love iran and dream of being ruled by ayatollahs. Sheer brilliance.

Thumb shab 03 February 2015, 22:40

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb megahabib 04 February 2015, 02:26

Who, Nusra or ISIS?