Rafehi Refuses Mashnouq's Proposal to Replace Slogan in Tripoli Nour Square

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Salafist cleric Sheikh Salem al-Rafehi expressed on Tuesday reservations over Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq's proposal to replace a slogan in Tripoli's al-Nour Square with a Quran verse.

Al-Rafehi expressed hope that the slogan wouldn't be replaced or removed, Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) quoted him as saying.

For his part, Mashnouq denied earlier comments published in the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat, saying: “The remarks were taken out of context and not accurate.”

The daily quoted him saying that he contacted Mufti of Tripoli and the North Sheikh Malek al-Shaar and al-Rafehi to discuss with them the removal of the slogans under the word “Allah” in the square and replace it with a Quran verse.

The minister stressed that the two clergymen welcomed his proposal.

On Monday, al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Khaled al-Daher clarified controversial remarks about the removal of Christian statues and symbols in Jounieh if the word “Allah” word in al-Nour square was removed.

The huge sculpture of the word “Allah” was installed in the 1980s by the Islamic Unification Movement.

“My words were taken out of context and I respect all religions and all Lebanese from all sects,” the MP said.

Internal Security Forces began removing on Saturday night from the entrance of the northern city of Tripoli black-colored Islamic flags carrying the Muslim declaration of faith “There is No God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet”.

The flags had been raised there by the currently pro-Damascus Islamic Unification Movement, which fought fierce battles against Syrian forces in Tripoli in the eighties of the last century.

However, the removal decision also drew the ire of other Tripoli-based Islamist groups, most of which are vehemently opposed to the Damascus regime.

The ISF's step was part of a plan aimed at removing the flags and banners of political parties from all areas in the cities of Beirut, Sidon and Tripoli and along the coastal highway. The decision was taken during the fifth dialogue session between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement last week.

Comments 10
Missing theobserver 10 February 2015, 12:49

The huge sculpture of the word “Allah” dont cause a problem (in my opinion).
The islamic flags however are similar (if not the same) as ISIS / Al Nusra or other islamists flags and should be removed.
As for the slogan "Trablous kal3at al muslimin", well it implies that non muslims are not welcomed in tripoli. Changing it to a peaceful and welcoming verse from the Quoran is a good idea.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10 February 2015, 13:09

There is no place for religious symbols on public property - no matter what they are.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 February 2015, 13:47

being an atheist i'm tempted to agree with you, but how would "religious symbols" be defined? would it included status? crosses? shrines? might be more trouble to removing them than it is to just leave them there...
people in lebanon love their icons so much that they'd get into another war to keep a cross here, an "allah" there...

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 February 2015, 13:48

*trouble removing them

Thumb lebanon_first 10 February 2015, 14:14

mowaten. Simple. Religious symbols that push people to sacrifice (like the cross) or the open arms of christ le roi can stay.

Black ISIS flags that push people to fight and burn people, yellow flags of HA that cause people to arm themselves against fellow lebanese, and pictures of Nabih berri that cause people to want to steal should be banned.

Thumb ado.australia 10 February 2015, 15:30

I don't think "Lebanon first" was equating isis flags with crosses. But then you can not ban religious symbols in lebanon... all the crosses through out Lebanon can't be banned nor should koranic verses. But the tripoli sign that declares tripoli is for muslims, is an example of a sign that needs to be removed! MP Khaled Daher needs to do more than "explain" his comments about christian symbols in Jounie! He needs to apologise like a man. But he has proven himself to be the perfect sectarian instigator! No one claims muslim symbols should be removed from any place in Lebanon... but to declare an area is "christian" or "muslim" is wrong!

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 February 2015, 16:00

lebanon_first: you're so biased and self-centered it's useless to discuss with you. go commit sacrifice w khallesna.

Thumb Senescence 10 February 2015, 21:49

"and pictures of Nabih berri that cause people to want to steal should be banned."

Lmao! Good one.

Thumb ado.australia 10 February 2015, 15:35

I have much respect for Interior Minister Mashnouq... I might not agree with all his politics but it must be a hard job as a sunni Lebanese interior minister, fighting al qaida and isis. He is acting above and beyond his sect... like a Lebanese should. God bless him!

Missing helicopter 10 February 2015, 18:13

Agree 100%,
I have the same respect for the Shia citizens who would stand up to HA (even risking their lives by doing so).