Salam Calls for Centrist President, Says he is 'Suffering' over Cabinet Paralysis

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Tammam Salam has said the region's conditions compel the Lebanese to elect a centrist president and stressed that the cabinet sessions would remain suspended pending an agreement on a productive work mechanism

Salam told two local dailies in interviews published on Monday that the international community had given up on its mission to resolve Lebanon's president crisis.

Such a reason, in addition to the rivalry between the country's March 8 and 18 alliances, should compel lawmakers to elect a centrist head of state, he said.

“There are several neutral candidates who can help us cross this difficult stage,” he added.

Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May.

Salam told the newspapers that he would not allow the government to collapse over its failure to make achievements in managing the country and carrying out projects.

“My responsibility lies in stopping its collapse,” he said. But Salam hoped that all the other factions would cooperate with him to change the decision-making mechanism adopted by the cabinet.

In line with the constitution, the cabinet began exercising the president’s prerogatives after the parliament failed to elect a successor for Suleiman.

Salam has adopted the collective vote formula that requires the approval of the 23 ministers on major decisions. Such a process is hindering the government's work over the veto right that certain cabinet members are exercising.

Despite his frustration, Salam said he would not resign so that he does not cause another vacuum at a top institution.

“I am suffering but at the same time I am working on managing the state's affairs and overcoming the obstacle,” he said.

The PM warned however that the country's democratic system would be under threat if the cabinet ministers did not agree on a new mechanism.

Such a new formula “requires leniency from all sides,” he said.

Comments 25
Missing humble 16 February 2015, 10:09

Ebola has destroyed coexistence. I don't want to live with people who have a backage culture of 1000 years.

Missing humble 16 February 2015, 10:14

They live in ghettos. Ghettos of disinformation. Ghettos of totalitarianism. Ghettos of hatred. Ghettos of brainwashing. Ghettos of istikbar. Ghettos of lies. Destroying 100 years of hardship and selling the country to evil forces.

Missing humble 16 February 2015, 10:18

If Caporal declares clearly that "Ebola has confiscated the state decision. That Ebola must surrender its weapons. That he is not for Mutelateh. That the Butcher is an assassin. That the best course for Lebanon is Neutrality". Then he will be my candidate.
But he will not, because he is a traitor to the Christians.

Thumb Mystic 16 February 2015, 12:32

If you rely all your efforts on that, then you might aswell give up. It will not happen, find a President that can accept the Resistance instead.

Default-user-icon Jaafar Ibn Iblees (Guest) 16 February 2015, 13:02

Is that a martyred Khomeini Jihadi family in your avatar?

Missing thech 16 February 2015, 13:30

that sounds awefully familiar. looks like you're trying to repeat history 2500 years later - except the other way around.

Default-user-icon linguist (Guest) 16 February 2015, 13:34

Mystic etymology: Myth Tick.

Myth: a false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution. Synonyms: legend. fiction, fantasy, talltale..
Tick: any of numerous bloodsucking arachnids

Missing Je_suis@libonase 16 February 2015, 14:16

Mystic isn't the reason they are a resistance is because of israeli occupation if so israel is back on its borders all but shebaa farms which are disputed but all in all i think the resistance should integrate into the political process and be properly acknowledged for their great contributions in removing israel and relinquish the arms for the sake of peace in lebanon.

Thumb lebanon_first 16 February 2015, 14:43

Mystic. Please stop calling it resistance. It is only resisting the fall of Assad's regime, one of the last stalinist regimes in the world

Thumb Mystic 16 February 2015, 16:54

Lebanon will not have a President for a very long time, because of the attitude you M14'ers have.

Missing thech 16 February 2015, 16:57

wrong. Lebanon will not have a president if M8'ers keep imposing their silly conditions.

Thumb Mystic 16 February 2015, 17:28

Either way, there will not be a President. Accept the Resistance, or stop whining every single day. No weapons will be handed over to M14 zionists.

By the way, that Youtube clip movie 300, is an American racist propaganda film created to smear Iran.

Missing humble 16 February 2015, 13:48

Message to the followers of the Caporal : you keep insulting Hariri, Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabis. But your Caporal has many times declared: "we have always been friends with Saudi Arabia". Then he went to Saudi Arabia for the funerals of King Abdallah.
Your boss has been kissing their hands and licking their .....for the past year.
So you have two options : 1) start insulting your boss for betraying you, or 2) shut your mouth and FOLLOW.

Thumb the_roar 16 February 2015, 14:16

Yes humble the General paid his condolences to the king of Saudi Arabia.

But where you got it wrong, is the part you failed to mention that the General was given the utmost respect by KSA & was even given the front row seat....take a guess where they sat all the M14 so called leaders?

You see humble. no matter how hard you try to discredit the General, The truth will always surface....The cream always rises to the top.

KSA know m14 leaders who are on their payroll can be bought & sold ..they also know, the General remains a man of integrity & no amount of money could change him.....

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (Guest) 16 February 2015, 14:41

I am the_roar: I am a regular poster on naharnet. I have 20 fake accounts and I live on this forum 24/7. I make fake accounts and insult people when I have no argument or debate. I am a Shia who pretends not to speak Arabic and claims to live in Australia. I know every street in Lebanon and every MP's name despite my claim that I am 3rd generation Australian and having never been to Lebanon. I tell people I don't post on weekends to give them the impression I have a life. I lie and lie and lie and think people believe me. I also post as @wolf and @lebpatriot among others.

Default-user-icon jaaar ibn iblees (Guest) 16 February 2015, 15:46

Is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?

Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 16 February 2015, 16:41

The_Roar, perfectly said !!!
God bless men of good will

Thumb lebnanfirst 16 February 2015, 17:06

Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa? ....

Default-user-icon my3cents (Guest) 16 February 2015, 15:39

well said @my2cents

Thumb the_roar 16 February 2015, 16:04

Suleiman did what? oh nothing ! LAF were only allowed to go after IS,nusra etc after he left.

who wants an obsolete foreign puppet who is paid to obstruct his army?
better off without a Pres than a stooge who tied his armies hands.

Default-user-icon my3cents (Guest) 16 February 2015, 16:35

roro, why don't you keep your 2 cents to yourself;)

Missing karim- 16 February 2015, 17:04

18/04/1989 بري: لن نقبل برئيس ماروني بعد الآن
30/06/1989 حزب الله يعلن الولاء المطلق لآية الله السيد علي خامنئي
01/09/1989 حزب الله يعلن حرب مفتوحة مع الموارنة معتبرا حملة عون على سوريا هي حملة لابادة المسلمين
21/09/1989 حزب الله : نرفض رئيسا مارونيا ونرفض الذل تحت اسم التعايش مع النصارى
13/10/1989 حزب الله : سنمزق اتفاق الطائف
20/10/1989 بري: غير معنيين بالطائف والقبول به خيانة
12/11/1989 حزب الله: الطائف استسلام للمارونية السياسية واسرائيل

Default-user-icon sirarchibald (Guest) 16 February 2015, 17:56

so a muslim president or at least a muslim elected one. forget about the mounasafat

Thumb nickjames 16 February 2015, 20:56

Such a reason, in addition to the rivalry between the country's March 8 and 18 alliances, should compel lawmakers to elect a centrist head of state, he said.

- 14 ya Naharnet...

Default-user-icon le phenicien (Guest) 16 February 2015, 21:32

mohammad fneish, hussein hajj hassan, gebran bassil, elias abou saab, raymond "rony" araiji, arthur nazarian, ali hassan khalil, ghazi zaiter are in a saudi cabinet!? so that's why michel aoun was in ksa the other day.