Aoun: U.N. Sanctions against Lebanon over Funding STL Tantamount to Military Invasion

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun renewed on Tuesday his rejection of the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, slamming any potential United Nations Security Council sanctions against Lebanon should it fail to fund it.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Any sanctions against Lebanon over this matter are tantamount to a military invasion.”

“The STL is acting as if it is part of the Security Council and it should therefore fund it itself,” he added.

On other local developments, the MP remarked: “We don’t support increasing the price of gasoline or the Value Added Tax.”

Addressing the infiltration of Syrian troops into the Bekaa town of Arsal last week, Aoun stated: “The government should assume its responsibilities and control the border between the two countries.”

In addition, he noted that a joint force along the border should address matters of border violations, saying: “We don’t have to take rumors into consideration.”

  • 11 October 2011, 17:24

    MP Aoun: I have no reason not to agree on the appointment of Adnan Sayyed Hussein as president of the Lebanese University.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:23

    MP Aoun: The government should assume its responsibilities and control the border between Lebanon and Syria.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:18

    MP Aoun: We consider sanctions against Lebanon over the STL funding as an assault against the country. The STL acts as a part of the U.N. Security Council and therefore it should fund it.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:16

    MP Aoun: We oppose increase in gasoline prices and taxes. The opposition is not an opposition, but a sabotaging force in Lebanon.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:14

    MP Aoun: The people will begin demonstrating against unemployment because the tax system must change. We will not accept matters as they are because the productive part of society must pay lesser taxes than others because they are creating job opportunities.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:09

    MP Aoun: The WikiLeaks cables revealed that everyone is cursing everyone else and the U.S. Embassy is delivering gossip, reflecting a drop in political rhetoric in Lebanon.

  • 11 October 2011, 17:07

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: Such a base level of rhetoric has been reached that we are being accused of setting up power lines in order for Minister Jebran Bassil to buy a private jet.

Comments 25
Default-user-icon Voyager (Guest) 11 October 2011, 17:31

.... and yeah why don't you tell us where did Bassil the miracle child and genius minister get the money to pay for a 21 million dollar private plane he bought from Adnan Kassar?????? Where is he getting all this money he is using to buy any and every old traditional house in the Jbeil area and renovating it.

We did not hear you call for the government to control the border with Syria when arms where flowing in to your thugs and to those of the shiite militias.

You make all of us sick......

Missing peace 11 October 2011, 18:07

""The opposition is not an opposition, but a sabotaging force in Lebanon. ""

talking about M8 when they were the opposition i suppose....

Thumb thepatriot 11 October 2011, 19:04

“The government should assume its responsibilities and control the border between the two countries.”
Errr....aren't your good (bad as a matter of fact) people part of the government?

Thumb jabalamel 11 October 2011, 19:22

sure he is right.

of course there is nothing more that zionist information war department would like than sanctions on lebanon.

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 11 October 2011, 19:53

every time this guy speak he sounds more stupid . when Lebanon is sanctioned by the UN i would like to see what he is going to do . well the old saying " the mind is a terrible thing ...... "

Thumb canaanite 11 October 2011, 20:08



Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (Guest) 11 October 2011, 20:16

GMA is the rock of Lebanon . Nô more money to That joke called STL , let the Saudi joker Hariri pay for his father .

Default-user-icon Pacifier (Guest) 11 October 2011, 20:17

Day by Day we can smell treason in Aoun and Hassouné's talks, specially Aoun that agrees to Ayyad Sayyed Hussein , an illetrate guy that only speaks arabic, because Hezbollah wanted him , while you had 2 other people for the post that both have diplomas and masters, as well as can speak 3 languages perfectly ( Arabic , French and English ) of course Aoun doesnt object because he himself is an illetrate general that only has insults as answers to everyone with or against him.

And of course we have on the other site , JABAL HABAL, which still doesnt understand what his master the underground rat of Dahieh, said last time , about Spies infiltrating Hezbollah, so i guess we havent heard about them anymore, no? what happened? are they dining with your master the Irano-syriano-Zionist traitor of them all ? as well i would like you to explain to me the direct negotiation between Hezb and Israel on prisoners swaps? meaning there is contact between them?! YOU ARE THE ZIONISTS AGENTS, traitors

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 11 October 2011, 20:17

Yes Aoun.....just forget about it. We don't want to know who did all the murders in Lebanon. Who benefitted from all of the M14 killings? Are they they ones who did the crime and are now trying to block it?

If the court does not get funded then Lebanon will be sanctioned. More destruction of the country by the murders who don't care because their economy is funded by Iran.

Default-user-icon Raja (Guest) 11 October 2011, 20:19

I have to say this guy is incredible, he applies Hitler rule say the lie hundred times and the ignorant people start believing it , well that's what Syria left behind ignorance , Well I don't blame him the people are voting for him .

Default-user-icon Pierre (Guest) 11 October 2011, 20:28

Can someone please teach jabalamel a sentence he can use aside from " The zionist war department" ?

Missing allouchi 11 October 2011, 20:38

I love the funny FPM weekly sitcoms..Aoun is hilarious, he makes me laugh just by looking at his stupid face and almost fall down when I hear him talk. It doesn't take a genius to predict what that idiot Aoun is going to say before he says it. Very pathetic and predictable (but funny in a stupid way).

Thumb benzona 11 October 2011, 20:50

Il a fumé quoi le petit général?

Thumb shab 11 October 2011, 21:41

The returning tuesday clown

Default-user-icon Dido (Guest) 11 October 2011, 22:27

does Aoun own Lebanon? I believe he thinks so. He gives more speeches & instructions than the President or the Prime Minister.

This is just an outsider's opinion. In my country, the President and/or the Prime Minister do the talking. No one else.....only in Lebanon do you have all these born again leaders who think they are royalty but in reality are small people with complexes. "Let them eat cake"!

Default-user-icon updated (Guest) 11 October 2011, 23:32

Aoun's Opinion Tantamount to Intellectual Invasion

Default-user-icon pierre (Guest) 12 October 2011, 00:08

J'ai pleuré le jour ou il a demandé à son armée de se rendre et qu'il a filé comme le voleur aux Champs Elysées
et depuis je ne cesse de me dire comment nous étions aussi idiots , de croire un seul mot à se mégalomane, je suis curieux de savoir que dit il aux mères des soldats morts tués par les syriens à cause de sa mégalomanie. Nos Soldats morts à cause d'une CAUSE inventée par cette merdre de Aoun, l'attendrons, et quand il ira en enfer, ils feront le voyage depuis leur paradis pour régler son compte. Honte pour nous qui suivrons encore un .
manipulateur opportuniste et arriviste comme lui. je n'ai meme pas besoin de lire ses dires pour le commenter, car tous ce qu'il dit trouve sa source dans sa soif du pouvoir et de l'argent . les . .gens qui l'entoure et qui le suivent ont la meme soif. Aoun se résume en 2 mots: Mégalomane et Traitre

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 12 October 2011, 00:47

Yes Aoun, sanctions by the UN tantamount to an invasion and I suppose you'll threaten world work III if did this just like you said you will destroy Syria and Assad a whille ago. You are talking like a clown as usual!

Default-user-icon ex-proGMA (Guest) 12 October 2011, 01:17


Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 12 October 2011, 02:39

this "general" has still 47 lebanese soldiers and officer still in saydnaya prison in syria..and an unknown number in tedmor..
when bashar falls these heroes will return and this traitor will be judged by a military tribunal, and if found guilty of treason BE shot.

Thumb joesikemrex 12 October 2011, 04:44

Leave Lebanon, and leave us alone you crazy orange Valium traitor. It's hard enough to make ends meet. Justice will be served, you and your kind will be locked up, its a shame you managed to ran away last time, if only you didn't, Lebanon and Lebanese will be free from you weekly slanders , your criminal master and fake resistance crap you keep feeding us.

Thumb jabalamel 12 October 2011, 12:59

the filthy zionist information war department is growling like a rabid dogs because they are in disbelief that more and more christians are turning away from treasonous march 14

Thumb leblover 12 October 2011, 15:56

الجنرال عون ماشي زي ما قال المثل
ضربة على المسمار و ضربة على الخشب,
رجل مرة هيك و مرة هيك و الله يستر ما اتصير كل الضربات على الخشب

Default-user-icon cruisader (Guest) 12 October 2011, 16:40

Cruisaders are back this time to clean up the world from filth and evil people .Jamalkhamel get ready to get booted from wherever you are hiding attacking the free people of the world.You and your people and this aoun are going to get axed so hard you will never feel it. do you think you and your people are the only ones who have arms?you poor idiot .do youthink the church is going to let you people do what ever you want? dream on and wake up before its too late. it is all planned and ready. the axe is going to fall on you and your people . All in time .CRUSADERS ARE BACK THIS TIME TO RID OF THE FILTH OF THE EARTH.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 12 October 2011, 19:37

Aoun talks like anyone gives a crap about him outside of Lebanon and Syria. He thinks he has an international stage when in reality he's just a puppet for Syria, Iran and Huzballah collectively and the rest of the world (outside of Lebanon) don't give a damn what he thinks about anything.