Change and Reform Vows No Leniency over Appointments, Urges Respect of Constitution
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc stressed Tuesday that it will show no “leniency” in the issue of security and military appointments, calling for respecting the Constitution and the National Pact.
“There will be no leniency regarding the issue of appointments. The government that appointed the members of the Banking Control Commission and the cabinet's secretary general has the ability to carry out military appointments,” the bloc said in a statement issued after its weekly meeting in Rabieh.
In another statement issued last week, the bloc had called for carrying out the appointments without any delay, noting that “the cabinet is not acting in caretaker capacity.”
A dispute had erupted earlier this year between bloc leader MP Michel Aoun and Defense Minister Samir Moqbel over the latter's extension of the term of security officials. Aoun had slammed the move, saying that the minister exceeded his privileges.
For his part, Moqbel defended his measure, explaining that it adhered to the constitution.
The MP went so far as to withdraw his confidence from the minister over the extension of the term of the head of the Higher Defense Council, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khair.
The military positions in Lebanon are suffering as a result of the months-long presidential vacuum in light of the parliament's failure to elect a successor for Michel Suleiman. The vacuum also threatens the position of Internal Security Forces chief Major General Ibrahim Basbous who is set to retire in June.
In its statement on Tuesday, the bloc lamented that “there is neither an electoral law nor a president” and “the parliament's term has been extended twice.”
“Where is the Constitution and where is the National Pact?” ex-minister Salim Jreissati, who recited the bloc's statement, added.
Turning to the stalled presidential vote, the bloc underlined that “popular legitimacy gives legitimacy to all authorities and posts.”
Change and Reform bloc chief MP Michel Aoun had last year demanded that the president be elected through a popular rather than a parliamentary vote, the thing that was swiftly rejected by the rival March 14 camp, which slammed the proposal as “illegitimate.”
“We will not grow weary before we realize the National Pact's stipulations in all constitutional posts,” the bloc emphasized on Tuesday.
The 1943 National Pact is an unwritten agreement that set the basis for the political system in the country, which is based on a sectarian distribution of power.
As for the separate Mustaqbal-Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement-Lebanese Forces talks, the bloc noted that “the mere occurrence of dialogue sessions is a positive thing.”
“We're hearing positive feedback from the Mustaqbal-Hizbullah talks. Sectarian tension is a dangerous thing in Lebanon and anything that can alleviate it is a welcome step,” it said.
“Dialogue between the FPM and the LF is moving forward and when we reach a certain result we will announce it. We don't want to be followers in any major settlement that happens in the region,” it added.
Commenting on the latest nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, the bloc said “this agreement has turned Iran into a force of stability in the region.”

Jreissati on presidential vote: There is neither an electoral law, nor a parliament nor a president. Where is the Constitution and where is the National Pact?
But, you and your boss are still MPs in a Parliament that you do not recognize. Should this non existent Parliament elect your boss as President, then it becomes a legitimate and representative Parliament.

Jreissati on nuclear deal with Iran: This agreement has turned Iran into a force of stability in the region.
Sure thing, this force of stability exhibits itself in Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and many other parts of the world. This force of stability that reminds us it controls 4 Arab capitals.
Shameless traitors!!!

قال حيدر مصلحي، وزير الاستخبارات الإيراني السابق في حكومة محمود أحمدي نجاد، إن "إيران تسيطر فعلاً على أربع عواصم عربية كمال قال رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو".
ونقلت وكالة أنباء "فارس" عن مصلحي تناغم تصريحاته مع تصريحات رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي، بقوله إن "تصريحات نتنياهو تبين مدى تنامي قوة إيران في المنطقة".
وبحسب مصلحي، فإن "الثورة الإيرانية لا تعرف الحدود وهي لكل الشيعة"، مؤكداً أن "جماعة الحوثيين في اليمن هي إحدى نتاجات الثورة الإيرانية".
وليست هذه المرة الأولى التي تصدر فيها تصريحات عن قادة في إيران سياسيين وعسكريين، حول توسعهم ونفوذهم في المنطقة العربية بواسطة الجماعات والميليشيات الطائفية التابعة لطهران في بعض الدول.

Ex-minister Jreissati after weekly meeting of Change and Reform bloc: There will be no leniency regarding the issue of appointments. The government that appointed the members of the Banking Control Commission and the cabinet's secretary general has the ability to carry out military appointments.
How about the ability to carry out appointments and regional elections within your own party. Said elections that have been delayed and cancelled 3 times so far, the last of which was March 22, 2015.
Put your money where your mouth is and stop trying to fool people.

The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc stressed Tuesday that it will show no “leniency” in the issue of security and military appointments, calling for respecting the Constitution and the National Pact.
Complete idiocy. FPM calling for respect for the Constitution is a JOKE. And where are this guys' hands, it looks like his taking a leak probably on the constitution.

General Aoun has called on parliament to interpret Article 24 of the Constitution but we are still waiting.
can you "interpret" article 75 mr jreisati, or is it clear enough for you
إن المجلس الملتئم لانتخاب رئيس الجمهورية يعتبر هيئة انتخابية لا هيئة اشتراعية ويترتب عليه الشروع حالا في انتخاب رئيس الدولة دون مناقشة أو أي عمل آخر

We will not grow weary before we realize the National Pact's stipulations in all constitutional posts.
of course not, unless Hezbollah orders you to do so.. Aoun and co screamed for six year about how the post of general security chief is a christian post then when he got the chance to appoint a christian nasrallah ordered him to move aside and appointed the shiite abbas ibrahim to the traditionally christian postpost

I think you will find your answer in sleiman frangieh's comments on why he voted for the extension and how the hypocrites complain but don't resign en masse. FPM complain but as still cashing their extended term checks while they stay away from their duty. Nice racket Al Capaoun.

Calling for respecting the Constitution!! ???
Very Funny they only see the constitution when it suits them, the other Constitution that they should show up in parliament to vote for a President does not count? It's a SAD joke.... This Cancer should be cleared or else it will devour Lebanon !!!May God Bless Lebanon and cast the evil ones away.

Look at this guy. Look well. He is the symbol of corruption and dog to Ebola.

"Respect the constitution"...???
You and your caporal are doing everything to destroy the institutions and the constitution...
FPM or rather Change and Deform bloc. Who is causing the delay on the election of a new president, now almost a year!? And who by consequence is causing the voids that are now taking place?! We are still locked down because of one senile, utterly selfish, totally insane man called Michel Aoun the Claoun. So a nation of 4 million plus people have to put in abeyance almost everything, Lebanon's economy is literally on its knees because of one man and one heck of a militia party called Hezbollah! Now they have the coyness and arrogance to argue a case they created in the first place, how damn cocky. If the FPM has to open its gills every week and remind us of our recurrent nightmare it and Hezbollah is causing the nation, then NO, thank you, shut those gills for good. The election of a new president should be a straightforward thing and certainly not an issue to be doodled every time the matter is raised.
Now if the ugly head of old man Claoun doesn't appear, he brings about another claoun to replace him. It's Al Capaoun's way to remind us that his gang of traitors are still around, but hey, where's the claoun himself?