Salam Says No to Unilateral Governance, Urges Speedy Election of President

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Tammam Salam warned Lebanon's bickering political parties on Tuesday that they would fail in governing the country without consensus, urging them to elect a new president without further delay.

“Lebanon is the only thing we've got. Putting it in danger is an unforgivable crime” such as the crime of the presidential vacuum, Salam said at the Lebanese Education Conference that was held at the Phoenicia hotel in Beirut.

“No political party is capable of changing the circumstances in the region … No single side would be able to succeed alone in deciding the fate of the country,” he stressed.

“No side would be able to manage our internal affairs … away from consensus,” the premier stated.

Salam also urged all parties to speed up the election of a president to regulate the work of state institutions and normalize the country's constitutional life.

The country has been without a head of state since President Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended in May last year.

Differences between the March 8 and 14 alliances over a compromise candidate have caused the vacuum at Baabda Palace.

Salam urged political parties to avoid verbal attacks and consolidate dialogue and rapprochement.

Tackling the problems that public education is facing, the PM said the sector needs a clear strategy to be able to meet the demands of the century.

He said the cabinet is ready to discuss the education ministry's strategy on the sector.

Education Minister Elias Bou Saab addressed the conference before him.

“If we don't give teachers their rights, then we would cause the slowdown of the education sector in Lebanon,” he said.

He hoped that the controversial public sector wage scale would be adopted by the parliament to give the teachers the much awaited raise.

Bou Saab also called for providing students at public schools safe and healthy conditions.

Comments 15
Missing humble 21 April 2015, 10:46

Mr PM you have many traitors in your Government selling their country and filling their pockets.

Thumb the_roar 21 April 2015, 11:30

“Lebanon is the only thing we've got. Putting it in danger is an unforgivable crime” such as the crime of the presidential vacuum."

Stop all the lies ....If you really wanted a Lebanese President voted in on time every time & only chosen by the Lebanese.

Then you would have agreed to direct people vote.

Until you agree to this easy fix...stop your lies.

Missing humble 21 April 2015, 12:43

Your Caporal will never become president. Ra7 To2 w ma ra7 yitla3.
Christians will never accept a servant dog to Ebola to become president.
You want him because he is your agent-khadim.
We do not want him for the same reason.

Thumb the_roar 21 April 2015, 13:20

"We do not want him for the same reason."

who's we, humble? you & a few rag tag trolls on Naharnet?

If you think the General is not wanted by the people, why did you & your leaders rush to block the idea of popular people vote?


Thumb the_roar 21 April 2015, 13:28

If you're so sure about it, then why are you & your leaders rushing to block popular people vote?

Is it because, it would exclude any foreigners from interfering?

or maybe because you would have a Pres on time every time?

or maybe & just maybe, you're all scared of the landslide the General will win it?

Thumb freedomarch 21 April 2015, 15:45

To Rear, with respect toc toc toc, In Lebanon, a Christian president will never be elected directly, Rear smart as s ome think you are? If this is allowed it means a supreme Ayatolah lebanese version, that would be accepted, Monasafi and you Hizb Zbelleh is thinking about taking it from Christians, this means for sure the want accept to giveyou complete rule as the president now is taking his power directly for people hence can alone do anything he want. NOT SOMETHING that other sects would really allow not mustaqbal nor Amal or your beloved Hizb Zballeh.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 21 April 2015, 15:53

the Roar do you really think a man in his eighties can really serve as president. also the man has polarised a lot of people in lebanon i think there are much better candidates and i am not talking about hakim but lets find one that does not carry a lot of baggage and can work these difficult politicians we have to achieve the life in lebanon we all desire.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 April 2015, 14:03

(1). It seems that it's now common practice whenever a new PM or a new president is to be appointed, time is wasted and the country pushed to its lowest ebb. The time has now come to focus on another presidency that for all intents and purposes is looking more and more obsolete by the year, that of Speaker of the House. He is serving no purpose but play by the odious rule of the Hezbollah-led M8 alliance. No country should be left without a head of state and president, no country. t.

Thumb freedomarch 21 April 2015, 18:34

Hello Inbred My Rear, About the president issue, clAoun, is not acceptef by 75 of the population, let mim check himself into Dair el Salib, and then we can talk...... and again my REAR, with all respect to your comand into spanish language, happily I say your sucksess cock ing would make, you so popular among tourists and entertainment venues. SUAGAR, open up man, donuts are part of your business, the widet the better.

Thumb -phoenix1 21 April 2015, 14:03

(2). Our being almost a year without one, in spite of all the dangers that our country is facing just shows how reckless our politicians are these days, and this starting from Aoun, to Sayed Hassan, to the M8 alliance and unfortunately forcing the M14 alliance with no choice but block their attempts at the Hezbollah planned hegemony of Lebanon. With Hezbollah now unable to make anymore headways be it in Lebanon, in Syria and now Yemen, Lebanon should now seek international support to take it out of this deadlock, this now seems the only option left to us.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 21 April 2015, 15:46

phoenix1 do you think a president at the moment would serve his purpose when we have hezbollah being a law unto themselves they ignore all government laws and when they don't agree with anything they disrupt the country especially around tourism season when they know it has maximum effect i cannot believe these zombies on this site who really think that hezbollah is a lebanese resistance they are persian right through and the only time lebanon will prosper is when this persian entity has been removed then and only then will a president be able to do his job to effect.

Default-user-icon Aoun (Guest) 21 April 2015, 15:03

look at those propagandist Aoun boot lickers!
"change the law", "direct vote" 3ala assess laws changes according to jeddo Aoun!
If you stupid aounist, are not able to change the actual law you must respect it! point à la ligne mes amis.
second how comes u support the orthodox law for the legislative and the direct vote for the presidency?
Come on guys, dare to say that you want jeddo Aoun president no matter how!!

Thumb freedomarch 21 April 2015, 15:48

Stay in Carasao and mind your own convenient sore. Tic tic.

Thumb freedomarch 21 April 2015, 18:48

Invred ric tic, my rear, corasao? Sorry to hear about your issues. I THANK YIUR GOOD SPIRI keep at it, and don't loose faith. I know, tu familia tu hernanas, to madre esta tan puta y tan abierta un carro entra sin problema. And hope you have it in your heart to forgive me for any inconvenience, your always been so dick.

Missing alyanko10452 22 April 2015, 08:33

We keep taking consensus to lower and lower standards, just because Hezb is setting those low standards.
Imagine a Lebanon without Hezbollah,and we will have peace & prosperity forever.