Report: Israel Targets Hizbullah Arms Depot in Qalamoun
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Controversial reports surfaced on Saturday over an alleged Israeli airstrike on Hizbullah and Syrian military posts in the strategic Qalamoun region.
Al-Arabiya's Al-Hadath TV channel reported on Saturday that Israel targeted overnight a missile depot in the region.
According to the channel, the airstrike was preceded by an Israeli raid on Wednesday that targeted a convoy carrying arms belonging to Hizbullah, which killed one person.
However, Israeli authorities refused to comment on the reports.
Witness revealed that the Israeli airstrike targeted the bases of Syrian army brigades 155 and 65 in and a depot for Hizbullah's long-range missiles.
Hizbullah has been taking part in the fighting in Syria for over four years now, arguing that its participation is necessary to protect Lebanon from extremist groups.
Though the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front both have roots in al-Qaida, IS has formally broken with the group, while Nusra is its official branch in Syria.
Despite ideological similarities, the two groups are opposed and in conflict with each other in other parts of Syria, particularly in the north.
But in Qalamoun, their fighters battled the regime and Hizbullah forces alongside each other, with support from some smaller Islamist rebel groups, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Splendid job
I hope these iranian terrorists did not suffer too much teeeeheeeheee:D

When did Israel fire one single bullet at ISIS or Nusra? Never, because they work for the same goals.

Israel and Al Nusra front, working side by side against the Resistance. Can it be more obvious than this?
Yet we still have people on this forum, talking about Resistance protecting Israel, while their takfiri brothers eat out of the Zionists hands!

How about you admit, that you hope for Israel and the takfiris to destroy the Resistance? Then you would be a little more relevant.

@ FT: Totally expected comment from a pathetic and "bankrupt" ideology. This site is yet to witness one valuable and debatable comment posted by you.

Racism is the same wherever you go (speaking of trolls, who all live underground). Abolish Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution, let Lebanon's Shia majority have its voice in the legal order.

According to information I got, it seems there are tens of dead and injured in this raid.

one ca only notice the despair in m8 comments these days: nothing is working for them :)
I have to advise these traitors they need to brace themselves: nothing you try to change the identity of Lebanon will work.
so many armies have tried along history, and Lebanon always prevailed. same will happen with you iranian filth.

I thought I could finally get a break from the ceremonies and enjoy a devilish weekend, but it was not meant to be.
Back to work

nezlit dam3te man.... oussa mou2ssira jidda jiddan from the tender hearted new and improved life loving flamethrower. Sectarian Filth in motion!

flamethrower..the enemy of my enemy is my take a walk.
typical brainwashed idiot.every one who doesn't agree with you is either a Wahhabi or Israel just prove you have no argument to justify your comment.

FT and other idiots
Anyone who sees Ebola and Caporal as agents and traitors is automatically labelled Israeli and Zionist.
You know what? You are really pushing us towards this because we can no longer bear you...I am totally fed up with your ignorance and backaged culture.

no sectarian hatred detected in flamethrower's posts whatsoever. The article is about his hezb being annihilated in Qalamoun and he posts irrelevant material simply because his sectarian hatred and bias take over.

Why doesn't Hezbullah put its muscles into abolishing Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution? Is it afraid of three and four-sevenths Lebanese warlords (Aoun, Geagea, Berri, and Hariri) and their foreign financial backers? What would the average Lebanese voter think of having open elections?

Chris, simply because the Resistance does not want a civil war in Lebanon. That is what the Israelis want all along.

What about Article 24, giving half of the Parliament to so-called Christian parties in Lebanon? This is the source of all of Lebanon's instability.

Mystic 53 minutes ago
Chris, simply because the Resistance does not want a civil war in Lebanon. That is what the Israelis want all along.
- Loooooool exactly, Hezbollah does not want a civil war, it wants to take over the country without starting a civil war.