Gunmen Slightly Wound Two Soldiers in Baalbek's Sharawneh
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
An army post in al-Sharawneh neighborhood in the Bekaa city of Baalbek was targeted by gunfire, the military command said in a communique issued on Wednesday.
According to the statement “two soldiers were slightly injured.”
“The attack compelled the army unit to respond to the sources of fire and stage patrols in search of gunmen.”
The statement pointed out that a suspect was detained and a weapon was seized from his possession as the army is pursuing the remaining suspects.
The state-run National News Agency reported that the army raided the neighborhood overnight and carried out patrols in the area.
Meanwhile, the army said in its statement that a unit detained in the Akkar town of Shadra on Tuesday night Ammar Ahmed al-Ahmed and Ali Hassan al-Sheikh for the possession of rifles and a quantity of ammunition.
Another unit apprehended four people for exchanging fire in al-Faour area in the Bekaa and seized from their possession two rifles and an amount of light ammunition.
The detainees and the seized possessions were referred to the competent authority.
The Lebanese security forces began implementing recently strict security measures and kicked off security plans across the country to reduce crime rates and clamp down on terrorists.
Police and army have been carrying out large-scale raids and managed to arrest scores of offenders.
Samer Hanna, was he shot above Ashrafieh? I rest my case with you ya FT.

yes i am saying that your beloved iranian militia knows about all what's going on in baalbek... no need to argue, it s a fact...
and calm down or you ll pop an artery fag boy.

Funny how you remember Samer Hanna 7 years after the tragic accident and keep bringing him up for your propaganda, but never say a word about the hundreds of soldiers killed in abra, tripoli, arsal during the last couple of years...

@geha" 1-who said the shooters were shia? and why is that relevant? do we blame all sunnis when takfiris behead kidnapped soldiers?
Ah dear dear FT, calm down, no need for all this anger, now, Alzheimer, talking of which, here's a nice joke to cheer you up: Pépé et Mémé sont assis dans le parc
Pépé dit : "J'ai une folle envie de glace"
Mémé dit : je vais en chercher, que veux-tu ? »
- "Deux chocolat, et toi ?"
- "Moi, je prendrai deux vanille"
Pépé réplique : "Il vaut mieux que tu le notes"
- "Mais non, le camion de glaces est juste là, devant"!
- "Notes le, je te dis que tu vas oublier"
- "Non, non, je n'oublierai rien !"
Mémé part en grommelant "Deux chocolat, deux vanille... Deux ch…"
Après un bon quart d'heure ...
Mémé revient avec deux saucisses et deux cornets de frites bien dorées !!!!!!!!!!
Pépé lui dit "Et où est la moutarde ?"
"Bon sang, je l'ai oubliée !"
"Tu vois, répond Pépé, je te l'avais bien dit de le noter !"

the shooters are confirmed for being from the zoaiter family, and the shooting was motivated by the anger at the army because they are not supporting hizbushaitan, after 6 of this family were killed lately.
as if the role of the army is to support this extremist terrorist iranian militia's actions!

mowaten the shooters are Christians who live in al-Sharawneh, happy now?