Khamenei Adviser Hails Lebanese for Uniting against Takfiris
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The adviser of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday expressed confidence in the politicians' ability to find the appropriate solution to Lebanon's presidential vacuum and lauded them on their unity to confront extremists.
“We are glad to see that the Lebanese have been able to agree on consolidating national unity and moving forward in confronting Israel and extremist forces,” Ali Akbar Velayati said following talks with Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain el-Tineh.
He said he was proud of the victories achieved by Hizbullah along with the Syrian army in confronting the armed takfiri groups in Syria's Qalamoun region.
Velayati is in Beirut on a one-day official visit for talks with top officials, including Prime Minister Tammam Salam who said Lebanon is “bound to fight the dark forces and terrorists."
The visiting official told reporters at Rafik Hariri International Airport upon landing in Beirut that it was up to the Lebanese to solve the country's political problems.
He expressed confidence in the ability of rival parties to find the appropriate solution to the presidential crisis.
Baabda Palace has been vacant since President Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended in May last year.
The Iranian official's trip to Beirut comes two days after Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address that jihadists from al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State group have been pushed out of large areas of Syria's Qalamoun region.
Qalamoun is a mountain range along the border with Lebanon where Syrian troops backed by Hizbullah are fighting the militants.
The mountain range is close to Damascus and links it to the coastal heartland of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
The latest high-ranking Iranian official to visit Beirut was chairman of Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi in January.

Indeed, he's more welcome than you geha, at least he doesnt pretend to be lebanese and speaking for lebanese

You are the ones backing the takfiris fighting the national army, yet you mention honor that you lack off completely.

The Lebanese are united against all extremists, HA included. Against all Jihadists, HA included. Against all those that undermine the legitimate State of Lebanon, HA included.

Does that include the Zionists and Wahabis, that brings food to your table? I guess not.
The ones holding those extremists back right now, are the Resistance. Like it or not, they are our last hope.
Your allies Saudi Arabia would've a problem with Lebanon being overrun by Al Nusra, Hariri could atleast try to control them by throwing them a bone once in a while.
I doubt that would prevent them from massacring his Christian allies.

will he also meet with his constituency and iranians residing in Lebanon such as mowaten, southern, and flamethrower?

Such as in your reply to me above (is that what you call focus on the article)

No Saudis just funds the takfiris to do it themselves. All those takfiris killing LAF troops.

Ahlan wa sahlan. Everybody is welcome in Lebanon. Just make sure to visit Hassouna so he can kiss your boots before you leave.
What the Iranians know and they don't want to admit is simple: That there is general unanimity over our firm opposition to Takfirism of any kind, but that at the same time there is no unanimity in supporting Hezbollah's actions either. There is unanimity over wanting Hezbollah to rejoin the fold and continue as a political party only and not a militia. There is unanimity over refusing harm to our Shiite siblings, as there is unanimity over our will to keep the peace in Lebanon and allow the Lebanese State to be as is stipulated in our constitution, as the sole guarantor of peace and the sole decider of war matters. In this context as reflected in my reaction, the word Maybe doesn't exist, the only approach is for these Iranian advisers to be more lucid and more transparent with the quality of advise they give their leaders, and if not, let them know that the Lebanese public is not dumb either. There is a huge disparity between what to believe and what not to.

It remains an armed national Resistance part of the constitution. Israel is still a threat, so is the thousands of takfiris massing our borders.
My dear Mystic, which is why you guys at Hezbollah should have stayed inside Lebanon so that we could have stayed stronger. Because you people ventured to Syria and now to Yemen, your argument is no longer valid, sorry ya akhi. You brought to the wolves to our doorsteps and now our army is the only guarantor of our security, not Hezbollah, that is long past and gone.

Phoenix even so like it or not, it remains part of the consitution & Taef agreement.
You are among those dear phoenix, that believes Lebanon is an isolated island far away from ISIS and Nusra, ya3ni you think they are thousands of miles away? They are just next door.
You honestly believe they would leave Lebanon alone had the Resistance not intervened?
If you do believe that, then you have already brought disaster upon all Christians because of these naive thoughts.

Secondly, how can the LAF protect the borders, when they are not even given the greenlight of action to purge Arsal?
I believe we need both the Army and Resistance for this war against takfirism.
If you believe arms will be dropped, because you are jealous of not having them in your Lebanese Forces, then all I can do is pity you.
I bet the Yazidis in Iraq didn't expect anyone to slaughter them, because they did no resistance to the takfiris what so ever, same fate would meet you guys aswell, so thank the Resistance that it never happened.
FT, Iran is fighting IS in Iraq because it looks at the Shiite majority there and still dreams of expanding its influence in the region, period. The same dynamics prevail with Hezbollah's involvement in Syria, that too is all about trying to shore up a friendly regime to them.

All that for defending the region, from being consumed by Abu Baghdadis state. Something you think is happening on the other side of the globe phoenix.

you seem a little confused jiddo, the jihad el nikah is for you and your friends.

We all unite against Takfiris, but we also all unite against Iranian Ebola.

this is the same terrorist who said:
مستشار خامنئي: انتصار الحوثيين وشيك وهم سيطروا على الاوضاع تماماً كما فعل “حزب الله” في لبنان
قال علي ولايتي رئيس مركز الدراسات التابع لمصلحة تشخيص النظام في إيران، ومستشار علي خامنئي، والذي يشغل أيضاً منصب الأمين العام لما يعرف بالمجمع العالمي للصحوة الإسلامية في إيران، إن انتصار الحوثيين في اليمن بات أمراً وشيكاً.
وقد اعترفت إيران رسمياً ولأول مرة، بدعمها لجماعة أنصار الله الحوثيين في اليمن، إذ أعلن ولايتي أن إيران تدعم ما سمّاه النضال العادل لأنصار الله في اليمن.
ووصف ولايتي، بحسب وكالة "إيسنا" الإيرانية، حركة الحوثيين بالفريدة في تاريخ اليمن، وقال مخاطبا الحوثيين: "إن انتصاراتكم تشير إلى عمل مدروس ومستلهم من التجارب السابقة، والآن تمكنتم من السيطرة على الأوضاع تماماً وأزلتم العقبات من أمامكم".
كما أعرب عن أمله بأن يتمكن أنصار الله من أداء دور في اليمن مشابه لدور حزب الله في لبنان. وأعرب عن ثقته بأن النصر في اليمن وشيك.