France: Syria Must Respect Lebanon’s Sovereignty
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
France condemned on Wednesday the Syrian army’s repeated incursions into Lebanese territory.
The French Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Syria should respect Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence.
It noted that the incursions have resulted in the death of one person in Lebanese territory.
On Tuesday, conflicting reports said that Syrian troops had infiltrated al-Qaa in the Bekaa region, killing two Syrian army defectors.
The development came after Syrian troops entered the town of Arsal in the Bekaa where it killed a Syrian farmer and attacked a family residing in the area.
About a month ago, Syrian troops infiltrated northern Lebanon where it accidentally fired at the Lebanese army.
The French Foreign Ministry called on the Lebanese authorities to exert efforts to protect every individual who escapes the crackdown against anti-regime demonstrations in Syria.
Since March, Syria has witnessed protests against the rule of President Bashar Assad, with the regime retaliating with a bloody crackdown.
The United Nations estimates that some 3,000 people have been killed in the crackdown.

what a shame! it is France defending our sovereignity instead of this pitiful, shameful, syrian/Iranian/ hezobstian non Lebanese Government !
It is disgusting to look at what is happening to our country from an outsider point of view .. I hope Bachar fall soon enough so that Iran continue their unfinished Green Revolution of 2009 and then goodbye Hizbulla finally and let the middle east live in peace and prosper for once and for all !

I have a question for you "Lebanese" "nationalists". When Israel bombs your country back to the stone ages, you blame Hizbullah. When the Syrian army goes a little bit into Lebanon to chase terrorists and arms dealers, you don't blame the terrorists and the arm dealers. Somehow, Hizbullah is still blamed. Why the hypocrisy? How about if Syrian planes start bombing Tripoli and kill 1400 in 30 days? Would you start blaming the terrorists that are sending weapons to Syria then? Let me know :)

of course, the zionist information war department have a problem with our brothers in the glorious syrian army crossing the "border" into lebanon.
from 1975 to 1990 the zionist christians dared fire on and kill many brave syrian soldiers who crossed the border into lebanon
a made up border invented by the colonial imperialists to weaken the syrian umma as the magnificent president hafez assad proclaimed
next the zionist information war department will try to claim the muslim umma does not exist and is a figment of sayyed hassan and sheikh qassem's imaginations or that the christians were not brought in as invaders into this pure muslim land to be a thorn in the side of muslims
but the muslim people have shown the zionists and the crusader west that the arab spring is also the creation of the muslim middle east as announced by our iranian benefactors

What a shame: a foreign power has to object to Syrian violation of Lebanese soil while this imbecile government headed by a puppet power/position hungry prime minister keeps silent.

@ Geha, if you have a bit of dignity and self respect, you wouldn't have posted that. If your political views differ from someone else's views, you do need some self respect first, then to comment with mature responses (just an advice). and one more thing , the more u hate Aoun, the stronger he becomes so keep hating the guy. Not a lot of space to comment, but if ur aware of all the reports Leaked (wikileaks) ,one of the latest published reports the us ambassador has mentioned how Hariri's Era the government was corrupted so it's one of the proofs where ur "Za3im" was present in that period of time in the gov, and participated in the corruption. Leave Assad's future to the Syrian people , you were asking Syria not to interfere , now u are interfering in their internal business.

Future vision, would you like fries with that? Lol keep dreaming. I dont support bashars regime but lebanon will always be syrian, always has and always will. Its no diffirent than hems, aleppo, damascus. All old songs include lebanon in syrian national songs, you guys yourself considered yourself to be syrian until the french wanted to make a maronite state. At that time only maronites supported a new identity, the rest were still insisting on syria. I have met many lebz who still do.

why dont they say the same thing when Israel violates our space?

hezbollah is to be blamed ya murad because it is an illegal armed party which terrorizes lebanon with the threat of their arms... they promised never to point them inside lebanon look what happened in may 2008...
they now threaten the civil peace and again to use their arms against lebanese if the STL is implemented...
they justify their so called "resistance" to protect lebanon and its independance but let a foreign army enter unpunished on the soil of the country..
and for those dishonest and propagandists people, M14 has always denounced the violations of lebanon by israel...
hezbollah this gang of terrorists just obey orders from teheran but disobey their own country: you call that glorious? seems more treacherous to me! don t forget they pledge allegiance to iran but never to lebanon.....
hezbollah is a growing cancer which has nothing glorious but look more like the title of a movie: the inglorious basterds!

M8 people… get it in your thick skulls that we don’t want ANY foreign Armies in our land, sea and air and no foreign spies or collaborators from any country either…do you GET IT?

LOL @ nabatiyeh temperance and resistance..You are Habal Hamel...everyone knows your childish backward now you are in Nabatiyeh, then Harouf, Nsar, Dweyr, Deir Zihrani etc...I know that Area extremely well ya AHBAL Al Hibel.

@lebCanada and all the aounists
you follow someone senile and full of himself.
he destroyed christian unity for the sake of becoming a president, and now he is a follower f the syro/iranians, the same his officers died fighting while he was running away to France with the money.
I just wish the censor does not remove my posts.

Nabatiyeh Temperance and Resistance:
I suspect that you first write your comments in Arabic and then you use Google Translate - or a worse translation tool - to translate them into English. I suggest you start using your brains instead.
If you decide to follow my advice, your comments may start making sense. So far, they are no more than a collection of incomprehensible raves and rants (many of us know that you post under different monikers, including Jabalamel) which, frankly, make you sound like a lunatic.
I, of course, may be wrong. You could simply be a lunatic.

nabatyeh...excuse me????
how dare you!!!
just kidding :) i'm glad that people are realizing what's going on an nahar comments section.
did you see how they bark and growl and hiss when they are faced with truth??? they are hillarious