Mustaqbal: Hizbullah Hijacking Presidency, We Hold It Responsible for Any Harm against Our Officials

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc on Tuesday accused Hizbullah of "hijacking the presidency" through its insistence on the candidacy of its ally MP Michel Aoun, as it held the party responsible for any harm against its officials in light of recent statements by Hizbullah officials.

“The bloc once again condemns Hizbullah's continued hijacking of the presidency through its insistence on a sole candidate and its attempt to paralyze the Lebanese democratic system and turn it into one of the regimes of hegemony and oppression,” said the bloc in a statement issued after its weekly meeting.

Commenting on Aoun's latest presidential proposals, Mustaqbal said his suggestions “require constitutional amendments that cannot be discussed amid the vacancy of the presidential post.”

Accordingly, the bloc called on MPs and political forces to exert efforts to reach an agreement on the election of a new president, warning that any other approach would harm "the interests of Lebanon and its citizens."

On Friday, Aoun blamed the current political crisis on “the limitation of the presidential powers” after the Taef Accord and “the lack of participation by all the Lebanese factions” in the country's political life.

He called for choosing one of four solutions: a two-phased election of the president by the people, a popular referendum that is binding for parliament, a parliamentary vote for the “two most representative Maronite MPs”, or holding parliamentary polls based on a new and balanced electoral law before organizing the presidential vote.

Separately, Mustaqbal condemned as “threats” recent remarks by Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the party's top MP Mohammed Raad, saying they reflect “the magnitude of the dilemma Hizbullah has pushed itself into.”

“The bloc holds Hizbullah fully responsible for any harm against its MPs or the members of al-Mustaqbal movement,” it said.

On Sunday, Nasrallah warned that “al-Mustaqbal and its leaders would be the first victims” if the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front jihadist groups take a foothold in Lebanon.

Last week, MP Raad lashed out at Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi and al-Mustaqbal movement secretary-general Ahmed Hariri. “The last person to talk about the statelet is the justice minister ... and Ahmed Hariri will be held accountable later because he is of a higher rank than Rifi,” Raad said.

Al-Mustaqbal swiftly deplored the lawmaker's statement as a threat, an accusation that was denied Monday by Raad, who clarified that Hizbullah would resort to the judiciary rather than “violence” to hold Mustaqbal's officials “accountable.”

Turning to Nasrallah's remarks on the northeastern border town of Arsal, the bloc slammed his statements as “arrogant and despotic.”

“Nasrallah unilaterally declared the decision of fighting a battle in the Arsal region, usurping the state's sovereignty and the government’s responsibility and disregarding all the stipulations of the Constitution and national charters,” Mustaqbal said.

It also accused Hizbullah of “ignoring all the preparations declared by the Lebanese army with the aim of defending Lebanon and it's borders.”

Nasrallah has warned that Hizbullah would intervene militarily in Arsal's outskirts to oust the militants of the IS and al-Nusra if the Lebanese state fails to do so.


Comments 11
Thumb ex-fpm 26 May 2015, 19:37

“The bloc holds Hizbullah fully responsible for any harm against its MPs or the members of al-Mustaqbal movement,” it said.

It will be Israel for sure and not hezbollah. Every body that hezbollah accuses of treason, takfirism, and working for the enemy, Israel always assassinates him.

Thumb barrymore 26 May 2015, 20:52

yes lol !

Thumb barrymore 26 May 2015, 20:53

flamethrower the_roar and mowaten

Missing humble 27 May 2015, 00:54

This is very realistic of what is happening.

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 May 2015, 16:16

how can HA be hijacking the rpesidency, when it is currently in the hands of mustahbal? tammam salam is de facto president until one is elected.

Thumb -phoenix1 27 May 2015, 13:32

It is strange how human beings behave. The Nazis ruthlessly oppressed the Jews, the Jews in turn made a state and Israel oppressed the Palestinians. The Palestinians came to Lebanon as guests and oppressed the Lebanese. The Syrians ruthlessly plundered and occupied Lebanon for some 3 decades, the Syrian is out but one certain Lebanese side previously known as the resistance, not as Hezbollah has replaced the oppression of the Syrian on its fellow Lebanese. Normally one would have thought that when oppressed, the person comes to champion the noble causes of resisting oppression, yet, the example I cited above do cause great consternation, the oppressed turns out to be oppressor. But in our case, the oppressor seems to read history books, if he did so, he would come to grips that the Lebanese may be swallowed but hardly ever digested. Hezbollah may want to play the game of time wastage, but the end of this game is already predictable and not in its favor.

Thumb -phoenix1 27 May 2015, 13:32

**..Now as Hezbollah...**

Thumb -phoenix1 27 May 2015, 13:34

Corrections. It is strange how human beings behave. The Nazis ruthlessly oppressed the Jews, the Jews in turn made a state and Israel oppressed the Palestinians. The Palestinians came to Lebanon as guests and oppressed the Lebanese. The Syrians ruthlessly plundered and occupied Lebanon for some 3 decades, the Syrian is out but one certain Lebanese side previously known as the resistance, now as Hezbollah has replaced the oppression of the Syrian on its fellow Lebanese. Normally one would have thought that when oppressed, the person comes to champion the noble causes of resisting oppression, yet, the example I cited above do cause great consternation, the oppressed turns out to be oppressor. But in our case, the oppressor seems to forget to read history books, if he did so, he would come to grips that the Lebanese may be swallowed but hardly ever digested. Hezbollah may want to play the game of time wastage, but the end of this game is already predictable and not in its favor.

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 May 2015, 17:33

How exactly is hezbollah oppressing you? or any lebanese for that matter? Sometimes I wish they would do even 1% of what you accuse them of, so those accusations wouldn't be absolutely unfair, and you would know what oppression really means before using that word left and right.

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 May 2015, 17:42

I didnt ask you the question peace, and that's because i know you're unable to answer with anything else than irrelevant rants.

Missing peace 27 May 2015, 18:07

there are plenty of facts but it would be feeding honey to a pig and you do not deserve any sensible posts...too idiot to understand truths that would make your empty brain bug and shake your pityful certainties... if you are happy with what South Lebanon and dahiye have become under hezbi rules then good for you, be happy in your miserable life...