Aoun Issues Another Warning on Extension, Says Cabinet Violating Laws
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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun reiterated on Saturday his rejection to extend the terms of top security officials, accusing some parties of carrying out a “plot” against the country.
“The ministers think they can do what they want,” Aoun told delegations that visited him at his residence in Rabieh. “The state will not be submissive to a certain minister as if we are in the middle ages.”
“Each minister is bound by laws that set his duties,” he stressed.
Defense Minister Samir Moqbel “knows very well that he is mistaken in the appointment of the army chief,” Aoun said.
The FPM leader, who also heads the Change and Reform bloc, has repeatedly announced his rejection to extend the terms of security officials.
Despite his campaign against the extension, several cabinet ministers, including Moqbel, are prone to extend the terms of the officials rather than appoint new ones in the absence of a president.
Aoun hoped that “his warnings would be taken seriously or else every wrongdoer would receive his punishment.”
“The cabinet is breaking some rules through the behavior of some of its ministers,” he said.

The Schoolmaster speaks! He hopes “his warnings would be taken seriously or else every wrongdoer would receive his punishment.” What does that mean? He will sic Hezbollah on all those who fail to comply with his diktats? The only plot against the country is the one that Aoun is enabling Hezbollah to perform.
“The state will not be submissive to a certain minister as if we are in the middle ages.” Yes, of course, so why is the country made submissive to the delusional demands of a certain Deputy (Aoun) and a certain Minister (Thibran Bassil)? Aoun is taking the country bac to the Middle Ages. He is deeply into denial and transference. His illness deepens.
Hasn't this old claoun twit got anything else to do but warn and warn? I remember the old twit warning Syria in the war days, what did he then get but run faster than Speedy Gonzalez to the French embassy? In peace time he warned the US congress about the presumed killers of Hariri, what did he do thereafter but rally to those he accused priorly? Let him warn, let him do whatever he wants, this psycho is long gone, to the 3asfouriyeh. We7ed majnoun woun bala mokh, wou bala damirr, khaliss la Allah.

'Cabinet Violating Laws'? But this government wouldn't be violating laws if it nominates a new Army Commander? Right, you twit?

“The ministers think they can do what they want,” Aoun told delegations that visited him. Of course this is over the top. Only Aoun and NAsrallah are allowed to do what they want until they get what they want.
Go to the Parliament and elect a President, then appointments will take place according to the Law.

You really need some viagra pills Aoun. Give it up dude, you gonna die soon from dreaming about the presidency instead of paying attention whether your Hypertension pills are flowing from the west and europe. Where are you going to get medical treatment? Sa3Sa3 Hospital or Tehran?

Ya jeneral anna a7tarem rotbatoka wa bazlatoka walakenani la a7tarimoka ya alan dolon enta ya diguol 3aserna mabteste7i 3ala hashaybi mazhe2et men adalilak wa tefnisatak 7kiyya olla lawla etifa2 maremkhayil kan lhezeb am bi 7areb ahliyi weshta7 lebnan 7kiha bo2 halba7sa bo2a ya batal aw kal ghazali filhurub ella faransa wa3endama raji3a bika dahra li lobnan li ta3uda li safika ta7ta mazalati nizamon ja2eron awhamna nass bi annaka 7arabtaho wal3akso kazalek esta7i 3ala shaybatoka atarikh lan yar7amoka

Very ill. More than anyone can imagine. Ask General Fayez Karam, Nadim Lteif, Issam Abu Jamra....

Very ill. More than anyone can imagine. Ask General Fayez Karam, Nadim Lteif, Issam Abu Jamra....