Geagea: Some Claim to Defend Lebanon in Syria as They Paralyze 'Heart of Lebanon' in Baabda

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Friday said that an alleged “inter-Christian” dispute is not behind the ongoing presidential vacuum in the country, slamming some parties for “paralyzing” the presidential palace while claiming to be “defending Lebanon in Qalamoun and Syria.”

“How can we believe that some are defending Lebanon in Qalamoun and the rest of Syria, in Iraq and Yemen, while they are paralyzing the Baabda Palace – the very heart of Lebanon?” said Geagea at an LF rally, in an apparent reference to Hizbullah.

“How can we believe that they want a strong president while they could not even tolerate a consensual par excellence president?” he added.

Geagea warned that “the continued insistence on obstructing the presidential vote … is leading to vacuum and paralysis at the constitutional and security posts, one after the other.”

“This exposes the claims of some parties who attribute the vacuum to an inter-Christian dispute and raises questions about their ultimate objectives,” Geagea added.

The rival camps have failed to elect a successor to president Michel Suleiman although around 24 parliamentary sessions have been held for this purpose. A boycott by the MPs of Hizbullah and MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc has stripped the sessions of the two-thirds quorum required to hold a presidential vote.

Geagea held a landmark meeting with Aoun on Tuesday after which a joint LF-Free Patriotic Movement document was announced. In the so-called declaration of intent, the two parties called for the election of “a strong president who is embraced by his (Christian) community and capable of reassuring the other components of the country.”

Turning to the issue the Syrian conflict and its impact on Lebanon, Geagea slammed Hizbullah on Friday over its military intervention in the neighboring country.

“You did not commit to the 10,452 square kilometers so that you now witness the convoys of arms and gunmen violating Lebanon's border '10,452 times per day',” Geagea said, addressing his party's members at the rally.

“Some are trying to impose on the (Lebanese) army a battle in the utmost peripheries of Arsal's outskirts to serve the objectives of a non-Lebanese (force),” added Geagea.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had recently warned that Hizbullah would intervene against the militants of al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Arsal's outskirts if the state failed to do so. Since Wednesday, Hizbullah has made a series of military advances in Arsal's outskirts, capturing several posts from al-Nusra's hands.

Both Hizbullah and Aoun had called on the Lebanese state and army to “liberate” the town and its outskirts.

Separately, Geagea called on the Military Court to “restore the confidence of the Lebanese in their state,” citing the initial jail term that was handed to ex-minister Michel Samaha, which was eventually revoked on Tuesday by the military court of cassation.

“The military court of cassation is today asked to erase the hallmark of shame that was created by Michel Samaha's verdict in the Assad-Mamluk-Samaha case,” he said, referring to Syrian President Bashar Assad and Syrian security chief Ali Mamluk.

The court set a July 16 date for Samaha's retrial after it accepted an appeal filed by State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr, who argued that the four-and-a-half years' jail term was too soft in light of the offenses that Samaha was convicted of.

The verdict had sparked a storm of criticism from al-Mustaqbal movement, the March 14 forces and civil society activists, who slammed the ruling as too light.

During the trial, Samaha confessed to transporting explosives from Syria for use in attacks in Lebanon at the behest of Mamluk.

The trial had been postponed multiple times because of the absence of Mamluk, who remains in Syria, but after a judge separated the cases against the two men, a first trial session began on April 20.

The Lebanese judiciary has issued an arrest warrant for Mamluk and sent Syria a formal notification of the warrant and charges, but received no response.


  • 05 June 2015, 19:19

    Geagea: How can we believe that some are defending Lebanon in Qalamoun and Syria while they are obstructing the presidential vote and cannot even tolerate a consensual president in Lebanon.

  • 05 June 2015, 19:19

    Geagea: The impeding of the presidential elections is paralyzing the security posts and exposing the claims of some parties that attribute the vacuum to an inter-Christian dispute.

  • 05 June 2015, 19:19

    Geagea: The military court of cassation is today asked to erase the hallmark of shame that was created by Michel Samaha's verdict in the Assad-Mamluk-Samaha case.

  • 05 June 2015, 19:18

    Geagea: Wissam al-Hassan was not killed in cold blood so that Bashar Assad and Ali Mamluk be acquitted and so that Michel Samaha be released in a very insolent manner at the expense of the blood of the Lebanese people.

  • 05 June 2015, 19:17

    LF leader Samir Geagea at ceremony for handing over of LF membership cards to new members: You did not commit to the 10,452 square kilometers so that you now witness the convoys of arms and gunmen violating Lebanon's border “10,452 times per day.”

Comments 10
Missing humble 05 June 2015, 20:38

Ebola has destroyed National Unity and the living together. Biggest crime ever!

Missing humble 05 June 2015, 20:51

Resistance? Which resistance? The one which destroyed National Unity and the living together? Biggest crime towards the Lebanese people!!!

Missing 06 June 2015, 01:09

May be he should abandon politics - so should almost every Lebanese politician. But what is certain is that the Hizb is a rogue militia that continue to hold the country hostage and its leaders and members are criminals.

Thumb beiruti 05 June 2015, 21:45

Geagea's comments are timely and on point. The news today is that the Assad regime is in the process folding. The strategy has changed from defending the whole of Syria, to defending the Damascus-Homs-Latakia corridor in the west of the country that can be done only with 50,000 troop infusion from Iran and the IRG. Biut the other condition is that the .syrians must be willing, ready and able themselves to defend this part of Syria. Instead, they Re making travel arranges,nets for points West of Latakia.
Without the Assad Regime giving it strategic Depth and a logistics hub, Hezbollah in Lebanon has its days numbered. Hezbollah knows this, Iran kens this and, apparently so does Dr. Geagea.

Missing 06 June 2015, 01:06

Assad is not saying anything these days. He is too busy killing children and Nassy is busy protecting him while he kills more children.

Missing helicopter 06 June 2015, 02:20

Geagea: Some Claim to Defend Lebanon in Syria as They Paralyze 'Heart of Lebanon' in Baabda ........... this by itself is a very powerful statement.
It exposes HA desire not to Defend but to continue its control over Lebanon by weakening Baabda and ensuring its ability to continue as an occupation force in Lebanon via the survival of Assad.

Thumb -phoenix1 06 June 2015, 13:22

Southern, I agree with you only on one point, that where you said that we need a change of blood. Yes, and for sure, we need that change of blood, so yes, let in due time Geagea, Aoun, BERRI, Sayed Hassan, Jumblatt and the rest of the old establishment retire and pave the way for new and younger people. Then talking about generosity, ah my good friend, you have no clue about generosity, look at the gestures of abundant generosities accorded to old dinosaurs like Berri, or to Sayed Hassan who runs a mini country inside ours. However true to your M8 colors, you're still dealing with a one sided coin.

Thumb -phoenix1 06 June 2015, 13:25

Trick, your video is truly unfair. You provided a link that has nothing to do with Geagea, thus your contribution is irrelevant to this thread so far. Either you make a real contribution or you will continue to be deemed useless as usual.

Thumb -phoenix1 06 June 2015, 13:31

Thumb EagleDawn 06 June 2015, 17:05

photoshop for sure. Cannot be true! Mowateh the wateh said hezbollah is not in Iraq and lebpatriot aka the_toar says Geagea is a child killer.