Intelligence Agency Says Around 1,000 Hizbullah Operatives in Germany


Germany's domestic intelligence agency has warned that Hizbullah has 950 active operatives in the country while Islamist Movement Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has 300.

The agency (BfV) did not give further details on Hizbullah's alleged operations in Germany but said the country “is on the spectrum of goals for Islamic terrorists.”

In the report it issued on Tuesday, the agency also warned that the Islamic State group's recruitment of individuals willing to travel to Syria and Iraq was a cause for alarm among security services.

It said the IS with its self-imposed "Caliphate" was trying to establish a "logistic center" larger than al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

BfV, which is headquartered in Cologne, said if that happened, terrorists would be capable of coordinating complex attacks.

Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the agency, warned last month that a growing number of women have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside IS militants.



Comments 24
Thumb EagleDawn 01 July 2015, 10:17

this is not news! expel them asap

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 13:15

indeed this is not news, it's cheap propaganda. what would 1000 HA "active operatives" be doing there? taking over the country? and here i was believing your local propaganda saying HA has run out of men and can't clean up the qalamoun range.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 17:51

no no, not 15 years old, they send them even at 8 and 9 years old. and i'm sure you have a musthbal source to "confirm it".

Thumb liberty 01 July 2015, 18:46

everything that comes out of this mouthpiece (mowaten) is a lie.

Missing mohammad_ca 01 July 2015, 18:57

Mowaten...what a loser...bas 7asharak sakatet will you at the very least admit that sending a 15 year old to battle is illegal and immoral? I don't expect you to you support vikayet e faqih and whatever trash it feeds you after all.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 19:05

lol i expected a mustahbal source and you gave me even better!
"Syrian opposition outlets as well as a number of leading Arabic-language newspapers reported that he was only 15-years old"
I bet it was "confirmed" by asharl el awsat? :)
Also, and even according to your "sources", there is no indication that he was -fighting-, as you claimed in your first comment.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 19:09

Also, there are hundreds of images and videos of the combat operations by hezbollah, and in all you can see they are all adults and grown men. But somehow your selective memory eclipsed those? The only case you retain are some claims by pro-rebel sources about a death in unclear circumstances? You really are a joke aren't you?

Thumb popeye 01 July 2015, 19:11

how old was he then mowaten? just a rough estimate looking at his photo? You remain the undisputed propagandist of the terror party.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 19:15

Also, nothing says he was in Syria, you claim to speak for al manar, but here is what they said.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 July 2015, 19:17

popeye aka ex-fpm aka nasrallahthehouthi aka eagleyawn: the picture seems to portray indeed a teenager, but when was it taken?

Missing peace 01 July 2015, 19:31

no outlet talked about this teenage age but at around 10-13 years old brainwashed hezbi children join the Imam al-Mahdi Scouts Later, when the scouts are 16 or 17, they can join the party’s military ranks or opt to continue their education.

so mooowaten your beloved party recruits and brainwash children at a very young age to join the ranks of your iranian militia... nothing to brag about, you d better be ashamed of this.....

Missing mohammad_ca 01 July 2015, 22:16

So how old was he and why didn't hizbollaat deny the reports by several leading Arabic newspapers? A true apologist this ghabi Mowaten. And he wasn't in Syria? Where else would he be performing his "jihadist" duty? Was he cleaning nasrallat's bathroom?

Thumb thepatriot 02 July 2015, 11:02

momo you little thug!
You're a farce!
you mock Wikipedia when it suits you, then you quote it. You mock Israeli news papers, and sometimes you cite them as source.
You mock every evidence people post here, and discard it as non reliable.
You get cornered every time and defend yourself with silly 'lols" ... of grow up man!
anonyme just owned you, it happens almost everyday that one of us proves you wrong. You're the imbecile of this forum dude! Get lost, get a life, or get real!

Missing un520 01 July 2015, 10:38

Germany can relax somewhat, because even if there are 1000 Hizbullah operatives there, they will think long and hard before conducting terror attacks there. Hizbullah choose smaller, weaker countries like Thailand, Cyprus, Argentina, Bulgaria etc for their brave bombings of civilians.

Thumb EagleDawn 01 July 2015, 10:47

only in your huthi mind!... such a disgrace U R.
@southern, aren't you ashamed of yourself wasting people's time, zero contribution, naive.

Missing humble 01 July 2015, 10:53

No difference between Zionism and Ebola. Both use same methods and have similar goals.

Missing humble 01 July 2015, 11:05

Aren't Ebola supporters being paid by Iran since 1983 ????

Thumb -phoenix1 01 July 2015, 12:37

Europe's policies of utter stupidities, a continent that always felt it knew better, now is beginning to have a real taste of its own medicine. Greece is indeed a real wake up call for Europe, and to think Ukrainians wanted the EU so badly, now look at their mess.

Thumb Mystic 01 July 2015, 12:47

Real propaganda indeed, first Africa then Cyprus now Germany. Next time they will say Hezbollah have operatives Antarctica.

Thumb -phoenix1 01 July 2015, 17:52

Tricky Tric, I told you before, do not use the word LOL, it stands for Lucifer Our Lord. Since you are a Christian, now you know, don't use that word, just put a smiley instead, you're going the US and the West's ways if you persist.

Default-user-icon Christian (Guest) 01 July 2015, 18:27

Tric is not a Christian he's a cristhian a sect of tatbirers

Thumb liberty 01 July 2015, 18:44

are you for real?

Missing peace 01 July 2015, 20:39

hezbi got operatives all around the world... but only hezbi sympathizers deny it....

Default-user-icon hahhh (Guest) 01 July 2015, 23:27

bigQAWMIjohn you're a genius girl, obviously lifelong allies Zionists and Nazis are together conspiring on HA LOL. Ok a word of friendly advise first get yourself a day job, then don't quit you day job.