Report: U.S. Sets Red Lines for Lebanese Officials over Growing Crisis

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The United States has advised Lebanese officials to preserve Lebanon's stability by avoiding a vacuum in security institutions and the premiership as a result of their sharp differences, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Monday.

Washington has stressed there were three led lines that the officials should not cross, the newspaper said.

The first lies in preserving stability by guaranteeing the continued functioning of security institutions.

The institutions are under threat over a dispute on the extension of high-ranking security officials.

The U.S. also warned the Lebanese officials to preserve the country's currency to stop socio-economic problems.

The third red line is the premiership. According to al-Joumhouria, the U.S. has warned against a vacuum in the prime minister's post.

Premier Tammam Salam warned last week that all options are on the table when a dispute among cabinet members on the government's working mechanism and the appointment of security officials continued to grow.

In a related development, al-Joumhouria said that Ambassador David Hale traveled to Washington on Saturday on a 10-day mission aimed at briefing the U.S. administration on the situation in Lebanon.



Comments 2
Thumb beiruti 03 August 2015, 16:30

The thing is that the U.S. Has invested millions of U.S. Taxpayer dollars in the LAF and ISF with ,ore committed. You cannot expect the U.S. Or any other outside power that is sending aid to not be concerned about the ongoing efforts of HA and FPM to collapse the government and to have all of that U.S. Military aid fall into the lap of the HA!

This is the U.S. Red line. It's on us sending anymore aid to a government about to implode.

Thank you Michel Aoun, again for pulling something good for Lebanon away.

Thumb -phoenix1 04 August 2015, 16:37

LF, these silly trolls are so well known. If this article came up with a title that started with, "Iran Sets....", then you'd see just how many thumbs up this will get from these idiots. The US is setting the Red Lines for our very best interests, and will dent the sick agendas of Iran, Syria and their Lebanese lackeys, setting Red Lines by the US clearly means a bold warning to M8. M8 clearly intends to bury Lebanon under our piling trash, but little does it know that it will be first to go under. Finally for those sick yellow and orange trolls, if you don't like the US, leave it, go to Iran or Syria, for Heaven's sake, dirty hypocrites.