Report: Military Officers Term Extension Knot Could be Resolved

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The speeches of Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah followed by the speech of his ally Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun “could herald a momentum towards a solution to the paralysis governing the country,” well informed sources told the daily As Safir on Saturday.

“The speech of Hizbullah leader that was followed by Aoun's TV appearance on al-Manar can form an impetus towards a solution rather than a new problem,” said the sources on condition of anonymity.

Nasrallah made a televised appearance on Friday marking the ninth anniversary of the July 2006 war with Israel. Aoun also made a televised appearance on the Hizbullah affiliate TV al-Manar.

“An evidence that there is a way out was traded shortly but on a very narrow scale pushing for the upgrade of 12 officers from the rank of Brigadier General to the rank of Major General (including Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz), in addition to the term extension of Gen. Jean Qahwaji for one additional year. However both decisions require the approval of the cabinet first and then the parliament,” the sources told the daily.

In his speech, Nasrallah called on the Christian leaders to "reevaluate their stances and consider reactivating the parliament to address the issues of the Lebanese and pave the way for reaching solutions to the other crises.”

The FPM has been hampering the cabinet's work and has accused Prime Minister Tammam Salam of infringing on the rights of the Christian president in his absence.

The movement's ministers want to amend the cabinet's working mechanism to have a say on its agenda. They also reject the extension of the terms of security and military officials, calling for the appointment of new ones.

Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended the terms of the army commander, the chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council. The decision drew the ire of Aoun who wants his son-in-law Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, who is the Commando Regiment chief, to become army commander.

The sources also told As Safir that “Most members of the March 8 alliance as well as MP Walid Jumblat are ready to approve the proposal on condition that al-Mustaqbal movement submits an approval before end of this week."

A March 14 official however said that such a step would open the doors and reactivate the parliament although more than 20 officers deserve to be upgraded before Roukoz.

A source close to al-Mustaqbal said that the proposal to raise the retirement age for the military for three years “has fallen completely for two reasons, because it threatens the hierarchy of the military and because of the large financial expenses it entails.”

Comments 6
Thumb barrymore 15 August 2015, 09:56

A March 14 official however said that such a step would open the doors and reactivate the parliament although more than 20 officers deserve to be upgraded before Roukoz.

You see Christian rights are regained by overstepping the rights of 20 officers deserving of the upgrade before Roukoz. As long as aoun and his family are appointed in the government and the army then we are all safe, saved, and living in dignity.

Missing humble 15 August 2015, 10:10

Christians rights = caporal and his family personal interests

Thumb ex-fpm 15 August 2015, 10:57

that's how you keep politics away from the army! Demoralize the military institution, promote officers discriminately to satisfy failed politicians like aoun, add financial burden on the treasury, and then say " we support the army and we are children of the army".

Thumb -phoenix1 15 August 2015, 16:27

I know one thing, the deal between Iran, the US and the West is bound to have its repercussions on the region and us in particular. Sayed Hassan's latest rants on TV (now Sayed bou Ja3ra) and (Abou Nabra) Aoun's incessant threats all point to these 2 leaders' last Hurray before taking the last bend before the chequered flag. Tragically for them, they are not occupying first place as they wanted, but obviously and this no matter what, they have to put up a brave face and a show of force, tour de force by raising the tones of their voices, before raising their heavily diluted wine glasses. The real nature of Zarif's visit will in due time surface, beyond the rants of Abou Ja3ra and Abou Nabra, the only way forward is now to make compromises, and this by both M8 and M14, other than that means civil war, inevitably.

Thumb lebnanfirst 15 August 2015, 19:45

As usual we are on the same wavelength though one notes a slight shift in your views right-ward ;-)

Ultimately co promise IS the only way forward and why not give Aoun a face saving out? Why not let the army itself choose the officers to be so promoted accepting Brig. Ben. Roukoz as a political nod to Aoun who, despite his arrogant personality, commands a sizable, though minority, Christian following?

Live and let live should be our motto.

Thumb beiruti 15 August 2015, 18:11

To "Reactivate" Parliament as a Legislative Body while the Presidency remains vacant means a ratification of the status quo of the government without a President.
The Constitution requires that in the absence of a President, the Parliament exists, if at all, solely as an electoral body to meet and elect a President to fill that void. It is not a Legislative Body as long as the Presidency is vacant.

What Nasrallah wants and Aoun is signing off on is a formalization of the currently Constitutionally unacceptable status quo. Andy why? Because their interests are served by so acting.