Intense Sandstorm Kills another Two

Two more individuals died on Thursday as the result of the dense sandstorm that engulfed Lebanon, bringing the total to five since the storm hit early this week, the state-run National News Agency reported.
A 70-year-old woman died from respiratory problems caused by the sandstorm in the Akkar town of Fnaideq, NNA said.
Palestinian national Mahmoud Suleiman al-Ashi, from the refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh, has also died of respiratory problems. He had a heart disease, asthma and allergy.
Three individuals died since the tempest hit Lebanon early this week, and more than 2,000 were hospitalized as the unseasonal sandstorm covered the country, including Beirut, with a blanket of yellow dust.
The storm reached Beirut on Tuesday, a day after it engulfed the eastern Bekaa Valley.
The health ministry said that it has gone on alert, urging those suffering from respiratory and heart problems to stay indoors.
It said children, the elderly and pregnant women should stay home.
Meteorological reports said that the storm is expected to start subsiding late on Thursday.