U.S.-Backed Syria Rebels Say Russia Raids Destroyed Arms Depots


Russian airstrikes in northern Syria have destroyed the arms depots of a U.S.-backed rebel faction and wounded several of its fighters, the group told AFP on Wednesday.

"At 5:30 pm (1430 GMT) on Tuesday, our bases in the western parts of Aleppo province were targeted by Russian airplanes... which completely destroyed our warehouses," said Mustafa Halabi, a spokesman from the Suqur al-Jabal group.

"They were storing arms, ammunition and other equipment," he said.

"There are several injuries that range from light to moderate," Halabi told AFP via internet from Syria.

He said that three air strikes carried out by Russian warplanes destroyed the "main warehouses used by the brigades".

Russia began conducting air strikes in Syria a week ago and has insisted it is only targeting the Islamic State jihadist group and other "terrorist" factions.

But moderate and Islamist rebels and their international backers accuse Moscow of targeting a range of armed opponents of the regime, not just jihadists.

Fighters from Suqur al-Jabal (Falcons of the Mountain) have received training and equipment as part of a $500-million U.S. prograe to build up a force to combat IS in Syria.

On October 1, the group accused Russia of targeting its bases in Idlib province with "more than 10 missiles".

U.S. Senator John McCain also said last week that Russia had attacked a separate group trained by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Comments 6
Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 15:34

of course, it goes without saying that "arms depots" is a codename for "innocent civilian babies" because "we all know" that Russia only aims at them

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 16:37

stop diverting the topic, bigjohn is underlining a very important point which is that the US is now publicly admitting nusra (and by extension al qaeda) are their proxies.

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 16:39

the group that includes nusra (army of conquest) is now referred to as "CIA-backed rebels" by the US themselves. instead of confronting this disturbing point, you doge it, it's called cognitive dissonance. (look it up)

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 17:12

I didnt say it was in the article right here above, but immediately after Russia started bombing the terrorists in Syria, the US issued condemnations claiming "CIA-backed rebels" had been hit.


keep reading the article and you see that what they are reffering to is:

"Among seven areas that Syrian state media listed as targets of Russian strikes, only one—an area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province—has a known presence of Islamic State fighters. The other areas listed are largely dominated by moderate rebel factions or Islamist groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front."

(note for ignorants: the group formed by ahrar el sham and nusra and other filth is called army of conquest)

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 17:22

and further, the area most struck by russia is idlib, and idlib since april this year is under the control of the "army of conquest" (=nusra)
why is the US so ferociously attacking the russians, when they are bombing nusra? what does it mean when they say russia is targeting CIA-backed rebels?

now that they took bin laden out of the show in season 9, and introduced a new "super vilain" (ISIS) that makes al qaeda look good in comparison, they are progressively lifting the veil and adopting al qaeda's affiliates as their official proxies in the region. wait a few years and you will see them officially rehabilitated. the problem is that idiots like you will still be in denial, will have forgotten about the years when they claimed they were fighting terrorism, or will make up reasons to justify it to themselves.

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 October 2015, 17:24

dang i always make the same mistake and talk to you like you have a brain. i keep forgetting you're a one-neuron drone. forget what i just said, dont bother yourself, USA is very nice, they fight for people's freedom all over the globe, they are our heroes and whatever they say must be true. good night anonyme.