IS Urges jihad on Russia, U.S. as Syria Strikes Intensify


The Islamic State group called on Muslims Tuesday to wage jihad on Russia and the United States, as Moscow announced it had intensified its air campaign against Islamic militants in Syria.

The call came as Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized Washington for refusing to cooperate with Moscow in its Syrian campaign, which is having an increasingly dramatic effect.

"Russia will be defeated," IS spokesman Abu Mohamed al-Adnani said in a recording posted online, calling on "Muslims everywhere to launch jihad against the Russians and the Americans", who it said were waging "a crusader war against Muslims".

IS seeks not only to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad but is also vying with Al-Qaida affiliate Al-Nusra Front for jihadist supremacy in the country.

Al-Nusra chief Abu Mohamed al-Jolani also threatened Moscow, saying its air war would have dire consequences.

"If the Russian army kills the people of Syria, then kill their people," he said late Monday in a call to jihadists in the Caucasus. "And if they kill our soldiers, then kill their soldiers. An eye for an eye."

"The war in Syria will make the Russians forget the horrors that they found in Afghanistan," Jolani said, referring to the disastrous Soviet attempt to subdue the country in the 1980s.

Russia said Tuesday its air force had hit 86 "terrorist" targets in Syria in the past 24 hours -- the highest one-day tally since it launched its bombing campaign on September 30.

Among them, it said, were several IS targets.

Washington and its allies -- engaged in their own air war against IS in Syria and Iraq -- accuse Moscow of targeting moderate Western-backed rebels and seeking to prop up Assad, a longtime Russian ally.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the two sides would hold another round of talks Wednesday on how to stay out of each other's way in the skies over Syria.

"Even as we continue to disagree on Syria policy, we should be able to at least agree on making sure our airmen are as safe as possible," Carter said in Boston.

Putin meanwhile criticized Washington for refusing to share intelligence with Russia and accusing it of muddled thinking.

"I think some of our partners simply have mush for brains; they do not have a clear understanding of what really happens in the country and what goals they are seeking to achieve," he said.

The IS's Adnani said the United States was weak and using Russia and Assad's other ally Iran to strengthen its position in Syria, claiming Washington was willing "to forge an alliance with the devil".

In Damascus, Russia's embassy was struck by two rockets, sparking panic among some 300 people waving Russian flags and pictures of Putin in support of Moscow's intervention.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the rockets were fired from the eastern edges of the capital, where Islamist rebels are entrenched.

Russian news agency Interfax quoted an embassy official as saying the rockets hit "embassy territory" but that there were no casualties.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in Moscow it was an "act of terror".

On Tuesday he met U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura for the first time since the Kremlin launched its campaign.

Efforts have repeatedly failed to end Syria's conflict, which has cost more than 240,000 lives and driven millions from their homes since it erupted in March 2011.

The fighting has intensified in recent weeks, with regime forces making gains with Russian support.

The Syrian Observatory said fighters from Lebanon's Hizbullah -- which also supports Assad -- arrived in the strategic Sahl al-Ghab plain to reinforce an offensive there.

Sahl al-Ghab, at the intersection of Hama, Latakia and Idlib provinces, has been a major target for Russian air strikes.

Thousands of fighters and supplies from Iran had also reached Hmeimim airport in Latakia province, the Observatory said.

A powerful rebel alliance that includes Al-Nusra -- the Army of Conquest -- announced the launch of a major offensive of its own to take the central Hama province.

It called on fighters there "to light the fire on the fronts inside the regions, so that hordes of Muslims will meet in Hama as liberators".

Fierce fighting in the key Hama village of Kafr Nabuda forced pro-regime forces to retreat and killed 25 of them, the Observatory said.

Washington has been increasing support for rebel groups it backs in Syria, and one group said Tuesday that U.S.-made anti-tank missiles were turning the tide in a major battle in the country's center and northwest.

Non-Islamist opposition factions say they are using the US-made TOW missiles to halt an army advance that is backed by Russian air strikes in Hama and Idlib provinces.

"These rockets have played an important role in stopping the fierce attack by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally," said Asaad Hanna, spokesman for the non-Islamist Division 101.

On Sunday, U.S.-led forces air-dropped ammunition to the Syrian Arab Coalition battling jihadists near IS's northern stronghold of Raqa.

Comments 6
Thumb justin 14 October 2015, 09:44

"سكاي نيوز"- مسؤولون إيرانيون: آلاف الجنود الإيرانيين في سوريا للمشاركة في معركة حلب وهم يستعدون للهجوم المرتقب.

Thumb ex-fpm 14 October 2015, 10:38

The Iranians local spokesman, hassan nassrallah, always claimed there were no more than 20 iraninas in Syria acting as advisors;) Yet, in the last year alone more than 250 iranian soldiers/officers were killed in Syria as documented by Iranian news agencies. Nassrallah always claims that Iran does not interfere in Arab affairs;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 14 October 2015, 11:37

Iranians are in Syria upon request of the official authorities, and this has always been made clear. Seems like someone wasn't listening when Nasrallah was speaking, and is now making up his fantasy facts.
But since we're on the topic of foreign interference, what do you think of Saudi Arabia/US/Israel/Turkey/Qatar/France/UK/... arming, training and funding terrorist groups to slaughter Syrians and try to takeover the country?

Missing CFTC 14 October 2015, 11:50

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "and this has always been made clear ". Thank you Thank you

Default-user-icon Rita Nahhas (Guest) 14 October 2015, 11:53

Once again I find you on every article I try to read. I see you everywhere spamming, lying, distorting, spreading propaganda and twisting facts and events. You cannot be acting on your own. You must be paid to post. Who is paying you and for what exact purpose? Why are you here? I demand answers and Now!

Thumb Mystic 14 October 2015, 12:15

Iran and Russia, Iraq and Syria officially signed an alliance between them.
Their goal is to eradicate the takfiris, and to keep resisting them until the takfiris are no more.
By the way, funny how the West, Turkey and Gulf protects the takfiris (ISIS, Nusra etc.) verbally whilst the Russkies are obliterating them.
The West and those countries, especially Israel doesn't want the takfiris to loose, they just want this war to continue forever, to keep ISrael safe and sound.