March 14: Syrian Regime, Hizbullah Responsible for Syria’s Violation of Lebanon’s Sovereignty

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The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday Syria’s ongoing violations of Lebanon’s border in the East and West and its abduction and persecution of individuals in the country.

It said after weekly meeting: “We hold the Syrian regime, Hizbullah, and official security authorities responsible for the complete violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty by Syria.”

“The March 14 forces reject this complete violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty … and it will present these violations before the Arab and international public seeing as Lebanon’s security is, now more than ever, an integral part of Arab, regional, and international scene,” it added.

The March 14 General Secretariat therefore called on the Lebanese diaspora to demonstrate solidarity with the Syrian diaspora all over the world.

It stressed the importance of demarcating the Lebanese-Syrian border in participation with the Arab League in accordance with the Taef Accord and the decisions of the Lebanese national dialogue.

Furthermore, it urged the Lebanese government to “immediately” halt its support of the Syrian regime “especially at diplomatic forums in order to prevent Lebanon from becoming shut out of the Arab scene.”

It also called on the Ministry of Health and security forces to facilitate the treatment of injured Syrians who have fled the regime’s crackdown against anti-regime protestors.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Arturo (Guest) 02 November 2011, 15:14

Never a word about Israel daily violations of Lebaese territory from the so called March 14 group. What a shame.

Missing peace 02 November 2011, 19:00

it is no secret that the hezb helps the syrian regime in lebanon!

what to expect from a party that thanked a regime for all the killings murders tortures destructions thefts corruption they did in lebanon!
but this is not treason it s resistance! LOL!

syria harmed lebanon more than israel but for this terrorist party, syria is not an enemy to lebanon but deserve our thanks and praises!

how can someone with a little intelligence thank a regime that killed or harmed more lebanese than israel?

Default-user-icon Trinity (Guest) 02 November 2011, 19:10

I think no regime or party or nation has harmed lebanon more than lebanese themselves, lebanese from all sects and parties, you want to look at the guilty, look into a mirror.

Thumb shab 03 November 2011, 10:07

Never a word about the Zionist militia whom are installing spying network under the pretext of resistance.