Syrian Girl Freed from Abductors after Four-Day Captivity

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Internal Security forces carried out raids on the northeastern border town of al-Qasr and were able to free a Syrian girl who was kidnapped a few days ago.

Intelligence bureau of the ISF raided the border town in Hermel and were able to free Abir al-Jaour after four days in captivity, the state-run National News Agency said on Saturday.

Al-Jaour, 24, was abducted by Mahdi Nazha from the town of el-Ain and was taken to an undisclosed destination.

The security forces confiscated a vehicle and motorcycle that belong to Nazha and investigations continue to find his whereabouts.

Comments 2
Thumb ex-fpm 24 October 2015, 14:54

yet, Mahdi Naha remains at large performing his jihadist duty defending Lebanon and the Christians from Takfiris;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 25 October 2015, 01:04

good work is good work, we got to hand it to them: congratulations to the ISF for freeing the girl