Al-Rahi Visits Tripoli on Nov. 12 amid ‘Extraordinary’ Security Measures
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةMaronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi is scheduled to visit the northern city of Tripoli on November 12 as part of his ongoing tour of various Lebanese regions, reported the Central News Agency on Thursday.
It said that he is set to hold talks with a number of the city’s official, sectarian, and political figures.
Since being elected as patriarch earlier this year, al-Rahi had visited a number of Lebanese regions, including the South, Bekaa, and the Chouf.
He had recently returned to Lebanon from a trip to Iraq and prior to that he had spent nearly a month in the United States on a pastoral visit.
The new agency added that the Maronite Patriarchate in Tripoli had held a meeting to prepare for al-Rahi’s trip.
The visit has increased significance due to the city's diverse political and sectarian nature and the security unrest it has witnessed in recent months amid calls to strip the city of its weapons.
Extraordinary security measures will consequently accompany the patriarch’s visit to Tripoli.

Tripoli is the real hell dont even think to go there, especially the next day is the black 13

Quit the fear mongering nothing is going to happen to him...i

Tripoli is where my dad is from, I miss it alot, but it is full of crazies lol. He needs extra protection haha

اعتقد ان كل الناس مرحب بهم بطرابلس, حيث انها قلعة المسلمين لا بل واللبنانين, و اعتقد كل الكلام عن خطورة الوضع في طرابلس هو كلام سياسي و تخويفي لابقاء رؤوس الاموال خارج طرابلس كي لا ينعم الطرابلسيين بوضع اقتصادي احسن و ذلك كي يبقوا دائما واقفين عند ابواب الزعامات السياسية التي تبيعهم كلاما بالهوا لا يغني و لا يقى من جوع.
طرابلس و الشمال ترحب دائما بالزوار كي يروا بام اعيونهم انها مدينة تنبض بالحياة مثلها مثل العاصمة.

monseigneur rahi is just rectifying his standing at the start of his "reign".
visiting tripoly is equalizing with visiting the south,,, he is taking care of farsis and wahabies..
he will find wahaby viruses in the lebanese al fayha"a
as he noticed farsi viruses in the jnoub and hermel
please monseigneur visit regions of lebanon as parts of bilad el arz not parts of political "fait accompli".. the lebanese are thirsty for the power of the state.