Russian Jets Shell Gunmen Posts on Eastern Mountain Range

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Russian jets shelled on Monday the positions of gunmen on the eastern mountain range, reported the National News Agency.

It said that the sound of explosions could be heard in the border area with Syria on the outskirts of the northeastern border region of Arsal.

The area is has been infiltrated by gunmen linked to the Syrian conflict.

Russia joined in September the Syrian regime in combating the threat of extremists in the country.

The shelling in the neighboring country is frequently heard in Lebanese border regions.

Comments 8
Thumb _mowaten_ 07 December 2015, 14:03

lol you're such a joke
1- the strikes are located in syria (only "heard" across the border)
2- funny how you never were bothered by having armed foreign terrorists in arsal and never saw it as a violation of sovereignty, but squeal the second someone starts smashing them.

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 December 2015, 14:15

lol keep on dreaming, or better yet, man up and try to put your money where your mouth is. i can guarantee you the next time you make mistake of turning against the people of lebanon and their resistance, it will not end with just a slap on the wrist. would be the perfect opportunity to clear this country from saudi slaves and zionist conspirators once and for all.

and ps: thanks for confirming you support nusra/daesh in arsal since you omitted to mention them in those to be gotten "rid" of.

Thumb Mystic 07 December 2015, 16:03

Al Nusra are legitimate according to terrorist.salafi

Thumb Mystic 07 December 2015, 16:10

terrorist, we will all rather die than let you takfiris take over anything, when did you cowards ever fight against Israel, you are quick to fight against the shi3a, but never fire a bullet towards the zionists, because in truth you hate us more than Israel indeed.

Thumb Mystic 07 December 2015, 16:13

I remember in 2006, many people from Tripoli said they hope Israel finishes off the Resistance.
Yes, do you think we forgot about that? Yet you whine about our people going into Syria to fight your takfiri scourge off.

Thumb _mowaten_ 07 December 2015, 16:59

lol "mowaten.lewati.kteer" (as you call yourself), you think the sewer coming out of your mouth impacts me? it only reflects what you are, how frustrated, hateful and uneducated you are and how much my words hurt you :)

Missing coolmec 07 December 2015, 14:42

Hey guys
You never cease to amaze me. Still bickering and mutually blaming. Don't you think it is time for all Lebanese to unite and save the country??

Thumb justin 07 December 2015, 19:19

مقتل 6 عناصر من ميليشيا حزب الله في غارة للطائرات الإسرائيلية على مواقعهم داخل بلدة فليطة بالقلمون