Hizbullah Accuses U.S. for Riyadh's Execution of Nimr, Blames it for 'Covering up' Saudi Crimes
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah condemned on Saturday Saudi Arabia's execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, holding the United States responsible for the development.
It said in a statement: “We hold the U.S. and its allies, who are presenting direct protection to the Saudi regime, responsible for covering up the kingdom's crimes against it people and those of the region.”
“We demand that the international community condemn the crime committed by Saudi Arabia,” it added.
“It should ensure that the rights of a people ruled by oppression and ignorance be granted,” it continued.
“Nimr's execution through weak excuses and empty verdicts cannot be accepted by reason or justice,” it added.
“Nimr's adherence to his convictions to the point of his martyrdom will destroy the Saud dynasty's injustice,” declared Hizbullah.
“This crime will remain a black mark that will plague the Saudi regime that has been committing massacres since its inception,” it stated.
Saudi Arabia on Saturday executed 47 people convicted of "terrorism", including prominent Shiite cleric Nimr behind anti-government protests, the interior ministry said.
The 56-year-old cleric was a driving force of the protests that broke out in 2011 in the Sunni-ruled kingdom's east, where the Shiite minority complains of marginalization.
The list also includes Sunnis convicted of involvement in Al-Qaida attacks that killed Saudis and foreigners in the kingdom in 2003 and 2004.
Nimr's execution also drew condemnations from the Higher Islamic Shiite Council, the AMAL movement, Iran, and Iraq.

With this mans execution the beginning of the end for the Wahhabi regime now begins! Its fate is sealed and the good people of Arabia from all sects will begin!! You died a shaheed Ya shiek standing for truth and justice,you follow in the footsteps of Ya Abi Abdila...Labayka Ya Hussien!

Sheikh Nimr already knew he was going to get martyred, this comes as no surprise.
He welcomed death with joy and dignity.
Allah yer7amo.

Ofcourse you ask me this question Wahabi from texas. You will get my answer. Now ofcourse an March 14 Saudi stooge as yourself will fire such minor incidents up, did anybody die? It was warning shots american.
Who send that chopper so close to the Syrian border? It was definetely not an army decision, but March 14 one, someone told that pilot to fly close over the Syrian border, plus March 14 bears fault of Lebanon not joining the Syrian, Iranian, Russian coalition, which means the LAF and SAA aren't cooperating as they should.
We also saw the Syrian helicopters striking Arsal being targeted by LAF anti aircraft fire before. So I guess this is unfortunately karma hitting back, and we should join the Syrian army in their fight against Wahabism, but March 14 Mostaqbal and anti christ people from Kataeb and Lebanese Cowards deny this.

pityful miss tic...."Who send that chopper so close to the Syrian border? It was definetely not an army decision, but March 14 one"
now the lebanese army does not obey the army chain of commands but M14!
don't try to look more idiot than you are.... you ll do anything to throw discredit on the lebanese army... see how anti lebanese you are , and how you always belittle the national army... pityful traitor you are!

listen to the iranian justifying his disloyalty to Lebanon.
"Who send that chopper so close to the Syrian border? It was definetely not an army decision, but March 14 one, someone told that pilot to fly close over the Syrian border,"
It is our airspace and we do what the hell we like with it despite your iranian filthy wishes. You are the cancer of Lebanon and the region.

When the Lebanese Army bombs Nusra in Raas Baalbek we do not see or hear you people praise it neither.
March 14 hails it when it is in their interests only. Like we saw when the Syrian anti aircraft fired warning shots the other day.

sure we praise it miss tic the iranian traitor... and we even tell you that the army is doing the job of protecting Lebanon and we do not need hezbis for that!
but you? always belittling it and making it appear weak because your propaganda tells you to repeat that...
but still thank you for the info that the lebanese soldiers do not obey their superiors but M14! LOL pityful idiot....

Libtard, you should be the last to mention sovereignty around here, you capitalist moron.
American freedom means hell.

It is the same reason that the LAF can't be allowed to get any other arms than American and Saudi caches.
The same reason that the Army is trained by American officers.
The same reason Mostaqbal keeps the army from cleansing Arsal.
The West have leashes around the LAF, and we wish to see those leashes cut off so our army can act independently and without foreign interference.

Fortunately most of the Army units are patriotic to Lebanon, as they were in 2006.
And we will not forget that, all we need is March 14 influence over their command to be removed.

surveillance for who texas? America that is, and March 14 gave the order for that.

what you want miss tic is not the army to be independant but the army to obey hezbollah and not hezbollah obeying the army... that is the main difference...
would you want hezbollah to obey the national army and reinforce it?? NO....
so to belittle as they are still not obeying hezbis, you say it is controlled by mustaqbal , a binary mind cannot think otherwise...

"surveillance for who texas? America that is"
pityful miss tic... tomorrow he ll say that the lebanese army is working for israel as they are working for the US now according to his stupidity so hezbollah can fight it with a totally fabricated pretext!!!!...
why aren't ezbis shooting at lebanese soldiers then? death to amrikaaaa no? so death to its lackeys.... idiot miss tic and his desperate BS....

By the way, the Syrian airforce bombed Lebanese towns Arsal etc. That Nusra and ISIS used to cross in and out to attack Syria.
Yet they were met with anti aircraft fire, instead of the March 14 ordering the cleansing Arsal from ISIS and Nusra/Ahrar Al sham.

good boy miss tic... still defending bashar's army over the lebanese one... we see where your interests are... certainly not for Lebanon...
i guess if israel bombs nusra inside Lebanon then the army should let them mou hek? as syria can bomb Lebanon with your approval!

Don't lecture me about LAF, I see you people over and over again smearing General Aoun and Abbas Ibrahim every chance you can get.
We all have our own views, this is my view on the March 14 influnced commanders.

thanks for admitting that hezbis believe the lebanese army is working for the zionists... easier now to target them at the first opportunity moooo hek? ...
good traitor you are miss tic.....
oh btw: i didn't know that aoun was still in charge of the army! another brilliant stupidity from miss tic!!!

Sheikh nimr was against hizbollaat and ASSad calling him and anyone that defends him an oppressor.

Terrorists and killers of innocent people must face the justice system wherever they live and abide by those laws.
Those who killed the Lebanese Army soldiers in Nahr el Bared and are jailed for life in Roumieh, should be hanged as well. The statement reads that terrorists of all religions were executed so I do not see what's wrong with that. In Russia or Syria you get executed the mafia style, relatives will discover Ghazi Kan3an and many others either dead in a suicide news or left at the edge of the road claimed to be hit by the car. This is called the Mafia style execution without ANY justice system.

Perfectly said like the Paid Saudi stooge u are indeed Texy
"M14ers, a special kind of stupid"

Shia in Lebanon don't care about cleric, they are just interested in fornication and buying big cars.

Saudi Arabia does not provide a due process and should be condemned for carrying out such executions. However, Iran and Hezbollah and their supporters are the last one who should talk. They support a regime that tortured and executed tens of thousands of Syrians.

People should know that Sheik Nimr did not support Assad and called him a Tyrant.

Did this sectarian terrorist call for incitement and hatred? True
Did this sectarian terrorist call for revolt based on Iran's orders? True
Did this sectarian terrorist shoot at the KSA police and kill 3 policemen? True
Did this sectarian terrorist get shot while he was evading police? True
When Assir shot at the army, the hezbollah sheep kept asking for his execution but when their shia cousin shoots at the KSA police he is a hero.
Well done KSA for executing this traitor.

what is interesting is why hezbollah and the shia of Lebanon seem so concerned with the death of this so called "cleric". It is an internal matter and should be treated as such. How many executions take place in Iran and specifically for petty crimes. I read a few days ago the Iranians executed a poet for criticizing the shias.

Which right has Ebola to talk to a State as if it is a "state".
We are witnessing the phagocytosis of our Lebanon....

Seriously, what business is it of Hezbollah to interfere in what's going on in Saudi Arabia. This goes to show you the sectarian nature of this fake lebanese group. There were tens of executions today of terrorists in Saudi Arabia and this Nimr was one of them. Who is Hezbollah to tell the Saudis what to do?!!!

Any more proof needed this hezbollah is an Iranian terror group?

it was a rare occasion today to get both Sunni and Shiite jihadists in one room and let them sort out their differences in a civilized manner. I facilitated the hectic meeting and we all came to an agreement to hold further sessions. I suggested a few team building exercises for both groups and Sheikh Nimr was brilliant.

How Sad......!!! What did Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr do to deserve such a horrible fate? Is it because he was defending the oppressed and downtrodden who happened to be of the shia faith as usual? Is that a crime now? Is shooting back at the Saudi police in self defense and setting police cars on fire a crime now? This can't be right. I am so upset right now I cannot contain myself....

The shias in KSA are not oppressed and they enjoy the best standard of living. They are as much oppressed as the rest of the Saudi citizens if that pleases you. The Khomeini regime in Iran is agitating all the shias in the arab world for religious and political purposes. This terrorist was openly calling for cessation of the eastern province from the rest of Saudi Aabia and for the establishment of Wilayah Al Faqih. In Lebanon, the security forces are arresting on charges of terrorism anyone with a photo of ISIS flag on his phone. The Saudis are doing what any normal country would do.

“We hold the U.S. and its allies, who are presenting direct protection to the Saudi regime, responsible for covering up the kingdom's crimes against it people and those of the region.”
hypocrit hezbis... never seen you condemened the more than 700 executions in iran....
There has been an "unprecedented spike" in the number of executions in Iran, Amnesty International has warned.
"The rights group said it believed 694 people were killed between 1 January and 15 July, almost three times the figure acknowledged by the authorities."

the point is: iran saudis or chinese are the same terror regime when it comes to execute people often under unfair charges...
but hezbis never see that so focused they are on their BS propaganda of making the saudis the bad guys while they support the very same regime in iran! LOLLLL

see how silent those hezbis barking dogs were concerning the army's helicopter shot by syria?
so prompt to bark when their party tell them to, but silent when it comes to issues that may hurt their propaganda!

The voice of reason...but they will never be able to answer your logical argument...

I make a major difference between my Shia brothers and Ebola. Not all Shia are Ebola members. I am against Ebola because I am against wars which are damaging to our country. Ebola has not understood that we need to be not only friends, but brothers. They are not taking into consideration our need for living together, working together, and being happy together. They are pursuing their own agenda which corresponds to their own interests, not the common interest, not for the common good.

I love your Team Building exercises...try to get your new participants one more step forward and train them in building empathy.
May be I am asking too much, but I trust your immense talents...

"btw, the decent Saudi people must rebel against this repressive, criminal and retarded regime, the sooner the better, otherwise different neighbouring countries may find themselves obliged to do it!"
the day you will condemn iran as strongly as you condemned saudis, you will be credible..iran who executes as much if not more than saudis!!!!
i condemn both regimes! are you able to do the same? i doubt it little iranian bootlicker....
till then you are just the voice of your master in iran with zero credibility... my advice? save your energy for things worth it!

When the Saudi justice system accuses and sentences 46 terrorists to death it is fine and just when those executed are not shias but the in the case of the 47th terrorist who happens to be shia the justice system is biased, barbaric, and wahabi.

lol, ok there bud...yeah double standards and it happens there more than you'll ever know.....http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-rights-idUSKBN0LZ19V20150303

Political prisoner??? A known terrorist who wanted to mimic wilayat al faqih in saudi arabia. The way you shias are weeping over this terrorist sounds like he was a nobel prize candidate. He is no different than nassrallah or the houthi in yemen.

the hezbollah flags were obvious among those who torched the embassy right under the nose of the "approving" iranian security forces guarding the embassy.

Nassrallah should be next. He is a proven criminal directly responsible for the massacres of thousands of Lebanese, Syrians, Bahrainis and Yemenis, etc. The irony is the terrorist organization is calling upon Human Rights groups to condemn the execution of his look alike in Saudi Arabia. Since when does the iranian thug believes in Human Rights or the United Nations.